No this isn't real (yet) just some fan art that was in my recommendations on Deviant Art. But it is one I would like to see happen. I've often compared Catra to Kylo and have felt that the former was a more fleshed out and engaging as a character than the later. But do I think she could win in a straight up fight against him if they were actually pitted against each other.
Short Answer... yes.
Long answer, Kylo has had trouble taking on non-Force Users like Finn and the Red Shirt Guards, has never won a fight with Rey throughout the Disney Sequel Trilogy and in fact NEEDED Her help in defeating the aforementioned Red Guards. Is ruled by his emotions and has no head for strategy and just fights in a blind rage which has never worked for him... Ever!
Catra, by contrast, has taken on opponents much more powerful then her (Hordak, Shadow Weaver and the Crystal Defense Monster (which was designed to take out She-Ra)) has managed to fight She-Ra to a few standstills and was able to keep Glimmer on her toes during their fight in Season 4 AND is a gifted strategist and has outsmarted her enemies on several occasions.
Further more, Catra was the main reason for the Horde nearly Conquering Etheria and it was though the Princess Alliance hiring Double Trouble AND having access to the power granted to them by the Heart of Etheria that they were able to turn the tide. Meanwhile after Kylo took control of the First Order he did such a terrible job that the Order was wiped out in about a year.
Yes he has access to the Force and yes he has a lightsaber but he barely uses the former and is kinda shit with the latter. To take a look at most of his fights he almost never uses the Force in a straight up fight and is slow and clumsy with his lightsaber. Add to that the fact that he's rather easy to manipulate and for all her problems Catra has been shown that she can keep it together during a fight AND can get in the head of her opponents rather easily even if she barely knows them.
So my money is on the Lesbian Cat-Girl, how about you?