Cabin in the Woods review

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Cabin in the Woods review

Post by FaxModem1 »

Review page

One of my favorite horror films.

Personally, I'm on the Director's side. Better a few dozen die a year than all of humanity suffers.
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Re: Cabin in the Woods review

Post by Fixer »

Why does Chuck say Best Korea is not a glorious paradise? Western propaganda!

Next he'll be telling is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is not Democratic, a Republic or technically for the people. Madness.
Thread ends here. Cut along dotted line.
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Re: Cabin in the Woods review

Post by KomSilence »

Chuck would love the SCP Foundation. Very similar.
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Re: Cabin in the Woods review

Post by Trinary »

FaxModem1 wrote:Review page

One of my favorite horror films.

Personally, I'm on the Director's side. Better a few dozen die a year than all of humanity suffers.
Intellectually, yeah the whole "needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" but I have a hard time holding it against Marty for his choice. If a mass shooter came into the school where I worked, tormented me, hunted me, and butchered everyone around me ... I would probably flip out if the cops came by to argue that the mass shooter was in the right and everything would be better for everyone else if I just stood there and let him kill me too. I'd probably let them all burn out of sheer spite, rather than giving those asshats the satisfaction.
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Re: Cabin in the Woods review

Post by nerdlinger »

In the review Chuck mentioned an honor code for men and women. He said he talked about it before, but I don't recall him discussing it. Does anyone know what he's talking about or the video(s) where he discusses it before? Thanks, nerds.
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Re: Cabin in the Woods review

Post by Dînadan »

nerdlinger wrote:In the review Chuck mentioned an honor code for men and women. He said he talked about it before, but I don't recall him discussing it. Does anyone know what he's talking about or the video(s) where he discusses it before? Thanks, nerds.
Don’t recall the exact vids off hand but they’re in a few of the reviews of the Klingon-centric episodes of Trek (mainly the TNG and DS9 ones and mostly in relation to Worf, eg the review of the episode where Worf is discomendated and his house stripped of their titles and honour).
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Re: Cabin in the Woods review

Post by nerdlinger »

Dînadan wrote:
nerdlinger wrote:In the review Chuck mentioned an honor code for men and women. He said he talked about it before, but I don't recall him discussing it. Does anyone know what he's talking about or the video(s) where he discusses it before? Thanks, nerds.
Don’t recall the exact vids off hand but they’re in a few of the reviews of the Klingon-centric episodes of Trek (mainly the TNG and DS9 ones and mostly in relation to Worf, eg the review of the episode where Worf is discomendated and his house stripped of their titles and honour).
I sort of remember that now. I don't remember him talking about a women's code of honor specifically though. It stuck out to me because I can't ever recall reading anything about a woman's code of honor. Everything I've read about them refer to men. I'll check out that vid again though. Thanks!
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Re: Cabin in the Woods review

Post by Deledrius »

KomSilence wrote:Chuck would love the SCP Foundation. Very similar.
I wouldn't be so certain. In theory I too should love it, but much as I tried, I can't. It's about 5% brilliance, 95% disappointing nonsense. The site is so free-form that the majority of the content seems to be written by people who don't really know how to write, or what horror is.

There is some really brilliant stuff hidden on there, but it took me several tries and quite some time to find it. Even their "best of" list doesn't help, since it seems to be populated largely by items which are popular because they're community in-jokes or went memetic on 4chan/reddit, not ones of actual appealing quality.

There's a distinct lack of effective curation and no real cohesion, which is a shame. As an experiment itself it's an interesting one, but without a vision or a bare minimum of talent to contribute, the result is generally mediocre.

I loved the compound filled with a diverse collection of horrors in Cabin in the Woods, and the SCP project should be a great extension of just that kind of thing, but it's not. I want to read that wiki written by people who know what they're doing.
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Re: Cabin in the Woods review

Post by Nevix »

Trinary wrote:
FaxModem1 wrote:Review page

One of my favorite horror films.

Personally, I'm on the Director's side. Better a few dozen die a year than all of humanity suffers.
Intellectually, yeah the whole "needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" but I have a hard time holding it against Marty for his choice. If a mass shooter came into the school where I worked, tormented me, hunted me, and butchered everyone around me ... I would probably flip out if the cops came by to argue that the mass shooter was in the right and everything would be better for everyone else if I just stood there and let him kill me too. I'd probably let them all burn out of sheer spite, rather than giving those asshats the satisfaction.
There's also the point that Chuck made: That the "Ancient Ones" were tired of ALL of the rituals, all of the pageantry, and likely tired of how corporate and manufactured it had become.

The staff had to drug the sacrifices to force them into the roles, all of the roles were defined by the staff/ancient ones beforehand, there wasn't just one artifact but dozens in the basement, there's dozens of monsters waiting in containment to be released.

We don't know how the facility came to be. Perhaps there wasn't a facility, but an isolated ritual site, run by the few worshippers (voluntary or not), that waited on an infrequently used trail to bait explorers to a sacrificial site.

Or maybe it wasn't yearly, and it was random all over the world which site would get a group to be killed.

So... yeah. I do get why SF Debris wants to see a sequel or a prequel to this.

It's also possible that the world after the release of the Ancient Ones would be somewhere between Soul To Call and a Death World.

Personally, I think Cabin in the Woods is a good movie, but it's not my cup of tea.
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Re: Cabin in the Woods review

Post by BunBun299 »

I think this review hit upon why it is impossible for me to like Lovecraftian horror. The line about humanity being a conquered species, who can only appease our masters. If that is the case, then why is the story not about over throwing these masters? Because to me, that would be the only story worth telling in such a situation. The story of surrender and appeasement is such an anethma to how I think, I cannot see why anyone would accept it. And if you're going to tell me about why these things are so beyond us that any resistance is pointless, don't bother. That is the very problem I have with the concept. At best, I'd enjoy a fanfiction of it where a Jaegar or Voltron or Godzilla comes in and kicks Cthulhu's ass.

I can accept a story where the bad guys win. I like Saw, The Usual Suspects, Fallen, Star Trek Voyager. The bad guy winning because they're just smarter than the heroes, or even luckier, can make for a good story. But I absolutely cannot enjoy a story where there is no hope from the beginning.
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