The Lorelei Signal (TAS)

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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The Lorelei Signal (TAS)

Post by CrypticMirror »

Never mind She-Ra; this is the worst Gilmore Girls episode, ever!

I'm not sorry I made that joke, I'm more sorry they made this episode. How many TAS episodes are there, and are we past the halfway point yet? Please say we are. Although, the worst is still to come.

As far as the episode goes, I think I'd have prefered they took the Stargate Atlantis approach to fixing the oldness, just have them suck that live energy back out of the space vampires and then, since this is still Star Trek not Stargate: Warcrimes, say whatever magic doodad was used has left the space vampires unable to space vampire and they are relocating them to a space rehab planet to help them get over some form of massive space guilt because the space vampirism actually drove them space mad and now they are space sane again they are space distraught. Sorry, this episode made me space out.
Did anyone manage to request any Masters of the Universe or She-Ra stuff before Chuck closed requests, btw? It was something I always meant to do (there are some impressive names in that stuff, like Paul Dini and JMS, and Frank Langella) it but I never did. Darn. Anyway, I'm betting my weird stuff is way back in the queue.
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Re: The Lorelei Signal (TAS)

Post by cliffdog01 »

Hahaha, I thought the same thing when I saw the name 'Lorelei'.

As for the episode, I don't understand the level of hate it got sure it is not a great episode at all but it's just a Siren episode. Right? Most of the SF complaints just come with Siren tropes including the life-sucking and it affecting men are all pretty common for Sci-fi and fantasy and has nothing to do with feminism I mean it is sourced from an ancient greek Myth of Odysseus. It just not that much of a big deal to me.
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Re: The Lorelei Signal (TAS)

Post by CareerKnight »

One of the biggest problems with the episode is its an idiot plot, aka the story only happens because of a series of face palming events such as sending the enterprise here alone or at all, broadcasting the signal to the whole ship for no reason, not shutting the signal off, and the rest of the episode.
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Re: The Lorelei Signal (TAS)

Post by Azaz129 »

Spock's eyebrows @ 2:01

It's really the loving attention to detail that made this such a high quality show.
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Re: The Lorelei Signal (TAS)

Post by CrypticMirror »

cliffdog01 wrote:Hahaha, I thought the same thing when I saw the name 'Lorelei'.

As for the episode, I don't understand the level of hate it got sure it is not a great episode at all but it's just a Siren episode. .
As Marie Antoinette once said: It's not the idea that bothers me, it is the execution.

It is just done so dumbly. I know it only has 20 minutes to tell its tale so shortcuts have to be taken, and that it is Filmation so that means the animation is gonna be goofy; but even with that in mind it is just done so shoddily and so stupidly. A siren episode doesn't have to be this dumb, they can be done well. Just that it needs to be done carefully because the idea is so old and so simple. Chuck nails all the faults dead on, and it would only have needed a few tweaks for a lot of them.
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Re: The Lorelei Signal (TAS)

Post by MadAmosMalone »

cliffdog01 wrote:Hahaha, I thought the same thing when I saw the name 'Lorelei'.
I thought of this

It came out around the time of this episode I think.
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Re: The Lorelei Signal (TAS)

Post by ThroneZwei »

Certainly one of the show's sillier outings to be sure.
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Re: The Lorelei Signal (TAS)

Post by rickgriffin »

I find it hard to hate anything in the Animated Series because it's ALL so silly. I mean, there's clearly better episodes than others, but there IS very little that's blatantly offensive. Except maybe to your intelligence. Even the arbitrary gender stuff in this episode it's hard to find out-and-out offensive compared to a lot of gendered remarks in TOS. Additionally, Uhura's time in the captain's chair was largely wasted, but at least she GOT some chair time!
Last edited by rickgriffin on Sun Mar 05, 2017 5:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Lorelei Signal (TAS)

Post by Durandal_1707 »

MadAmosMalone wrote:
cliffdog01 wrote:Hahaha, I thought the same thing when I saw the name 'Lorelei'.
I thought of this

It came out around the time of this episode I think.
Or this one, although it came out a bit earlier:
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Re: The Lorelei Signal (TAS)

Post by ran76 »

In TNG, the show mentions memory engrams every once in a while and kinda implies you can copy, store and replace memories with them. Wouldn't that be the solution of the transporters resetting the minds of who(m?)ever gets youngafied?
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