Madner Kami wrote:
So the girls start wearing uniform miniskirt as soon as Kirk is in command? Why am I not surprised...
Not 100% sure on the Stardates but it's actually sometime after he takes command; the second pilot had mostly the same uniforms as the first; eg the female doctor/esp specialist wore the same uniform as the men. Not sure if any of the other early produced episodes had the old style uniforms or how soon it took for the skirts to become ubiquitous.
That being said, considering the differences in character between Kirk and Pike, it might have less to do with Kirk wanting more sex appeal/the women trying to catch his eye, and more to do with Pike being more straight laced and demanding stricter dress code while on duty (assuming it wasn't a general shift in dress code in Starfleet/Federation society).
One little thing I really liked was the thing about draining the phasers to increase the Pimphand's integrity fields. We were told about these design flaws way back in The Search, and how O'Brien had to come up with some hacks to keep it from ripping itself a new one, so it's nice to see that actually be relevant for once.
I think it's an ending that would be worth essentially remaking this episode in a future Star Trek series for.
It totally changes the premise of the episode from trying to save someone that you can't to dealing with the emotional issues both they and them would face in such circumstances.