Player Freezing & Buffering Stoppage.

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Player Freezing & Buffering Stoppage.

Post by Beastro »

The freezing popped up a good half a year ago. Every so often the player will just stop no matter the buffering or what I do like hit the play and pause buton, then after about 10-60 minutes will resume as if nothing had happened.

The buffering issue is recent, within the last week or so where the player will be able to play, but it'll reach a certain point in a video and refuse to buffer more. On top of that it feels that if the video plays enough to run out of time and hits the end of what's buffered it refuses to load more unless I leave it be, then it eventually does it after a good 10-20minutes.

While this can happen throughout a video, the most common place it hits is near the beginning of a video, usually around when the intro is finished. I've noticed that binging on rewatching Star Trek recaps while I do other things and currently going through Voyager, which in its case the video stops around when the episode title and production number pops up whether I let the intro play on it's own or skip to that part (which is what I've mostly been doing, there's only so much of Harleys and Indians I can listen to every 15 minutes).

It'll also do it when I'll reload and skip ahead to where I was, only it'll load a bit more before stopping.

All of this is making watching videos here annoying, even when it comes to watching just the occasional new one as they come along. All of this was tolerable before when it would hit only once or twice in a watching period of 6 hours or so, but now it's become something afflicting 9 videos out of 10.

I know it might be my comp, but its only effecting videos here. YouTube and elsewhere are fine, even the couple videos I've tested on Vidme's site itself, though I don't know if that's the player having a good moment or something.

It's a laptop using Win10, browser is Firefox. I'll try fiddling on Chrome in a minute now that the thoughts come to me.

Edit: Chrome's doing it too, but at a redused rate at least. I'm back to being able to ocassionally watch an entire video without interruption, but it still hits, again, especially at the end of the Voyager intro.
Last edited by Beastro on Mon Nov 20, 2017 2:21 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Player Freezing & Buffering Stoppage.

Post by PlasmaHam »

I'm experiencing the same problem using Chrome. And yes, it most often kicks in around the end of the video's intro, and if I skip ahead, it plays for awhile then freezes up again.

Started for me about 4 days ago, and it has seemed to have gotten worse over time. Not sure what it may be, but atleast it isn't just me.
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Re: Player Freezing & Buffering Stoppage.

Post by TheNewTeddy »

I've had this too. I've been tinkering with various things to see if it helps (such as quality settings, adblock usage, etc) but so far have not found anything guaranteed to work.
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Re: Player Freezing & Buffering Stoppage.

Post by TheNewTeddy »

After further testing, nothing seems to work reliably, except for simply reloading and reloading the video, and waiting at the pause, until it loads.
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Re: Player Freezing & Buffering Stoppage.

Post by PlasmaHam »

Yep, whatever that was, it appears to be gone now. No problems with videos anymore.
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Re: Player Freezing & Buffering Stoppage.

Post by TheNewTeddy »

in hindsight I wonder if this was a sign
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