Star Trek: Discovery - Season 4 (With Spoilers)

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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - Season 4 (With Spoilers)

Post by Frustration »

And in the future, as the present, swordfighting is a skill only very rich people with lots of free time can really learn. It's all about marking oneself as an aristocrat - plebes can fight with guns, so only plebes do. It takes a gentleman to enter combat with a sharpened lengthy piece of steel.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - Season 4 (With Spoilers)

Post by Thebestoftherest »

Frustration wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 8:04 pm And in the future, as the present, swordfighting is a skill only very rich people with lots of free time can really learn. It's all about marking oneself as an aristocrat - plebes can fight with guns, so only plebes do. It takes a gentleman to enter combat with a sharpened lengthy piece of steel.
Yes, but unless you are using your gold are body armor, it never a good idea to bring a knife to a gun fight.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - Season 4 (With Spoilers)

Post by CharlesPhipps »

Thebestoftherest wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 1:44 am Yes, but unless you are using your gold are body armor, it never a good idea to bring a knife to a gun fight.
And in Star Trek they don't have any military vehicles or transport up bombs. It's not that kind of series.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - Season 4 (With Spoilers)

Post by Madner Kami »

Frustration wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 8:04 pmAnd in the future, as the present, swordfighting is a skill only very rich people with lots of free time can really learn.
Very rich? I earn about 1500€ a month, I don't even qualify for middle class hereabout... Dude, you need to get a reality check, dearly.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - Season 4 (With Spoilers)

Post by Frustration »

I'm not talking about fencing. It's a very nice sport, and against an actual swordsman in a life-or-death struggle, you might last a few seconds longer than the average person.

It's like the difference between following a school of martial arts, and street fighting. In reality, stronger and bigger fighters punch out highly skilled martial artists; they also have a lot more experience with 'dirty tricks' and have few inhibitions about using them.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - Season 4 (With Spoilers)

Post by Madner Kami » ... rtial_arts

You're making a fool out of yourself.
"If you get shot up by an A6M Reisen and your plane splits into pieces - does that mean it's divided by Zero?
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - Season 4 (With Spoilers)

Post by Frustration »

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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - Season 4 (With Spoilers)

Post by Mabus »

Episode 5:
-The USS Janeway! Now we know the culprit!
-"What the hell just happened?" Kind of emotional for a Vulcan. Maybe they should have called the ship "T'Pol" instead of "T'Pau"
-Also, the anomaly can now just teleport from one place to another...
-Oh look, Tig Notaro is here, did they CGI her in there since someone at Paramount remember that she's supposed to still be in the show?
-"Nothing in space just disappears" uuugh, remind me, on what ship are you again?
-"Natural phenomena do not disappear and reappear elsewhere" yes, except no:
-"Doesn't that violate the laws of physics" Ahahahahahaha, really? At this point you're bringing up the laws of physics? Ahahahahahaha!
-Oh right, they still have the sphere data! You know, the one that uploaded itself in those working bots and got shot down in the S3 finale... and you couldn't have asked about the sphere data before because...?
-"If this isn't natural... the only logical explanation... is someone created it" well, it could also be logical that it might have come from outside the galaxy, there are plenty of natural phenomena that don't exist in our galaxy, but whatever, Burnham said the magic word, now the plot has to obey
-They'll only know if the thingie will hit the solar system only after the interference from the thingie will block transporters and comunications... so, they can't use shuttles anymore?
-"They may not be Federation members, but... we're the only body with the ability to execute a mission of this size" OK, so how many people are in the colony that you need an entire fleet of ships to evacuate them?
-"I'll lead the operation myself" uugh, Mickey, since when do you decide who leads the operation in the first place? Nah, fuck it, this is the Michael Burnham show, no heresy allowed.
-"The Metrons, the Nacene, the surviving members of the Iconian Empire; The Q Continuum as well" So you got a species from each of the old Trek series except ENT, because fuck ENT, right? Even though the Sphere Builders were much more likely to be behind this anomaly, since those guys really could alter the laws of physics in our universe and built freakin' moons that caused gravitational anomalies spanning entire light years! You know, like the DMA! But nope, let's forget about those guys. Because clearly there's no reason for them to return after like 1000 years, during which they could have restarted their conquest of the Milky Way, only this time either from the other side of the galaxy or from outside of it so no one notices them, so why are they ignored? They were just sent back to their own dimension, not exterminated.
-No contact with the Q continuum for 600 years? So, S2 Picard will the the last time Q will appear in NuTrek? GOOD!
-So now they want to make their own mini-anomaly and somehow use it to track down its creators... even though there are still plenty of unknowns... OK...
-Yo, Mickey, you got 4 hours to evacuate the colony, why are you hanging around Booker and talking about your feelings?
-"I have to do something" David Ajala's plea for the writers to develop his character somehow got in the script
-Wait, what, those asteroids are tied by... cables? Reminds me of that building from Idiocracy, that was tied to prevent it from collapsing... you know you can just merge the asteroids or at least connect them into a single solid structure, right?
-12 Federation ships (11 + Discovery) have arrived to evacuate the asteroid colony. By the looks of it, clearly there must be lots of people, hundreds of thousands, right?
-Shut up Burnham, your speech sucks
-Oh wait, three more Federation ships appeared after the intro, that means now there are 15 Federation ships, wow there must be quite a lot of people there...
-"There are 1,206 individuals on the colony's surface..." Twelve hundred... and six... 1,206 people in the colony... As in 1000 + 200 + 6... BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! WHAT... THE... FUCK! The Federation needs to send in 10-15 ships to evacuate a... small town? No, wait, scratch that, that's how many people are stationed at the McMurdo Station in Antarctica during summer! I'm pretty sure the US Navy doesn't send an entire carrier strike group to evacuate the whole place! Does Discovery also have to evacuate the colony's entire apartment blocks? Do NuTrek writers not understand how numbers work? Do they even know how big a crowd of 1200 people is? That's almost 1/3 of the Paramount Pictures corporate office personnel! But then again, the Admiral is right from a certain point of view: Only Starfleet could send a dozen ships to evacuate a village. This is so hilarious, I need to take a break, I'll be right back after I recover from laughing...
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - Season 4 (With Spoilers)

Post by Mabus »

-"We'll have them beam up and then facilitate transport to the other ships" Wait, what? You do realize that the other 10-15 ships also have transporters of their own, right? You do know that Discovery isn't the only one with transporters, right? Like personal transporters? Remember them? Yeah, me neither.
-"The array can only beam 40 at a time" ... so use the other Federation ships then? You know, they too have transporters? Also, in order to beam up 1206 people, 40 at a time, you need to repeat that 30 times, and if one beaming takes you, say 1 minute, you can get everyone out there in like 30 minutes, or, if for some reason it takes 2 minutes, then 1 hour. So Discovery should have plenty of time to beam up everyone... and if they remember that the other ships have transporters of their own, then they can finish in like 5 minutes tops... writers can't do math, can't they...
-More pointless "Budapest offscreen stories that contribute to nothing"
-"Thank Draylan you're here" Yo, the name of your true savior is Michael Burnham, don't forget that!
-So the colony used all of their ships to evacuate a quarter of their population, and now they have no spare ships... so if 3/4 is 1206, then the colony originally had 1600 people? Did they use a 747 to evacuate 400 of their people?
-Prison system bad! The convicts are actually innocent! Reform the prison system!
-And Burnham decides to prison break the convicts because prison bad!
-Oh shut up Stamets, none of your anxiety will matter after the scene ends and you know it
-Oh my God! It's Sadavir Errinwright! So this is what happened to him! The UN sent him to the STD universe! That's the worst fate anyone can be subjected to! Wow, the Belters were right, the Inyalowda have no soul!
-Hmm, I think he might be the bad guy in some way, I can't be sure why, maybe it's because he likes feet, yeah that's right!
-Rhys! Yes, right, that was your name! Oh, what only 160 people so far? So... 4 minutes? Also, what are the other ships doing, cheering for Burnham?
-I'll just randomly tell you that when I was a kid hurricane Katrina erased my town, and come on, this is the most characterization I ever got in the last 4 years! Also, why are there still hurricanes on Earth or any other Federation planet? Pretty sure weather control already exists in the 23rd century.
-Shut up Michael no one cares, also there's a giant beetle that just walks around... oh wait it's a... bomb... no wait, "mobile landmine"... which can be hacked in like 1 minute... which defeats the entire purpose of a minefield...
-Hey guys, did I mentioned that I'm an asshole? Also, I'm gonna play in mashed potatoes, because I guess using holographic Microsoft Paint was too expensive
-"Controlled somehow, by the device at its center" wait, what, hold on, time out, time out... there was no mention of any device creating the anomaly before, just that it was artificial, and no indication who or how it was created... so what gives?
-"Had I known about the device" yeah, no shit Sherlock, where did it came from?
-"I want to create a working model of the DMA controller" what what what, what controller? How do you even know there is a controller? You said it yourself, the data on the anomaly is incomplete?
Is there some deleted scene that explains how they got to this conclusion? Theorizing that it's artificial doesn't mean it actually is and now all of the sudden you can make a small scale of the anomaly? Really?
-Hey Booker, why not use a wide beam phaser blast? Or those Star Wars blasters you carry don't have such settings?
-The explosive robots (I'm not calling them mines) can now all of the sudden create spinning discs of death... which aim not at the clearly visible Book's head, but at the rock below him, giving Burnham just enough time to hack the drones... how nice of them
-"We all here have unfair prison sentences, because prison system bad!" And of the 6 convicts, I will only name 4 because the others are just extras.
-"The highly fragmented post-Burn Federation has not interfered in the internal affairs of this non-Federation world, why hasn't the Federation violated the sovereignty of this colony that was under the control of its enemy the Emerald Chain and interfere in its broken justice system, why do they come now after the Chain is gone and they can actually safely travel here just like any other space-faring species, waah I'm angry, rawr rawr!"
-"An excellent heat conductor, k value of 494" what temperature? Silver has the same value.. at -200 degrees Celsius
-Also, why heat up the device? Phasers can't disintegrate anymore?
-It's the showrunners that need brutal honesty, not the doctor character. Also, doc, stop being a whiny bitch and grow some balls!
-If there are no ships available, how are you gonna escape? You're gonna build a raft and fly through space?
-You miss Tillie? So why weren't you there to tell her goodbye? Did Paramount forgot to CGI you in the crowd there?
-Hey, did I make clear I'm an asshole? I even killed an animal when I was a kid!
-1000 years into the future and they still get the story of Galileo wrong...
-Why do you have to run the experiment right now? Can't you wait until the evacuation is complete so you can have full power, which will be in 1 hour? And why is Discovery the only ship that is beaming people up?
-And now I'm suddenly SHOUTING! ARGH! I'M GRAWLING! ARGH! I'm an asshole, did I forget to mention that in the last 5 minutes?
-How the hell can the Federation law override non-Federation laws and review their justice systems? Regardless if it's an asylum request, this is not something that the Federation can interfere with. Hello, Prime Directive? At best the Federation can give asylum to those that seek asylum, but any asylum granted would only be available within the Federation territory. Do NuTrek writers even know how asylum laws work?
-"I have killed someone, but it's OK, later you'll see I'm not a bad guy..."
-"This watch. This watch was on your daddy’s wrist when he was shot down over Hanoi. He was captured, put in a Vietnamese prison camp. He knew if the gooks ever saw the watch it’d be confiscated, taken away. The way your dad looked at it, that watch was your birthright. He’d be damned if any slopes were gonna put their greasy yellow hands on his boy’s birthright. So he hid it in the one place he knew he could hide something. His ass. Five long years, he wore this watch up his ass. Then he died of dysentery, he gave me the watch. I hid this uncomfortable hunk of metal up my ass two years. Then, after seven years, I was sent home to my family. And now, little man, I give the watch to you."
-Wait, why are those beetles randomly exploding? I guess they just decided to die.
-Why are you doing the experiment on the ship when there's a risk of destroying the ship? Couldn't the Starfleet give you another ship and do the experiment there? Neither of the four had to be there. Stamets, Reno and Tarka could have been on another ship since they weren't needed on Discovery.
-Oh look the Felix alien dude decided to stay on the planet... even though he initially wanted to leave to return the orb... BTW, is he even alien? Human? Nah, whatever.
-"Safe Space! I need sa-" Shut up Burnham, said the guy who is now about to die because he defied our lord and savior Michael Burnham.
-It's OK guys, it's all alright everyone I killed someone during a failed burglary because I was poor, but I clearly regret it, please cry for me because I only did it because I was poor. Skip!
-Wait, what, so the anomaly now pushes things? Also, was that asteroid colony right near the star? Cause in the first shot, there were two stars very far away from the asteroid colony. Nah, whatever.
-Might makes right! Gunboat diplomacy! Also, we're interfering with your laws now, aww, look at little Magistrate Jr., gonna cry?
-Lmao, the computer now has feelings as well, Jesus, soon the replicators will have feelings as well.
-So Burnham returns that orb to the lady from the family... OK... so, how hard is it to CGI a hologram in the same angle the actress is staring? Because she was literally staring above the hologram! Just look:
Really, wa it so hard to raise the hologram a bit higher? Or shoot multiple scenes and use the one closest to the hologram CGI model? Are NuTrek producers and directors that lazy that they can't even bother to make the laziest form of CGI look OK? Ahahahahaha!
-"Why risk the lives of everyone on board" "Because the producers said so, how else are we gonna create tension and conflict in the story?"
-Oh looks the asshole scientist with mysterious motives has a mysterious scar on the back of his head. I wonder what could that be.

Could they have made it more obvious that the guy is somehow behind the anomaly? I mean, come on, even if he didn't had a role in it, it's clear that he's be the bad guy in some way. I guess the writers just gave up and now they want to wrap everything as fast as possible.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - Season 4 (With Spoilers)

Post by Frustration »

I've heard people seriously suggesting that bots and paid stooges are behind the online praise Discovery has had posted. I have a hard time imagining that people find the show appealing.

[edit to add] How often do showrunners pay people to generate fake online comments?
Last edited by Frustration on Mon Dec 20, 2021 11:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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