'Writer Jennifer Rosner predicts COVID-19 lockdowns will force easy-breezy millennials to grow up.'

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Re: 'Writer Jennifer Rosner predicts COVID-19 lockdowns will force easy-breezy millennials to grow up.'

Post by Draco Dracul »

Captain Crimson wrote: Thu Apr 29, 2021 5:55 am It is a genuine criticism, for Boomer individuals and not whole generations.
But a big reason the Boomer politicians are still in power is die to the boomers on the ground that keep voting for them.
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Re: 'Writer Jennifer Rosner predicts COVID-19 lockdowns will force easy-breezy millennials to grow up.'

Post by Captain Crimson »

Is it, really.

Tons of people voted for Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump that are below 50 years old. That's not Baby Boomers or Gen X.

Now that IS prejudiced to say it's merely Boomers perpetuating this system we have. I'd say it's more so the autocratic systems don't want to let up the Boomer stranglehold on government and business, not the actual people. Because they are that afraid of change.

I've seen leftists use that very argument, almost in a celebratory way, that the more Boomers die, the more younger people inherit the Earth. Have we, yet? We haven't. Despite many Boomers passing away. Because the system won't let that go.

And if we're gonna rail on the "entitled and lazy" Millennial stereotype, can we please LET GO of the stereotype all older people are right-wingers? Even classical liberals are too right for the young woke Twitter nuts today. That I object to, strongly.
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Re: 'Writer Jennifer Rosner predicts COVID-19 lockdowns will force easy-breezy millennials to grow up.'

Post by ProfessorDetective »

Captain Crimson wrote: Thu Apr 29, 2021 6:32 am And if we're gonna rail on the "entitled and lazy" Millennial stereotype, can we please LET GO of the stereotype all older people are right-wingers? Even classical liberals are too right for the young woke Twitter nuts today. That I object to, strongly.
Oh, there are still plenty of the flower children and MLK-era civil rights activists left to make that stereotype false. But there are definitely areas (especially in the Rural South) where the ratio is noticeably tipped to the right.

And, looking at the members of the Republican party... This might be a 'not all boomers in office are right-wingers, but most right-wingers in office are boomers' situation.
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Re: 'Writer Jennifer Rosner predicts COVID-19 lockdowns will force easy-breezy millennials to grow up.'

Post by Captain Crimson »

I guess I could see the logic to that interpretation.
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Re: 'Writer Jennifer Rosner predicts COVID-19 lockdowns will force easy-breezy millennials to grow up.'

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

Captain Crimson wrote: Thu Apr 29, 2021 6:32 am And if we're gonna rail on the "entitled and lazy" Millennial stereotype, can we please LET GO of the stereotype all older people are right-wingers? Even classical liberals are too right for the young woke Twitter nuts today. That I object to, strongly.
Actually, they are, but for more complex reasons than "boomers suck".

It's not that old people are more likely to be conservative, but conservatives are more likely to grow old. Statistically, the poor and oppressed are more likely to die before they become the age of the current boomers, while people born into privilege and generational wealth are more likely to have the top-quality healthcare, live in safe neighborhoods, experience less external stress that puts pressure on their heart, exposed to less pollution, etc.

There's no shortage of young republicans destined for a six-figure job at daddy's company or twenty-something Proud Boys chanting "Jews will not replace us!", but those people are probably going to survive long enough to grow elderly. The young people you see protesting police brutality and defending the water supply from oil pipelines have a good chance of dying because they tried to ration their unaffordable insulin, drinking Flint-style tap water, rubber bullet to the eye socket, or exposure while sleeping under a bridge.
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Re: 'Writer Jennifer Rosner predicts COVID-19 lockdowns will force easy-breezy millennials to grow up.'

Post by Captain Crimson »

And what about Latino Republicans? Have you talked to any of them? But stereotypes is the bread and butter of the day, apparently.

On immigration, they went right into the arms of Mr. Trump. Because despite what the left believes, there are no easy answers.
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Re: 'Writer Jennifer Rosner predicts COVID-19 lockdowns will force easy-breezy millennials to grow up.'

Post by TGLS »

Captain Crimson wrote: Fri Apr 30, 2021 12:59 am And what about Latino Republicans?

On immigration, they went right into the arms of Mr. Trump.
I don't know about the intersection of the two. But in the last election Latin Americans broke about 1/3 Republican 2/3 Democrat, broadly comparable to:
-> Asians
-> Moderates
-> First Time Voters
-> People who aren't White Evangelical/Born-Agains
-> Non-Christians


You may say "Not the ones I've talked to", and I can only say that 10% of self-described liberals and 5% of self-described Democrats voted for Trump last election.
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Re: 'Writer Jennifer Rosner predicts COVID-19 lockdowns will force easy-breezy millennials to grow up.'

Post by Captain Crimson »

The consensus of the silent majority on this issue seems to be, they want a path to amnesty for the DREAMERS and other subgroupings of illegal immigrants, and they want harsher crackdowns on illegal immigration. It's just becoming a mess that shows no resolution in the near future, and there are no easy answers, but the DNC has hijacked the "demographics are destiny" narrative by ignoring that it always relied on a substantial support base among white people. And yet those demographics are materializing, and it's not in the way they think it is. DNC just wants more and more Latino and Latina immigrants to head here in the vain hopes it secures their future power base so they can ignore the needs of white voters in middle America. That's just not gonna work given how unpopular corporate democrats are. And it ensures Mr. Trump's underdog shocker upset in '16 is doomed to repeat iself.

The two biggest Latino blocs I know of that have this viewpoint of wanting harsher measures taken against illegal immigration, who were in fact getting more uptight about the caravan incident a while back than even a few white voters, are Mexicans and Cubans. And it will most certainly not materialize in the way the coastal white liberal elites hope, as the Latinos and Latinas I've met want to be treated more equal, which the MSM spin-doctors as associating in "white mainstream ideology." No, they just want a more egalitarian world and a meritocracy, and consider themselves classical liberals, but that's just too right-wing for certain segments of this country's fanatics and out-of-touch political figureheads.
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Re: 'Writer Jennifer Rosner predicts COVID-19 lockdowns will force easy-breezy millennials to grow up.'

Post by ProfessorDetective »

Captain Crimson wrote: Fri Apr 30, 2021 3:19 am No, they just want a more egalitarian world and a meritocracy, and consider themselves classical liberals, but that's just too right-wing for certain segments of this country's fanatics and out-of-touch political figureheads.
So, they just to be treated like they're people and be given a fair shot at life? Now, THAT I can agree with.
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Re: 'Writer Jennifer Rosner predicts COVID-19 lockdowns will force easy-breezy millennials to grow up.'

Post by CmdrKing »

The trouble with "meritocracy" is it's only even theoretically achievable if we assume people individually have the same starting point in terms of material resources and training. In other words, you can really only accurately judge merit among people who have similar wealth and upbringing.

This is provably not the case anywhere in the world at this point in time, but in my experience "Classical Liberals" will fight harder than anyone else against any effort to make the playing field even the slightest bit closer to even.

So the answer to "why do all my libertarian friends get treated like crap by The Left" is no more complicated than "they are probably in fact complete assholes who fight against the things they claim to stand for".
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