Your Headcanons?

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The Romulan Republic
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Yeah, you couldn't realistically evacuate Earth with Firefly tech. anyway, probably.

I always figured that it was something like the government leaders, their closest staff, and their families buggering out (along with whatever crew the ships had), and leaving the rest of the populace to die on war-torn, depleted, irradiated Earth (basically the Mad Max Earth). It fits with Firefly's depiction of subsequent wealthy, privileged Core worlds where life is great if you toe the line, and a poor periphery that the government is either unwilling, or unable, to help.

Plus, I thought Fury Road had some stylistic and thematic similarities to Serenity (they're both among my five favourite films of this century).
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by Darth Wedgius »

Star Trek
I thought I saw someone else bring this one up here, but can't see it. I thought of it a while ago, but others probably had the same idea.

The Borg have never tried to assimilate Earth. The reason they send one ship once in a while instead of an armada is to prod the Federation into developing new defensive technologies, such as the quantum torpedo -- the Federation apparently being really good at developing technology. If they just assimilated the Federation instead, they would be reducing all those scientists and engineers to one mind. One brilliant mind, admittedly, but just one.

Then the Borg let themselves be taken out at the last minute, just so the Federation knows how urgent the need is. They leaked information to Picard at the end of BoBW and relaxed their grip on him just enough for him to suggest, "Sleep." The second round, they invoked time travel to see what the Federation would do in that regard. That's why they never just went back in the past and assimilated Earth in the 19th century.

When the Federation stops developing better technologies, the assimilation will begin in earnest. If the Federation realizes this, they will find themselves with a choice -- keep developing new technologies that the Borg will likely use on others some day, or stop, and face likely doom.

Until then, every time an engineer has come up a new way to resist the Borg... Every time an officer developed a new "brilliant, unorthodox" strategy... Every time a goldshirt has given his life to buy a few more precious minutes for his superiors to come up with a new plan to save the people he loves...

They've all just been playing out their parts on a stage the Borg set before the battle ever started.

On another front... If Sisko punching Q kept him away, we know why Q never showed up to bother Kirk.
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Kingsman: The Golden Circle (spoilers for the film):

Roxy is alive.

Though this is probably less headcannon than wishful thinking, since it annoys me that they wasted a perfectly good (and underused) character. Especially when they didn't have a lot of female characters to begin with.

Though, there is precedent for them bringing a "dead" character back (Harry), and her death was never explicitly confirmed (died off-screen, no mention of a body being found). So it has at least a thread of evidence.
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by Rodan56 »

Wolfenstein: Franchise Overall

The events TNO and the current series of games Bethseda is producing are a series of bad dreams the result of which were caused by BJ Blazkowicz eating a bad mince meat pie while on leave in England which he then washed down with some really powerful absinthe. It's the only way to explain away the terrible plot, bland characters and horrendous dialogue that permeates that mistake of a game. Why else would that game feature a ridiculous organization like the Dat'Yichud who's entire philosophy makes no sense and exists purely as an excuse for why the Nazis are able to win despite the fact America should have the Atomic Bomb by now.

Or it's just a terrible game in an otherwise awesome Nazi-Killing franchise, whatever.


Ninja Turtles 2012

The Mutants Apocalypse finale was eventually cleared up when Renet finally came back and transported the Turtles back in time to undo the events that led to the world they currenlty inhabit. Possibly by defeating some evil terrorist organization that stole Krang tech in a bid to force the governments of the world to, I don't know, make aglets illegal. That works for me.


Friday the 13th

Alice isn't dead, that whole sequence in the second film was a fevered sanity break, she's currently in an asylum under an assumed name being looked after by Ginny, also from the second movie, along with Chris, from the third movie, and Tina from the seventh. All of them are waiting for the final confrontation with Jason which will be titled "Friday the 13th: Final Girl Fridays!"



Mothra's memories and conciousness are transfered to her young as a sort of ongoing death and rebirth ritual. As the spirit of life she is closely tied with Godzilla, God of Destruction, both serve as subsidary roles in the defense of the planet in a sort of symbiotic relationship. It's like being married, but not.
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by phantom000 »

Rodan56 wrote: Godzilla

Mothra's memories and conciousness are transfered to her young as a sort of ongoing death and rebirth ritual. As the spirit of life she is closely tied with Godzilla, God of Destruction, both serve as subsidary roles in the defense of the planet in a sort of symbiotic relationship. It's like being married, but not.
I had thought of a Godzilla story based around that idea, that Mothra represented the powers of life and creation while Godzilla was death and destruction. They were forever locked into an endless battle, sorta like Vaatu and Ravaa from Avatar.

Speaking of which...

Avatar: The Last Airbender

Why did they have to kill Jet? He seemed like his character could of had such potential. In my cannon he survived but was badly wounded you don't see Smellerbe or Longshot because they were tending to him. After the war is over he visits Iroh in his tea shop to apologize and the old man takes Jet under his wing, giving him a job and eventually making him a member of the White Lotus. When Iroh dies Jet takes over the Jasmine Dragon.

Who wrote The Boy in the Iceberg? my theory is that it was a member of the White Lotus, it would explain how they knew a lot of intimate details like where Sokka got his sword and what happened at Lake Lagoai. I think it was written because they knew what was about to happen and wanted the people of the fire nation to understand, to show them the truth of the war. Except the Fire Nation government hears about the play and demands changes to the script, turning it into Fire Nation propaganda.


Boyd "Bible" Swan is Sam Witwicky's grandfather. Before shipping out for Germany he had an affair with a young lady and promised to marry her when he came back, but he never did. What he did not know is she was pregnant with his daughter.
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by Rodan56 »

I had thought of a Godzilla story based around that idea, that Mothra represented the powers of life and creation while Godzilla was death and destruction. They were forever locked into an endless battle, sorta like Vaatu and Ravaa from Avatar.
The thing is, Creation and Destruction can work hand in hand. When a forest burns down naturally, it is usually to clear the way for fresh soil to grow in its place. The deah of one species may result in the boon of another, allowing it to flourish. The suggestion that life and death would be at odds is a bit counterintuitive, since death is a part of life. In Korra, Vaatu and Ravaa represent Chaos and Order, it somewhat understandable that they would be locked in struggle since both antithetical. But a balance has to be maintained for the most part regardless.

Mothra has shown to be an ally to Godzilla more often than an outright antagonist. She usually works best as a counter to his actions, but not an outright adversary. It would make more sense to me if they existed as parallel species that act a sort of balance to one another, both representing aspects of nature that are unavoidable and neccessary for the continued survival of the planet.
The Romulan Republic
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by The Romulan Republic »


Harry is gay.

No, this is not an original theory (TV Tropes had a discussion on it, for one). But while I'd normally avoid "X character is gay" theories (because if fandoms had their way, every character would be gay or bisexual), this one really seems to fit.


-Harry is a target of homophobic comments, and seems to react to them with particular aggression.

-The Elton John bit from Golden Circle. IIRC, after he saves Elton John, he asks for tickets, and Elton replies that he's earned a "backstage pass", with a wink. Harry... does not seem off-put by the idea. It actually basically mirrors Eggsy's rescue of the princess in the first film, and her "reward" for him.

There's also the whole scene in Golden Circle where Harry and Eggsy discuss relationships- its arguably the most notable difference between them, that Eggsy is able to balance a relationship and social life with being a Kingsman, and Harry never could. But I wonder if that's also due to Harry being an older man who grew up in an age when being openly gay was not widely accepted...
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by Morgaine »

Battlestar Galactica
Everything that occurs after the Battle of New Caprica is a series of increasingly unhinged, nonsensical and absurd hallucinations affecting Lee Adama, fueled by his guilt over not stupidly sacrificing humanity's best hope - the Pegasus - to save his father on a dilapidated rust bucket.

Mass Effect
Shepard did they only thing they truly could have done - refused the ultimatum provided by the psychotic, provably wrong and malicious AI giving false choices and demanding a fix to a problem that doesn't actually exist.
Shepard unfortunately died thinking they had failed, but the fleets won the day against the Reaper menace by targeting the Catalyst's location and destroying it.

Stargate SG-1
The Asgard merely hid their ships and new capital world with the help of the Naks and made everyone think they had committed collective suicide.

Doctor Who
Gallifrey is so utterly alien and fantastical, that it appears to us mere humans to have Time Lords in 18th century peasant rags living in wooden barns in the middle of a lifeless desert. I mean what, do they farm sand? Don't be silly. Clearly their true forms and environment are beyond our comprehension.
The Romulan Republic
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Batman is an atheist.
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by Dînadan »

Idea that’s just come to me (no idea if anyone else has had it/mentioned it or if I’ll actually make it my personal headcanon):

As much as Voyager’s bio-neural cuicitry/gel packs are maligned (for good reasons), they are partially the reason for the Doctor’s sophistication. Presumably with a name like ‘bio-neural’ they’re based on organic neural networks somehow, so it’d be reasonable to assume they’d be patterned after sapient brains rather than those of non-sapient animals; somehow the EMH programme interacted with the ship’s bio-neural network resulting in something which was more akin to human consciousness than a computer programme. And I say only partly, not wholly, because presumably the programme needed a minimum level of sophistication to begin with, otherwise Voyager(‘s computer) itself would also have become sapient (and we all know what happened last time a Voyager gained sapience in Trek...).
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