Ent:Detained (aka, Fornicating Recta of the World, Unite!)

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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Ent:Detained (aka, Fornicating Recta of the World, Unite!)

Post by Darth Wedgius »

"Please, debate this." This can only turn out well.

IMHO, Archer was an idiot. He introduced Earth to an alien culture already strongly motivated by fear in a way that would make them very suspicious of any further overtures from Earth. Starfleet could have gotten intelligence from the Tandarans and a greater number of innocent Suliban might have been helped through diplomatic means than the number Archer broke out of the hoosegow. Earth and the Tandarans share a common enemy, but it shouldn't have been Archer.

But it would have meant leaving the Suliban in detention for longer while Archer flew off, and we don't know what diplomacy would have accomplished. And I'll ignore that Archer's plan put Suliban in danger that they weren't in otherwise, because the Suliban involved weren't drafted into the escape attempt and probably knew what they were getting into.

What I would have changed:
Have Merriweather really bond with the Suliban, including the kid. Have the father explain that the kid used to cry every night, but has just seemed hollow for months now. And Archer has decided to leave the Suliban in the camp. Make it evident that Merriweather is not happy about it. Merriweather's young and really wants to do something right now, and he's suspicious that Archer is motivated more by the potential for an alliance or intelligence than helping the Suliban. He may be right. IMHO, Archer's first duty is to Earth, especially during a war.

Archer offers the Tandarans an alliance in return for letting some of the Suliban emigrate. Archer wants the alliance anyway, wants the gratitude of friendly Suliban, and has to give the Suliban he hasn't met all the weight of the Suliban he has met, so for Archer this is ,"If you're nice enough, I'll let you give me cake." He's a starship captain, Starfleet's first out here, and he has to think more strategically than the helmsman has to. As they leave, the kid is looking blankly at Merriweather.

That gives reason for Archer being the one out there, gives two of the crew an understandable conflict, makes Archer look intelligent and thoughtful, still helps us get friendly Suliban helping later, and makes us respect Archer more as a captain. I realize three of those were the same thing, but it was badly needed.
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Re: Ent:Detained (aka, Fornicating Recta of the World, Unite!)

Post by GandALF »

It makes sense that Duchess would work with the lord of Numberwang

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Re: Ent:Detained (aka, Fornicating Recta of the World, Unite!)

Post by Rocketboy1313 »

You know this, "Any action is better than no action" stands in such contrast to the early days of TNG which seemed to lean on, "any action might be the wrong action let's do nothing".

It is like the show realized the early parts of TNG were boring and unheroic and they started to correct it by making the Federation more and more active even if it meant crossing the line, and then they overshot with Archer. It is a prequel, but they have him act like a character who earned his Captain status during the Dominion War and defaults to combat and strike but doesn't get bogged down in peaceful outreach.

Maybe this makes a little sense. Enterprise is set during a period in which Earth is tiny and has limited resources, so the crews they assemble prioritize frontier spirit and daring; compared to Kirk has been doing things in a world that got all of that out of its system and is more deliberate with exploration but won't hesitate to take charge; and Picard by the furthest contrast grew up in a galaxy tamed by the age of Kirk, now they hesitate to make waves, and have grown complacent and dull.
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Re: Ent:Detained (aka, Fornicating Recta of the World, Unite!)

Post by pornomancer90 »

Shit like this is the reason I laughed when Saru asked for a list of the most decorated starfleet captains and Archer was on of them, and you just know that the computer would´ve said that he came out on the Archer end, where his performance was concerned and he just didn´t want to hear it. Seriously, the incompetence in writing Archers character is astounding, it´s like the writers wanted to say, that you don´t need to put any thought into anything you do, because self righteous unthinking stubbornness is the best way to reach your goals.
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Re: Ent:Detained (aka, Fornicating Recta of the World, Unite!)

Post by Antiboyscout »

pornomancer90 wrote:Shit like this is the reason I laughed when Saru asked for a list of the most decorated starfleet captains and Archer was on of them, and you just know that the computer would´ve said that he came out on the Archer end, where his performance was concerned and he just didn´t want to hear it. Seriously, the incompetence in writing Archers character is astounding, it´s like the writers wanted to say, that you don´t need to put any thought into anything you do, because self righteous unthinking stubbornness is the best way to reach your goals.
Maybe awards are given for being first.
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Re: Ent:Detained (aka, Fornicating Recta of the World, Unite!)

Post by BlackoutCreature2 »

Political allegories aside, what always got me about this episode was that it introduced Grat and the Tandarans and made them seem like they would be major players in the Temporal Cold War and the Suliban conflict, and then the show did nothing with them ever again. Well scratch that, I think a Tandaran spy tried to seduce Archer in the B-plot of a completely forgettable episode later in the season, but otherwise we never see or hear about them again.

Starfleet insisting on forming some kind of alliance with the Tandarans to battle the Suliban over Archer's objections could've been an interesting storyline, but I doubt it was even considered. That to me just shows how really poorly thought out the whole TCW storyline really was.
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Re: Ent:Detained (aka, Fornicating Recta of the World, Unite!)

Post by Durandal_1707 »

Antiboyscout wrote:
pornomancer90 wrote:Shit like this is the reason I laughed when Saru asked for a list of the most decorated starfleet captains and Archer was on of them, and you just know that the computer would´ve said that he came out on the Archer end, where his performance was concerned and he just didn´t want to hear it. Seriously, the incompetence in writing Archers character is astounding, it´s like the writers wanted to say, that you don´t need to put any thought into anything you do, because self righteous unthinking stubbornness is the best way to reach your goals.
Maybe awards are given for being first.
Quick, how many things can you think of that George Washington did as president?
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Re: Ent:Detained (aka, Fornicating Recta of the World, Unite!)

Post by Mickey_Rat15 »

Antiboyscout wrote:Maybe awards are given for being first.
I see it likely that as Archer's command did not end in complete disaster and perhaps he got decent press coverage for his exploits it was too embarassing not to cover Archer in decorations.

I shudder to think what abomination of nature Phlox performed on Reed to give him the Suliban split-pea oatmeal complexion.
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Re: Ent:Detained (aka, Fornicating Recta of the World, Unite!)

Post by Rocketboy1313 »

Durandal_1707 wrote:Quick, how many things can you think of that George Washington did as president?
It is not fair for me to answer, because I have degrees in this.
The two most important things he did (that were not at the behest of Hamilton or Jefferson) was the suppression of the Whiskey Rebellion and setting the precedent of limiting one's time as President to two terms (this extends to refusing to be named King George I, an idea that was kicked around).

Really, the biggest thing (the establishment of the national bank) was more Hamilton's doing and had Hamilton not been an insufferable Bastard he likely would have been President down the line.
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Re: Ent:Detained (aka, Fornicating Recta of the World, Unite!)

Post by Shuboy07 »

I figured Chuck had to address the fact that Bakula and Stockwell worked together on Quantum Leap but I like that he just subtly said it and moved on.

On the fact that Archer appeared in a list of great captains on Discovery, I personally think the writers included his name as an inside joke. Any long time Trek fans should at least chuckle at seeing his name presented this way.
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