Lower deck episode 3?

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Lower deck episode 3?

Post by Thebestoftherest »

Did I miss episode 1 and 2. If so I would like a link to watch it.
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Re: Lower deck episode 3?

Post by TGLS »

No, everyone is twitterpated about starting with episode 3.
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Re: Lower deck episode 3?

Post by Riedquat »

Lower Decks is on the calendar, yay!

Maybe no-one requested episode 1 and 2, or for some reason explicitly requested 3 first.
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Re: Lower deck episode 3?

Post by Thebestoftherest »

that is weird
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Re: Lower deck episode 3?

Post by griffeytrek »

Starting with 3 is a good choice. Honestly, Episode 1 feels a little too Rick & Morty'esque. And 2 is not much better. 3 is where the show first hit its stride and showed it can be a Star Trek series. Not simply another infantile cartoon for grown ups. Oh and Chuck, good news, season 2 is actually better than season 1. They do something unexpected. Character development. And not just the core 4. They look at their broader cast of characters. The bridge crew and other supporting cast. And they develop them. Instead of leaving them as one note comedy antagonists. Heck I think the Cat may have actually unseated McCoy as my favorite Star Trek Doctor.

It's a show about fan service. And it delivers it in relentless gobs of sticky white goo. But at least you can see that those behind this really truly love Star Trek in all its flavors. And aren't just saying that in order to fuck it, like Picard's showrunners.

As for Lower Deck's clear love of and ties to TNG. There's an interesting and not completely unfounded fan theory about that. We may have met two of the characters before. Once you see it, it just clicks and you can't unsee it.

Oh and the best way to explain Jack Ransom's character. He's played by Jerry O'Connel. That's really all that needs to be said.
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Re: Lower deck episode 3?

Post by RobbyB1982 »

griffeytrek wrote: Sun Jan 23, 2022 5:09 amThere's an interesting and not completely unfounded fan theory about that. We may have met two of the characters before. Once you see it, it just clicks and you can't unsee it.
Well now I need to hear this theory!
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Re: Lower deck episode 3?

Post by stryke »

griffeytrek wrote: Sun Jan 23, 2022 5:09 am Starting with 3 is a good choice.
Hell I'd argue for starting with ​Much Ado About Boimler or Veritas towards the end of the season and then thinking about backtracking only for completeness. Thankfully season 2 is way better with only one unfortunate episode coming off as way too Rick and Morty.
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Re: Lower deck episode 3?

Post by CrypticMirror »

Freeman swings to the opposite extreme with her incessant scheduling, but Mariner's "buffer time" bollocks was clearly swinging the lead, proper scheduling allows for unrushed work but still is properly scheduled and nobody gets to kick the arse out of it. If the crew want to lazily walk the halls, lounge around, or get drunk, then they can do that in their off hours not on the clock. I feel like the creators are too desperate to make jokes that they ignore actual logic. Season Two is a bit better, but Carol deserves her court martial in the S2 finale (even though they are almost certainly gonna bail her out), she is just the worst. She oughta have been in command of a Miranda during the opening salvos of the Dominion War.
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Re: Lower deck episode 3?

Post by CharlesPhipps »

Lower Decks is, IMHO, the point when NuTrek killed any chance the hatedom would win. Much of the hatedom was driven by the statement that Star Trek was out of the hands of fans and that it was corporate driven bullshit.

No one can seriously claim the shows are made by anything but die-hard Trek fans.

You may like or dislike Lower Decks but the people who made this show are ENORMOUS fucking nerds.
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Re: Lower deck episode 3?

Post by Mabus »

The show, basically:
Now the show isn't completely awful, though I'll refrain as much as possible from calling it better than Discovery or Picard, since almost anything is better than those two turds. There are two main issues that prevent the show from being good:
1. Memberberries
2. Idiot plot
There is nothing wrong with referencing old elements from the previous shows, but come on, when that's all you do most of the time and don't create any meaningful plot or characterization, it just feels like you resort too much on nostalgia to cover for your shortcomings. Kind of like that scene from Cool Runnings, where the Jamaican bobsleigh team tried too hard to be like the Swiss since they liked them so much, only to fail at everything because they were too busy being someone else rather than themselves, and it was only when they began be themselves that they finally improved. Which leads me to the idiot plot. The only way anything meaningful happens is because everyone else has to be an idiot. Episode 4 has the best example of this, things seem to improve and Mariner finally may become less of a douche, only for the random Tellarite captain to just all of the sudden do stupid shit, otherwise there wouldn't have been a conflict. There was nothing in the story that would lead to the conflict, but it had to happen otherwise there won't have been a plot. And in episode 1 they kind of forgot that the ship's transporters are supposed to have biofilters, but nah, let's forget about them, otherwise there won't be a stupid space zombie apocalypse. And the conflict in episode 3 between Mariner and Ransom in the jail is pointless, since Mariner in-universe is not seen as antagonist, so if you replace it with say, the guards just dragging Ransom to the fight by force, you're not changing much. Hell, the whole over reliance on idiot plot and ball is best visible in the S1 finale, where all of the sudden the Pakleds are suddenly a serious threat and since everyone on the show has been shown to be complete idiots, you need Riker to come in and save the day. Hey, won't it have been better if the plot of the first season involved the crew of the Cerritos actually solving their stupid daddy and mommy issues (especially Mariner and her stupid mom captain) so that at the end of the season, when they finally face the Pakleds they could actually take care of it by themselves instead of relying on a memberberry to save them? Nah, that would mean the writers would actually have to write actual stories and not just pointless adventures that don't add to everything.
As for season 2, from what I've seen there are some improvements, but it feels like they've mostly chiseled the rough edges, and the main flaws are still there, only more obscured.
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