Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by PerrySimm »

Finn is arguably an "ascended extra" but Rose, who has only just shown up to the story, is overtly an "ascended fan". It would be too much like fanfiction for this to actually go anywhere. Also, should Disney really endorse "you tasered me" as a valid meet-cute?
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by Ordo »

PerrySimm wrote:Finn is arguably an "ascended extra" but Rose, who has only just shown up to the story, is overtly an "ascended fan". It would be too much like fanfiction for this to actually go anywhere. Also, should Disney really endorse "you tasered me" as a valid meet-cute?
Honestly I think that Kiss is going to turn into another subversion. The expectation being two people spend time together and fall in love...when it's clear Finn dosen't return her feelings.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by ORCACommander »

also you are talking the spoiler thread so you have no reason to hold back in that regard

part of the problem with luke is we have literally decades of time between movies 7 and 8. who knows how many more mistakes way on his conscience, luke was never a paragon of virtue nor the jedi. he lacked guidance, was poorly trained and has his own flaws that draw him toward the dark side. remember in return of the jedi he force choked one of jabba's guards into submission, after having his buttons pushed he unleashed himself in anger.

I agree the whole st up of the first order is a problem but its more a problem of the first film than the second one.

On the whole the kylo ren romance thing, I am nto sure i see it because ren. she makes it very clear she loathes him. kylo I see has have the desperate need to connect to someone and have that person understand him.

as for unnecessary character deaths? ya i suppose its a bit disappointing but I'd rather have a few people destined to die that have some form of characterization than the faceless extras.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by MithrandirOlorin »

I honestly think Rose represents an Anime influence, that Meet-Cute is like a mild Tsundere. And then her last line in the film is one seemingly designed to make Otaku like me hear Baka.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by excalibur »

This was the most horribly written and directed Star Wars movie I have ever seen. Worse than the prequels

We have plot holes that are Death Star big, dropped plots from the previous movie, a pointless story line in "space Vegas" that did nothing to further the story, in fact if Finn and Rose didn't pick up a different hacker guy, that escape plan from Admiral stick up her ass would actually have worked and not left them wide open to where the First Order destroys 90% of the fleeing transports, proving Po 100% correct.

If lightspeeding the ship into the First Order was an option, why wasn't that part of the escape plan? Why did the Admiral take so long to react to her plan getting fucked?

If the admiral had told Po the plan instead of being a bitch to him, he wouldn't have gone off on his own plan.

Why was the Admiral in a dress? She's a military officer. We see other ladies in the movie in uniforms. What made her so different? Her personality wasn't harsh or stern or displaying her authority with ruthless power like so many other female Admiral characters from better series. Star Trek TNG had a better admiral character. The Reimagined Battlestar Galactica had a better female admiral character. This lady is a joke and such a throwaway character that if you took her out of the movie, it'd make no difference

Rey had ZERO lightsaber training and since the timeline between this movie and the last were minutes apart, where in the last movie, she could barely hold her own against Kylo Ren, a man trained by Luke Skywalker, how the hell could she use that same lightsaber so well with no prior training. And then beats Luke in a straight up. Luke Skywalker, a man trained by 2 Jedi masters and had decades to hone the powers of the force got bested by a girl with a stick who in the previous movie only beat Kylo Ren because he was wounded.

Snoke getting killed was so anti-climatic, I burst out laughing at how he didn't see it coming.

Kylo Ren still being evil in the end was such a called it moment, I didn't bat an eye.

Ghost Yoda can now summon lightning at will. It should have been the ghost of Anakin talking to Luke about saving Ben Solo.

Somehow Luke has given up on Ben Solo to be saved when he himself turned Darth Vader, his own dad back to the light so he can become one with the Force.

They didn't explain how Snoke even got to Ben Solo while he was at Luke's academy the whole time.

They retcon the destruction of the temple from the last movie. It showed Kylo Ren in the rain with the Knights of Ren over the dead bodies of other Jedi students. You're telling me, in the X amount of hours Luke was knocked out after a house was dropped on him that Ben Solo got pissed off enough to rally his allies, fellow students apparently, designed a cool helmet and outfit for everyone and then burned the temple down by the time Luke woke up?

This whole Rose falls in love with Finn was so out of left field that even the character was surprised about it.

The trailer made it looked like Finn had infiltrated the First Order and that lead to his epic duel with Captain Phasma.

Benicio Del Toro was such a pointless character, I thought he was the actual hacker they were looking for until I took a step back and remembered not one point did he admit that he was the guy they were looking for. I think he was a random dude they bumped into.

Also, why would the Resistance have "decoder" rings that hide the symbol of the Rebellion when clearly she's from an organization that worked for the New Republic.

Where's the rest of the Republic fleet that controlled the galaxy for 30 years? You're telling me in the time between the previous movie and this one, the First Order took out a military that canonically outnumbered them?
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by SabreMau »

Re: Lightsaber training, I don't think we saw much of that if any in the original trilogy. Luke's lightsaber training with Obi-Wan is limited to "Don't use your senses, let the Force work through you." and his time on Dagobah involved no lightsaber training (unless I'm forgetting something), with the one time in the cave that it is used being prefaced by Yoda telling him he doesn't need to bring his lightsaber in there.

I'm relatively content with "She figured out how to let go, use the Force, and the Force knows all the crazy sword-fu fight techniques she needs" as an explanation for how she's doing what she's doing.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by BunBun299 »

Antiboyscout wrote:Leia pulls a Data.

Michael from STD does something similar now that I think about it.
PLZ stop making this a thing.
At least with Data it made sense. Humans in a vacuum like that should be very dead.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by Ordo »

excalibur wrote:This was the most horribly written and directed Star Wars movie I have ever seen. Worse than the prequels

We have plot holes that are Death Star big, dropped plots from the previous movie, a pointless story line in "space Vegas" that did nothing to further the story, in fact if Finn and Rose didn't pick up a different hacker guy, that escape plan from Admiral stick up her ass would actually have worked and not left them wide open to where the First Order destroys 90% of the fleeing transports, proving Po 100% correct.
The point of the movie is failure, that you can do your best and still come up short...and that's fine so long as you learn from it
If lightspeeding the ship into the First Order was an option, why wasn't that part of the escape plan? Why did the Admiral take so long to react to her plan getting fucked?
Because ramming another ship at Light speed is desperate, could easily fail and is generally NOT something that comes to mind first. The goal was to lead the First Order away from Crait. If she'd begun turning when all the guns were pointed at her and not firing on the transports there's a good chance she'd have been destroyed BEFORE she could make the jump
Why was the Admiral in a dress? She's a military officer.
You do notice that Leia isn't wearing Military fatigues.
Snoke getting killed was so anti-climatic, I burst out laughing at how he didn't see it coming.
Arrogant villain thinking he'd won, and missing what's going on beside him, not hard at all to buy for me.
Ghost Yoda can now summon lightning at will. It should have been the ghost of Anakin talking to Luke about saving Ben Solo.
Yoda was Luke's teacher, and we trust his judgement more than Anakin's.
Somehow Luke has given up on Ben Solo to be saved when he himself turned Darth Vader, his own dad back to the light so he can become one with the Force.
Ben isn't Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker. Not everyone can be saved, and Kylo Ren was literally designed to be a parents worst nightmare, a child gone wrong. Another point in this movie is that what worked before just may not work again. Finn, Poe and Rose tried to execute the kinds of plan Luke, Han and Leia would've pulled in the OT....and it failed here.
They didn't explain how Snoke even got to Ben Solo while he was at Luke's academy the whole time.
Neither did we know how Darth Vader was seduced by the Emperor until the prequels. What we do see is that Snoke is powerful enough to link two minds across vast distances. So it's not hard to see him whispering into Ben's ear, and turning him more and more to darkness.
They retcon the destruction of the temple from the last movie. It showed Kylo Ren in the rain with the Knights of Ren over the dead bodies of other Jedi students. You're telling me, in the X amount of hours Luke was knocked out after a house was dropped on him that Ben Solo got pissed off enough to rally his allies, fellow students apparently, designed a cool helmet and outfit for everyone and then burned the temple down by the time Luke woke up?
That wasn't the destruction of the Jedi Temple. That was Kylo Ren and his Knights fighting another group lead by a "Clan Leader". That and the Temple slaughter are two separate incidents.
This whole Rose falls in love with Finn was so out of left field that even the character was surprised about it.
Exactly, that was the point. People were expecting Finn and Rose to fall in love because they spent time together...and here we see that despite her interest, Finn clearly has eyes elsewhere.
Benicio Del Toro was such a pointless character, I thought he was the actual hacker they were looking for until I took a step back and remembered not one point did he admit that he was the guy they were looking for. I think he was a random dude they bumped into.
Yup, he was. This goes to show just how desperate the plan was and is another reason it failed. I applaud the attempt given the information they had...but this was a long shot and it's really not surprising that it failed.
Also, why would the Resistance have "decoder" rings that hide the symbol of the Rebellion when clearly she's from an organization that worked for the New Republic.
Because the Resistance dosen't work for the New Republic. They are a rogue group as shown in TFA. That's is why the First Order targeted the New Republic and it's fleet FIRST.
Where's the rest of the Republic fleet that controlled the galaxy for 30 years? You're telling me in the time between the previous movie and this one, the First Order took out a military that canonically outnumbered them?
SKB wiped out the New Republic Fleet. That is what Hux was ranting about in TFA when he was talking about ending the Republic and then the hated resistance. The Resistance had Four capital ships and was privately funded. However if they could prove the First Order was a threat then the Republic Fleet would come in....and it'd be a war the FO might not win.
BunBun299 wrote:
Antiboyscout wrote:Leia pulls a Data.

Michael from STD does something similar now that I think about it.
PLZ stop making this a thing.
At least with Data it made sense. Humans in a vacuum like that should be very dead.
She has the force....a power that allowed Anakin Skywalker to lay burning by a lava flow possibly for hours and your bothered by Leia surviving in vaccum for a few moments before using the force to drag herself inside a Star Ship? A normal person can last for about 15 seconds in space before going unconscious. Someone with the power of the force to sustain them...likely a bit longer but it clearly took a lot out of her.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by Karha of Honor »

SabreMau wrote:Re: Lightsaber training, I don't think we saw much of that if any in the original trilogy. Luke's lightsaber training with Obi-Wan is limited to "Don't use your senses, let the Force work through you." and his time on Dagobah involved no lightsaber training (unless I'm forgetting something), with the one time in the cave that it is used being prefaced by Yoda telling him he doesn't need to bring his lightsaber in there.

I'm relatively content with "She figured out how to let go, use the Force, and the Force knows all the crazy sword-fu fight techniques she needs" as an explanation for how she's doing what she's doing.
He had years to figure it out before fighting a Force user.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by Ordo »

And Rey had years on Jakku defending herself without the force with a Staff. Add in the force and Kylo Ren's unbalanced status after murdering Han (And shoulder injury from Finn and shot in the gut from Chewie) and her victory makes sense. Notice that when fighting Luke she quickly lost until she pulled a lightsaber and Luke stopped fighting back to make her calm down.
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