I just happen to have that entire series on my shelf right now.TorroesPrime wrote:Because it's hard to find and not pay $300+ for the dvds now,
https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encycl ... php?id=326
I just happen to have that entire series on my shelf right now.TorroesPrime wrote:Because it's hard to find and not pay $300+ for the dvds now,
Sure. I was interested in the review of Masks, which, when I first saw it, I thought was just really, really boring and predictable. I'm looking forward to "Homeward" and "The Masterpiece Society," the two episodes that firmly seated Kirk over Picard for me -- there might be something exculpatory there that I missed. Then there's "Silicon Avatar," where I sympathize with the "bad guy," but I'm not sure if I sympathize with me sympathizing with her.PerrySimm wrote:I wonder if folks are in the mood for reviews of good TNG episodes like "Reunion" or bad episodes like "Imaginary Friend".