WhiteDragon25's Voyager Rewrite Notes!

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Re: WhiteDragon25's Voyager Rewrite Notes!

Post by Arkle »

WhiteDragon25 wrote:Ah yes, I've just finished reading it recently, actually. Good writing,
Well, thank you. Part 4 is almost done, I swear. Just gotta finish adapting "Author, Author", after which I do "Friendship One" and "Homestead", and for the final chapter I re-do the finale from scratch.
Shipping aside, your writing has quite a few good ideas in it, really: I'm actually thinking of borrowing some elements from it myself.
Considering how many of my ideas were borrowed from Chuck, that's a little Inception-y of you. ;)
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Re: WhiteDragon25's Voyager Rewrite Notes!

Post by WhiteDragon25 »

Arkle wrote:Well, thank you. Part 4 is almost done, I swear. Just gotta finish adapting "Author, Author", after which I do "Friendship One" and "Homestead", and for the final chapter I re-do the finale from scratch.
Speaking of Endgame, my basic idea for a rewrite would take cues from Dark Frontier and be a heist-style plot:

Instead of the time-travelling Future-Admiral!Janeway bullshit, instead we get the normal Janeway and Voyager cast formulate a balls-to-the-wall insane plan to sneak past the Borg defenses surrounding the Transwarp Hub. Part of this plan involves disguising Voyager as a Borg Probe ship using a salvaged derilict hull from an actual Borg Probe they destroyed. Then, as they pass through the Borg's security perimeter and reach the Hub station itself, they'll discard the Probe shell and make a break for the Transwarp Conduit to Earth; meanwhile, Seska and Suder are beamed over onto the Hub station in a suicide run, armed to the teeth with as many guns and bombs as they can carry, and attempt to infect the Borg central mainframe with a computer virus (while also carrying a talior-made Borg-targeted pathogen inside them as well).

Both Seska and Suder go along with this ludicriously suicidal plan, because they both know they're going to die anyways when they reach the Federation, so why not die on their own terms, killing as many Borg as possible before taking their precious Transwarp Hub with them too?

It'll eliminate the Stupid Future Technobabble Bullshit Mary Sue Deus Ex Machina Armor & Super-Duper Torpedos, and make the resolution be the result of the Voyager crew's own merits and abilities, rather than being just hand-given to them; and it'll also preserve the Borg as formidible adversaries to use in future works.

So what do you think? I'd be an improvement, that's for sure.

Oh, also: A Dominion War episode that serves as a replacement of sorts for "Eye of the Needle"; in this case, Voyager comes across a wormhole that leads straight back to the Alpha Quadrant... bad news is, it's one the Cardassian/Dominion side of the warzone smack-dab in the middle of the war. And the wormhole was an experimental wunderwaffe project by the Dominion attempting to re-establish contact with the Gamma Quadrant after getting locked out of the Bajoran Wormhole. Que Voyager Running Away Like Cowards in a Benny-Hill-esque chase across the system the device was tested.

Seska (still alive in this version) tries jumping ship to the Cardie/Dommie side, but quickly changes back once she learns the Obsidian Order is virtually extinct and the Cardies are playing second-fiddle to the Dominion.

Voyager in the end flees back to the Delta Quadrant, but not before sabotaging the wormhole generator first, preventing the Jem'Hadar horde chasing after them from following, and also inadvertently saving the AQ by preventing the Dominion from being able to get reinforcements from the GQ.
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Re: WhiteDragon25's Voyager Rewrite Notes!

Post by TGLS »

WhiteDragon25 wrote:Both Seska and Suder go along with this ludicriously suicidal plan, because they both know they're going to die anyways when they reach the Federation, so why not die on their own terms, killing as many Borg as possible before taking their precious Transwarp Hub with them too?
Seems rather unlikely for the Federation of all people to go ahead with capital punishment, especially in the case of the mentally ill (Suder). I suppose Seska might be handed over to the Cardies, and I suppose they might want to execute her, but I bet she could request asylum to avoid execution. Also, they returned from the other side of the galaxy; couldn't they just commute the executions?
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Re: WhiteDragon25's Voyager Rewrite Notes!

Post by WhiteDragon25 »

TGLS wrote:Seems rather unlikely for the Federation of all people to go ahead with capital punishment, especially in the case of the mentally ill (Suder). I suppose Seska might be handed over to the Cardies, and I suppose they might want to execute her, but I bet she could request asylum to avoid execution. Also, they returned from the other side of the galaxy; couldn't they just commute the executions?
I've received those same criticisms on SB too, and it's a valid point. Maybe die is the wrong word to use here; it should be more going for 'their lives are effectively over'. Which in a sense, they are: Seska has nowhere to go, as the Obsidian Order was obliterated, there's a new democratic government ruling Cardassia, and the Cardassian Union's a shadow of its former self thanks to the Dominion War; she'll be an outcast on her own homeworld, and she despises the Federation too much to go beg for asylum from them. As for Suder, being a Betazoid without telepathy makes it impossible for him to rejoin and function in Betazoid society... and there's the fact that he's a murderous sociopath who has committed homicide, meaning he'll be institutionalized/imprisoned for the rest of his life. A life in prison or an asylum is not much of a life at all.

At least with the suicide mission, they'll be accomplishing something meaningful with their lives.
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Re: WhiteDragon25's Voyager Rewrite Notes!

Post by Arkle »

WhiteDragon25 wrote:It'll eliminate the Stupid Future Technobabble Bullshit Mary Sue Deus Ex Machina Armor & Super-Duper Torpedos,
I'll be getting rid of those too, though for different reasons obviously.

I mean, fix fics that make the Borg a threat again are a dime a dozen. The real challenge is to take the villain decay they suffered on the show and find a way to make it work. I think my solution is pretty clever. :D
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Re: WhiteDragon25's Voyager Rewrite Notes!

Post by StrangeDevice »

You know, it's a credit to the strength of the series' core concept that despite the abundance of Voyager rewrites there really are no two alike. Some try to align it closer to what was happening back home in the Alpha Quadrant in DS9, others try to keep well away from it and go instead with the TOS vibe of undiscovered worlds.

It's a fascinating read, if a bit too silly in places. :) Voyager is one of those few Star Trek series where I think they could've gone a bit Farscape with their concepts and gotten away with it. I'd never even considered portraying Janeway as this Kerr Avon-esque figure, I thought of her more like Ellie Arroway from Contact -- a scientist whose lifelong dream has been turned into a reality with all the unfortunate, nasty consequences that come along with it. In the version I finished up a while ago, she finally brings her crew home in the seventh season and what finally causes her to break is that she has to finally let go of the reigns, let Voyager be captained by someone mentally fit and she can't do it. She has a breakdown after the inquiry and Chakotay convinces her to go to a Federation rehabilitation centre for a couple months to put herself back together. I latched onto Chuck's idea from his "Workforce" review that she was suffering from PTSD and honestly, it's a really interesting aspect to explore in a Trek captain.

Looking back on it, I even came up with a monologue for the titles:
Capt. Janeway wrote:"Space: Endless. Silent. Waiting. This is the new odyssey of the starship Voyager. Her continuing mission: to dare the icy deserts through the dark to where new life and new civilisations dwell, to worlds veiled in cloud and crowned with unimagined stars... To find a way back home..."
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Re: WhiteDragon25's Voyager Rewrite Notes!

Post by PerrySimm »

Why fix just Neelix or Janeway when you can fix EVERYTHING?!!!
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