Star Trek: Discovery - spoilery thoughts?

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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by Dînadan »

Deledrius wrote:
Yukaphile wrote:And then they don't even do it effectively anyway. I heard somewhere the creators are claiming they belong to "different" houses than we've seen before, so I guess my question is has anyone seen even a single smooth-headed Klingon? Even just one? Because that argument would be a lot more convincing if we've seen even one prototypical TOS Klingon.
That would go a long way toward fixing this apparent problem, IMO. Just show some TMP Klingons and some TOS Klingons in the background of the "assembled houses hologram" meeting and you can make this argument. So far, however, it's all been these new ones that don't fit in anywhere.
What would have be best would be to have the bulk of the Klingons of this ‘never before seen house’ have this new make-up (well, best would be them having TOS make-up or just being a new race, but let’s assume they had to have the new make-up), the bulk of the common troops of the rest of the Empire in TOS make-up and the nobles/leaders of the other houses with a some TOS and mostly TMP make-up. That way you can explain it away as the new house being those that didn’t get the plague from Enterprise while the rest of the Empire caught it and now fall into two camps, those who are rich/powerful enough to afford reconstructive surgery and those who aren’t.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by Deledrius »

Right. That's how you'd do it if you are making a prequel where you cared about what you're doing and still insist on adding this new appearance for a well-established species.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by Yukaphile »

Okay, question time. On a scale of 1 to 10, between the other Trek series, what would you guys rate this?

For an example, for me it would be:


With Discovery being...?
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by Alasar »

I asked my little brother (who had only seen a couple of the new movies and Discovery):

"Did you have fun watching Discovery"

"It isn't that bad."

"No, I mean did you have a moment of joy, lightheartedness or something similar."

-- A very long pause --

"No, not really."

That's mostly why I do not like it. And Michael is a despicable character who has only been able to show me that "Archer" type Vulcans seem to be the standard now.

Answer to post above:
Discovery=1. First Star Trek show that actively made me stop watching it. Enterprise may have bored me to sleep, but at least my tv was still on.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by Durandal_1707 »

Okay, I'll admit I thought the Discovery Klingons looked weird too at first. But, people on the Internet have Photoshopped hair onto them, and look what happens:


When they have hair... they suddenly look like TNG Klingons. So the change in their look isn't really a change to the species look; it's a fashion change, and those do change in relatively short periods of time. Just look at the difference between hairstyles in the 70s, 80s, and 90s for example.

Basically, shaving one's head is in vogue in Klingon society during this period of time. Nothing more, nothing less.

The only real thing to complain about is if you actually wanted that Augment Virus crap to show up in here, in which case... ehh, no thanks.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by Dînadan »

Hmm, shown like that they don’t look so bad. I suppose it doesn’t help that the only other bald Klingon we’ve ever seen was General Chang who had rather muted ridges so the contrast with these is all the more stark.

Also they grey tones to their skin probably don’t help; even with the hair the first three still look a tad off.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by Alasar »

They do look better but I still wonder why their skin looks as if a 4 year old child went overboard with the glitter glue. Couldn't even imagine how they would explain that one at memory alpha/beta.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by Deledrius »

Alasar wrote:They do look better but I still wonder why their skin looks as if a 4 year old child went overboard with the glitter glue. Couldn't even imagine how they would explain that one at memory alpha/beta.
Clearly these particular Klingons have a large amount of silver in their diet.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by BunBun299 »

Yukaphile wrote:Okay, question time. On a scale of 1 to 10, between the other Trek series, what would you guys rate this?

For an example, for me it would be:


With Discovery being...?
Discovery would be a 1, if I were feeling generous.

There are 2 things I found unforgivable in what I was able to watch. I will not pay to see the rest, the pilot utterly failed to sell it to me. The first was the KINOs. I refuse to actually use the name of one of the most iconic aliens in the history of the franchise on these things. I might actually have liked the design if this were a new alien race. But these are not Klingons. Klingons do not collect their dead and armor their hull with them. Klingons are not Isolationists that you would not hear from since Archer's time.

The second unforgivable moment was Michael's mutiny. It is completely unthinkable that a Starfleet officer, who'd served under her Captain for 7 years would suddenly mutiny because she's having a panic attack over the KINOs. She is objectively worse than Chakotay the former terrorist, who argued with Janeway every step of the way when she decided to pursue an alliance with the Borg, who are on their best day far, far worse than the KINOs on their worst. But Chakotay still carried out his orders in the end, because it's the Captain's call.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by Yukaphile »

Okay, so maybe it's a lot closer to the original design than we think, but that still doesn't justify giving them forehead ridges when canonically speaking they shouldn't have them now. In regards to what I said, that I'd heard a rumor a creator said they come from a different house, have they EVER mentioned anything about their foreheads in the show? Or anything to support this idea? Because if not, it might really be false.
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