Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by Fixer »

Hi everyone. With the last Jedi about to strike, this thread has been created to contain all your crazy spoilers.
Feel free to go nuts.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by Madner Kami »

The Porgs (the screeching Kyubei-stand-in from the Trailer) help Rey get her lightsaber back on the fourth Deathstar, Leia dies, Luke is killed by Snoke and Snoke is Anakin's father.

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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by ChiggyvonRichthofen »

I happened across a partial spoiler, and being weak-willed I eventually spoiled myself on the whole thing. After all the accusations that they were playing it safe, which is honestly something I bought into, the spoilers I read were truly shocking.

Obviously I can't judge the film myself until I see it, but this one is going to be discussed and debated for a long time. Obviously opinions can change and a majority of fans can reach a basic consensus over time, but I have the feeling that this could potentially go down as the most divisive Star Wars movie ever. Which sounds sort of ridiculous given the infamy that was the prequels, but that's my hot take without having actually seen the movie yet.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by SabreMau »

Just got back from seeing it. Because this is a thread for actual spoilers, I'm just going to start off with: Why would you even have Captain Phasma built up as a thing if this is all she's going to do? If she somehow crawls out of that yet again just to show up and lose in Episode IX, she's a lot less cool than we were led to hope before Force Awakens was released.

Also when they show a close-up shot of that kid at the end, all I could think of was Jake Lloyd's, "I'm a person and my name is Anakin!" And those bombers at the beginning reminded me that yup, this is still WW2 in Space. Overall, I left the theater not considering it a waste of time so it's well ahead of Rogue One in my book. I'd consider it good and recommendable but still kinda long, taking a very winding route to get from beginning to end. And it also gets points for showing, for the first time ever, hyperdrive used as an offensive weapon.

One last edit, with a reiteration that this IS spoiler thread. Leia survives to the end of this movie, so are they just going to go with "she died offscreen somewhere" to explain her Episode IX absence? Pretty sure they said they're definitely not going to CGI-actor Carrie Fisher in, so it's probably either just mention her in passing then go forward with the new generation of characters, or do what they did in Matrix when the original Oracle actress died and have someone else portray her, though I really doubt they'd go for that either.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by MissKittyFantastico »

Far from flawless (in particular, I think the mood of the middle of the film got undercut quite badly by having everyone on the doomed fleet, with (so far as we knew) nowhere left to run, all avenues of escape cut off, and Finn and Rose just piss off to Monte Carlo for half an hour?) but easily up in the 'loved it' range. And even with everyone and their porg going on about how different and surprising and expectation-subverting it was going to be, I still expected basically a standard adventure, something basically predictable in overall shape if not in specifics, and that was like, nope.

I've got to nitpick though - I still feel like I don't have a great idea of what the First Order even is. I mean, do they have boots on the ground all over the galaxy? Do all the previously-free (I guess) planets of the New Republic now have stormtrooper patrols marching along their streets checking people's papers and locking up dissidents? Apparently they're poised to rule the galaxy, and Poe says the cheese slice is "a dreadnought" like there's more than one of them around, so I guess they're a large organisation, but you wouldn't know it from what we actually see. I mean, what's Kylo Ren supreme leader of now, what's he got besides one crippled flagship with its starboard wing duct-taped back on?
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by rickgriffin »

Well in the original movie we barely see anything of the empire except a few soldiers and the Death Star, so I guess they're going for a "just assume that's all happening offscreen" kind of feel, even though the new way they're telling the movies kinda feels like they need to present more detail. The Lucas "documentary" style of the original works insofar as the characters on the screen can make us believe there's a larger world than just what we're seeing.

I really only have a handful of nitpicks, and yes I think it drags in the middle a bit (not the Monte Carlo bit, it just felt like the "Oh no we're in trouble" beats happened one time too many even if I can't pinpoint exactly which one needed condensing). But when compared to The Force Awakens--that movie was at its best when it did its own thing, and this movie does a LOT more of its own thing and it's awesome.

Also I like all the alien critters in this movie. They're adorable but don't overburden us with drawn-out shenanigans--it's just a little sugar sprinkled on top like it should be.

And I absolutely expect Phasma to completely improbably be back again. I get the feeling she's taking the role of Boba Fett for these movies--cool armor, stupid defeats, BUT THIS TIME she keeps coming back. (Also I had a weird moment thinking "Oh, that armor deflects small blaster fire! Wait, that means she's the only one with functional armor . . .")
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by Ordo »

The one thing I loved about this film is how our new heroes FAILED spectacularly. I mean Finn, Poe and Rose get a lot of good people killed with a well meaning but poorly thought out plan (Though if Holdo had just told them what she was doing....). Then there's Rey...who lost her **** mind and all but hurled herself into the arms of an enemy she had no chance against. Seriously Snoke smacked her around like she was a naughty puppy. I mean there's clearly growth and hope for everyone by the films end...but seriously....that was ******* impressive series of foul ups.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by MithrandirOlorin »

Phasma is the new Boba Fett, accept it.

The movie was great, so phenomenally great I might even be willing to consider it on the same level as the Prequels. Definitely beats TFA and and those poorly ages films from the 70s and 80s.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by SabreMau »

Still trying to figure out where exactly the Vice Admiral's attack rates on the "coolest single things ever to happen in a Star Wars movie" scale.
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