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Post by Winter »

hammerofglass wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 11:32 am
Thebestoftherest wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 9:20 pm
Gridlock1987 wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 8:44 pm
Yukaphile wrote: Fri Sep 10, 2021 1:48 amIt just bugs me so fuckin' much because YOU'RE the fan they want. Not me. Not someone who'd like to read a Legends novel or comic set in the older timeline, that respects the decades of continuity, which ties into the events there. Someone who loves something brought back to canon for reasons I can't fathom. Well, whatever. I don't think this will end the way you think.
I like parts of the old canon. I like parts of the new canon. Recently I bought a lot of comics from Legends, Marvel run, some of Dark Horse. Read it all, loved some of it, some not that much. Same with books. I played KotOR 1 and 2 at least 15 times each, one of my most favorite Star Wars games ever. And I'm looking forward to this remake (thought I hope much more for a remake of KotOR 2, with all the cut content back, and polished). Not thrilled about them changing anything, but we will just have to wait and see. Damn, I would pay shitload of money for a remake of Rogue Squadron trilogy. Or Star Wars Racer. Or Shadows of the Empire. Spent so much time playing those back in the day. Not sure what kind of a fan that makes me by your standards.

All I know is that I like Star Wars in any form, being a fan for over 25 years now, and I can't wait for this remake.
Pay Yukaphile no mind, their just being butt hurt because they spends years reading books that no one other than the fans of that niche care for, and upset their making stuff for people other than them.
As I recall from the last cycle before they flounced Yukaphile hasn't read the books they praise. Or seen any of the Disney canon they condemn. To steal from Blackadder, they're mad something they've never seen is slightly less blue than something else they haven't seen.
That's why I always watch the things I review, I need context. Even if I have seen/played/read something I will do it again for the review (like I did with my TTT vs. TDST) because I might have missed something or my nostalgia/dislike might have written over what actually happened.

But Yukaphile well, I think Linkara put it best.
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Post by Yukaphile »

Against my better judgment, I'm posting here anyway. Because I really think I'll be vindicated in the end, so I see little to keep harping on until that time comes. But if you're going to keep calling me out...

I've actually read Rise of the Shadow Academy and dive deeper with every passing year. You'd be shocked at how it's everything The Last Jedi haters despise from the Disney trilogy of movies. I'm also plain opposed to shameless marketing practices. I've said it before, for all their TOR updates, they shun the Legends label to deliberately try to confuse normies to its timeline placement, despite being FIRMLY Legends for a game that released in 2011. They did the same for older EU cartoons up on Disney+, calling them "vintage." I think they consider the casual tier of consumers to be TV shows, movies, and video games. Anything below that gets the "trash" Legends label, anything above that does not. Like "vintage" or Legends does not apply where it literally does apply. This is not toxic to want the storyline you have followed and love to be continued, especially since they themselves use George Lucas's words to call it a parallel timeline anyway. Don't give me that crap Lucasfilm and casual fans peddle about how it never had continuity. I've watched Matt Wilkins' reviews enough as a supplement to know that all the non-canon stuff was appropriately labeled, everything else fit firmly into the C Canon. Star Wars Tales, that would be S or N Canon. It even says on the first page the owner to the shop in the actual comic isn't entirely about "historical accuracies." It's why they want to confuse normies into thinking "Legends is back" due to some stupid easter egg that means nothing. To get buzz trending. No substance. They may say "Kyle Katarn" or "Durge" is back. Their stories can't coexist in the Disney timeline. It's more shameless and deceptive marketing, like I've said before. I know from others about everything the later books were doing, and frankly, I accept that. Warts and all. Mara's death, the death of Anakin Solo, everything. You're not going to get Heir to the Empire adapted into Disney Star Wars in the same universe as Rey and Kylo Ren, I've said it before. The Solo twins were erased in favor of them.

Let's look at it this way. Force Awakens was just a rebooted New Hope hipped to Legacy of the Force. We know that. I think this KOTOR remake is the same thing. It's another trap. I hear comparisons to FF7, and I think that can apply. That might be what the final product ends up. And hey, EVERYONE at Lucasfilm calls themselves a Dave Filoni acolyte, we hear that over and over. Yet look at the KOTOR lore he himself botched. He was making the Disney canon before Disney bought it. Onderon and Dxun. They kept that consistent between Tales of the Jedi to the KOTOR games. He steps in, and suddenly Onderon is purple. And where the hell is Dxun? Oh, and visuals don't match up for Dathomir either, if he'd ever actually read Courtship of Princess Leia (totally on my list, I love how the Nightsisters were depicted back in the day - as just one sect of Witches on Dathomir). How about Malachor V on Rebels? I hear lots of people make up excuses for this, but really, since that's for kids, the ONLY people who'd care about the shout-out would be the older fans, the only ones who'd get it. So don't insist "it's just another planet in the same system." It HAS to be Malachor V, and it's round. In the C-Canon ending, it broke up. We turned off the Mass Shadow Generator and so it shouldn't be around in the Rebellion times anyway. But then that's more proof he's writing for Disney and always was even before Disney bought it. How about that he was going to put Revan's dark-side spirit in the Mortis arc? Revan was redeemed in the C-Canon ending, so there you go, how does Revan even have a dark side spirit in the first place? He's the best Disney guy on lore, I'll give him that, but that's easy when you've purged everyone, but it just goes back to my point: If he's the guy everyone there praises for teaching them "all he knows" on lore because "George taught him," then what do you expect this game will be like? Probably not the game you remember or expect. They just hire people for all the wrong reasons and expect the Internet will help carry them in and fill in the shoddy gaps in the research while pushing the CGI spectacle higher and faster. It's all they have.

Let me ask you this. Can they recanonize Tenel Ka? If they did, does that mean Dave Filoni has to write for her? I love her story in Rise of the Shadow Academy. She was the surprise breakout character to me, in that I went in expecting to hate her and found her really compelling. Why shouldn't they? In their logic, she'd be a disabled Feminist icon, should she not? A warrior woman from Dathomir who by choice only fights with half an arm. But then could Disney do her justice? What I've learned in my EU circles in the past year is that it's not so difficult as you think to license new books and comics, because they would not be the ones writing for it, so much as their business partners. If Lucasfilm just allowed Del Rey and Marvel to DO IT, they could. And there are lots of people there who want to, but Disney and Lucasfilm's grip is so tight, the control is so firm, that there is nothing anyone can do, which is yet another reason to write this off. It's why I never got invested in Disney Star Wars. It's all flash, all marketing, all attempts to generate hype, but no LAYERS to it. I guarantee you DESPITE this being a Legends game, it won't have the Legends label. So why shouldn't I be upset about that? It's perfectly valid. You just call me toxic instead, lol. How dare you call yourself an EU fan, to get so excited over something that "comes back" and is changed bit by bit. Focus more on proper terminology that won't matter in the next 20 years when the next reboot comes. You might as well just say they were filler to get you to the next movies. Yeah, I'm sticking to my books. Those are far superior. And written with love, not all the hate and greed that fills the whole planet these days. You can't escape it. Said it before, maybe we just NEED a good fuckin' war to purge the vile feelings rising in EVERYONE these days.

And trust me - you're going to WANT Legends fans when that next reboot comes, because we've already been through this bullshit. But everyone bullies the Legends fans. How ironic for a company that preaches "INCLUSION!!!" to practice very real exclusion.
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Post by Yukaphile »

If you don't want my thoughts, don't talk to me. Please just don't say a damn thing about me. We'll see who's right in the end. So no sense to keep bickering. You guys stay excited. Despite what I feel, I am glad you think that. Maybe I shouldn't try to temper it. If you're happy, then that's good. I just been burned too often to get happy these days.
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Post by Winter »

Okay, one not everyone bullies the Legends fans, we're annoyed at you because you keep going on about how much better the Del Rey and Marvel stories were and keep complaining about shows you don't like and keep falling back on creator bashing (like how you keep insinuating that Filoni wants to have sex with Ahsoka even though it was the STUDIO who insisted on bringing Ahsoka back as often as possible due to her popularity and Filoni's favorite character is actually Plo Koon as stated by Lucas himself) and that you keep saying that what will come next will be bad on the grounds that it's being made during the Disney Era and therefore it is bad purely by default of being made during the Disney Era.

You refer to sources only when they line up with your opinion and have been proven wrong 9 times out of 10, you're go on rants that are often only losely related to the topic at hand and you are making points that have nothing to do with everything and base all your opinions on Nostalgia. You go on about how much you dislike any and all changes and continue to insult anyone and everyone involved without providing context or evidence.

Every time you come into a conversation it's always the same things, the new sucks, it's being made a soulless mega-corp, Del Rey and Marvel did it better, lather, rinse, repeat.

Maybe KOTOR Remake will be lame, I don't know and neither do you. Plenty of stories that everyone thought would be classics have been forgotten and many stories that were thought to be forgotten are still remembered today. I'm personally excited for it, I can't wait to play it but if it's not then I'll likely criquie it and after I've gotten that out of my system I'll move onto something else. Maybe what will come next will be better maybe it won't.

All I know is this, you can't only live in the past and assume it was always perfect. Sometimes what came before was better and sometimes what comes next will be worse, just like that are many bad stories in the past that many would rather forget and there are many stories that are yet to come that are deep and engaging.

I've made it no secret that I think the She-Ra Reboot is a GREAT series that the best He-Man series to date with great characters, clever plots and is progressive with the LGBT representation. I've also compared it to TDST and showed how if TDST was more like She-Ra we would be having a very different conversation as She-Ra takes full advantage of its ideas while TDST seems to be stuck in trying to remake what worked before.

I think She-Ra and the Princesses of Power will be remembered in years to come because even a year after it ended the people are still talking about it and there is still a demand for a sequel movie. This was a series that was released in 2018 and has so much to offer and while the original He-Man and She-Ra series have their charms, IMO there's not a whole lot to really talk about. The old is a wonderful bit of 80's Cheese while the new is a great story that talks about abuse, self-worth, redemption and love that I think will remain timeless.
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Post by Thebestoftherest »

I also role my eyes at the idea of a trilogy that made over 4 billion would somehow need the legend fans which the exception the video games probably made less and was saw by less people than any one of those films. I mean there are legends fans, and most of them would be willing to try to give disney era a chance, while Yukaphile is an A hole.
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Post by Madner Kami »

Thebestoftherest wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 10:52 pm I also role my eyes at the idea of a trilogy that made over 4 billion would somehow need the legend fans which the exception the video games probably made less and was saw by less people than any one of those films. I mean there are legends fans, and most of them would be willing to try to give disney era a chance, while Yukaphile is an A hole.
Hmno. Despite the overall financial success by any normal human standards, the trilogy and anything directly related to it is a hot potato. Rise of Skywalker made half as much profit as the Force Awakens while costing 12% more and this is only the ticket sales. Anyone who sells ST-merch also tells the same story: The Sequel-Trilogy Merch is gathering dust in their storehouses. Disney will not ride a dead horse.
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Post by Winter »

Thebestoftherest wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 10:52 pm I also role my eyes at the idea of a trilogy that made over 4 billion would somehow need the legend fans which the exception the video games probably made less and was saw by less people than any one of those films. I mean there are legends fans, and most of them would be willing to try to give disney era a chance, while Yukaphile is an A hole.
I'm a Legends fan who has been openly crticqual of TDST and I'M willing to give Disney a shot. I'm looking forward to riding Rise of the Resistance even though it's directly tied into TDST because it looks like fun. And it's not like the Lucas Era was always great or anything. I like the Prequel Trilogy but it's a flawed set of films, Legacy of the Force is still, IMO, the worst Star Wars story out there and Dark Empire was well received at teh time but has gone on to be seen as a rather lackluster story.

And it's not like these are the only bad ones as I can point to others but there was a lot of good there too but Star Wars can always make more stories and make good ones as The Mandalorian proves. Whatever big event Star Wars is building up to, (which I'm hoping will be released during the 50th Anniversary) I'm at least interested regardless as Disney and Lucas Film are putting in the time and effort so it should be interesting.

The reason I'm excited for the KOTOR Remake is because Star Wars games have been a hit or miss and KOTOR is still regarded as a classic so it would be nice to replay the game with a few much needed updates, like graphics, shorter loading times and updated gameplay. Keep what worked, get rid of what didn't and this might end up being better then the original. Or it could suck but for right now, I want play this game and will wait until it's out.
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Post by Thebestoftherest »

Agree, I am looking forward to when EA exclusively deal with star wars end and we can have actually star wars games again and not barely disguise casino with a star wars paint job.
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Post by hammerofglass »

Yukaphile I'm honestly concerned about your health at this point. Getting THAT amped up about an entertainment property you follow for fun and keeping the level there is going to cause serious physical damage via stress.
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Post by Madner Kami »

Thebestoftherest wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 11:23 pm Agree, I am looking forward to when EA exclusively deal with star wars end and we can have actually star wars games again and not barely disguise casino with a star wars paint job.
Go try Fallen Order. The game that should have been a complete and utter spectacular fail of truely epic proportions by any standards announced from EA.
"If you get shot up by an A6M Reisen and your plane splits into pieces - does that mean it's divided by Zero?
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