Dragon Age 2 vs. Mass Effect 3: Which is Worse?

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Dragon Age 2 vs. Mass Effect 3: Which is Worse?

Post by Winter »

The answer, of course, is Mass Effect: Andromeda.

All jokes aside which of the two games is the overall weaker? Both games have rather awful endings but most would agree that ME3 is still the more infamous of the two. ME3 has arguably better gameplay but DA2 gives players more control over Hawke's character while ME3 reduces are control over Shepard. ME3 has the much stronger maps but DA2 has more varied missions that allow you to play the game in any order you want while ME3 rarely, if ever, allows you to handle the story in any order you want. DA2 arguably had a more positive effect on Dragon Age as a whole by giving the series a more unique art style, the inclusion of the sarcastic middle option on the dialogue wheel and set the ground work for better stories to be told down the line while ME3 hindered the series moving forward BUT is at least still remembered in pop culture while DA2 is largely over looked.

So, which game do you think is the overall better game, DA2 or ME3?
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Re: Dragon Age 2 vs. Mass Effect 3: Which is Worse?

Post by CharlesPhipps »

I loved Dragon Age 2.

I wish more games were about a single city and not changing the entire world.

They should have leaned MORE into the whole "Noir Detective meets Fantasy" thing.
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Re: Dragon Age 2 vs. Mass Effect 3: Which is Worse?

Post by King Green »

ME:3, the fact you mod your armor and guns without using cover with broken mods is too irresistible! Plus, I am a bit of a Tali fan, the romance between her and Shep is adorable, even if you also mod it where Tali's going lesbian.
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Re: Dragon Age 2 vs. Mass Effect 3: Which is Worse?

Post by Worffan101 »

ME3. It's at least a fun game right up until those last 15 minutes.
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