STDS9: A Man Alone

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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Madner Kami
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Re: STDS9: A Man Alone

Post by Madner Kami »

Fuzzy Necromancer wrote:Most shortages in modern society ARE artificial. Grocery stores and restaurants force employees to throw away perfectly good food and sometimes to pour bleach on it so dumpster-divers can't get it. We have a massive amount of homeless people and a massive amount of empty, unsold homes.
Wow, you got that one ass backwards. Supermarkets don't throw perfectly good stuff away to keep supply artificially low. We throw stuff away that customers didn't want to buy and don't want to buy anymore, normally for some superficial flaw that has no relevance towards the actual condition of the item in question. No sane store throws stuff away that they have already paid for, that they could still sell!
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Admiral X
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Re: STDS9: A Man Alone

Post by Admiral X »

Also because Federal regulations say they have to throw out food that gets to a certain age.
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Sir Will
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Re: STDS9: A Man Alone

Post by Sir Will »

Durandal_1707 wrote:
Sir Will wrote:
SotF wrote:The bit with Rom showing up to drop Nog off and the comment about the human boy kind of comes off that it's more of him trying to keep his kid out of trouble...this is more due to me seeing it as a progression from Nog and Jake creating chaos that started the mess in the first place.

Basically, he's seeing it as his son's association with that particular human boy being what caused the issue, so the simple solution is to order his son to stay away from the "bad influence"
Except Nog was in trouble in the very first episode. I know, parents are blind and stupid when it comes to their kids. Rom was still much different in season 1 than he was later on.
While that's true, later Rom is more annoying than Neelix. Give me the "early installment weirdness" anyday, at least as far as he's concerned.
I disagree. While he can be a little grating at times, like that stupid Leeta subplot with Zimmerman, overall I quite like him.
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Re: STDS9: A Man Alone

Post by PapaPalpatine »

Honestly, I think the somebody programed a holosuite character to be a murder weapon plot would've had potential' it could've been a refreshing change of pace from the usual malfunctioning holodeck plot. Investigating who on the station has the skills and the motive for the crime could've been interesting. As for how the knife got in the holosuite, maybe the perp clandestinely transported it in for his holographic proxy to use. The DS9 staff would've then discovered the transport by taking readings and/or reviewing sensor logs.
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Re: STDS9: A Man Alone

Post by Rocketboy1313 »

Admiral X wrote:Also because Federal regulations say they have to throw out food that gets to a certain age.
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Re: STDS9: A Man Alone

Post by Admiral X »

I'm not talking about expiration date on perishable food, I'm talking about regs on how long prepared food can be left out before its considered to be unsafe, as in the kind of thing people can get food poisoning from.
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