Trump VS. Athletes

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Karha of Honor
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Re: Trump VS. Athletes

Post by Karha of Honor »

The Romulan Republic wrote:So, an unsupported assumption that immigrants don't know English and will be unable or unwilling to learn English, and thereby be unable to support themselves (characterizing immigrants implicitly as lazy and uneducated leeches), coupled with an appeal to tradition fallacy.

Yeah, I'm not convinced.
You made the case there will be barely any new jobs, so why do this? They are less motivated to learn English if they cannot get a job no matter how many languages they speak.
The Romulan Republic
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Re: Trump VS. Athletes

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Because getting a job is the only benefit to knowing the most common language of the country you live in. Or, you know, not.
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Karha of Honor
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Re: Trump VS. Athletes

Post by Karha of Honor »

The Romulan Republic wrote:Because getting a job is the only benefit to knowing the most common language of the country you live in. Or, you know, not.
If you are well of weirdo...

if you are someone who lives from paycheck to paycheck and hangs out with dudes working with their hands...
The Romulan Republic
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Re: Trump VS. Athletes

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Antiboyscout wrote:I am being sarcastic, I'm pointing out the hypocrisy on the Pro-immigration side.
What hypocrisy?

I mean, sure, you can cherry-pick examples to make just about any position look bad, but there's nothing inherently hypocritical about having a pro-immigration stance, and trying to use the hypocrisy of some individuals on the pro-immigration side to discredit the entire argument would be an ad hominem fallacy.
And the Breitbart article is not evidence. It is simply funny that a Mexican immigrant advocating for immigration, that has live in the US for 17 years, still requires a translator to call Trump a racist.
What's "funny" about it? Is it "funny" because you feel that it supports your anti-immigrant beliefs? Or is it just "funny" because "Ha Ha, look at the stupid Mexican who can't learn English?"
Antiboyscout wrote:Also did you even read the artical?

If so, Tell me who was working for Trump, and who suggested that only white people speak english, and are they the same person?
I'm not going to click on a Breitbart link.
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Re: Trump VS. Athletes

Post by Antiboyscout »

The Romulan Republic wrote:
I'm not going to click on a Breitbart link.
Only one of them was a Breitbart link, and it wasn't the one I was referring to. I guess the answer is 'no' you didn't read it, and I'm guessing that extends to both of them.
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Admiral X
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Re: Trump VS. Athletes

Post by Admiral X »

To be fair, the Germans from Russia who immigrated to North Dakota tended to live in insular communities made up entirely of Germans from Russian, and most of them spoke German and knew little if any English. It took WWI and the anti-German sentiment that went along with it for that to change. I honestly hope it doesn't take something like that to encourage modern immigrants to integrate in the US, but it is my stance that anyone looking to immigrate here does integrate, and a good step toward that would be learning the language.
"Black care rarely sits behind a rider whose pace is fast enough."
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Karha of Honor
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Re: Trump VS. Athletes

Post by Karha of Honor »

Admiral X wrote:To be fair, the Germans from Russia who immigrated to North Dakota tended to live in insular communities made up entirely of Germans from Russian, and most of them spoke German and knew little if any English. It took WWI and the anti-German sentiment that went along with it for that to change. I honestly hope it doesn't take something like that to encourage modern immigrants to integrate in the US, but it is my stance that anyone looking to immigrate here does integrate, and a good step toward that would be learning the language.
Also some cultural confidence would be neat. I hate how how the ivy League Gang took over mass media, publishing etc...

Bag on on US Foreign Policy all you want, but come on now let's not pretend the US has a uniquely evil culture.
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