Dragon Age II: EA boogaloo

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
Independent George
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Re: Dragon Age II: EA boogaloo

Post by Independent George »

CharlesPhipps wrote:I think a big problem is people went into Dragon Age 2 expecting it to be epic fantasy and judge it based on those standards when it seems clear they merged fantasy and noir fiction. Hawke is as close to a private detective as can exist in a fantasy setting as is humanly possible without any actual concept of being a detective existing yet.

He investigates murders, kidnappings, is friends with the local police and criminal underworld both, and every.single.person.is.corrupt.

It's Sam Spade and Phillip Marlowe in fantasy.

THAT'S why everyone is an asshole. You're in Sin City and Gotham rather than Middle Earth.
I like this idea, and it sounds like what they were going for, but I think it still doesn't work in practice for largely the same reasons I think it doesn't work as fantasy.

Like all genres, noir requires certain conventions in order to work, whether played straight or deconstructed. For Hawke to work as a noir antihero would depend on exploring an inter-connected web of intrigue between different factions instead of isolated, individual sidequests. For example, Petrice should be a great noir femme fatale, except we interact with her exactly twice - one sidequest with the requisite betrayal, and then one cutscene at the end of Act 2. There is no sustained drama, no sense of Hawke being descending deeper and deeper into the morass - it's just "do this quest", then "do that quest" then get to the next plot point.

The same major critiques I have on DA2 as a fantasy applies just as much, if not more, as it does to DA2 as noir. Because there's no emotional connection to anyone or anything in Kirkwall beyond your companions, Hawke has no stake in anything. Because Hawke's actions have no impact on the game world, there's no sense of consequences for your decisions - and noir is all about unintended consequences. Because of how shallow and isolated the sidequests are, you never get a sense of how Kirkwall operates or who the players are; noir depends on the protagonist's isolation and alienation.

It's not enough to just have corruption and deceipt around you; that's just the trappings of noir without the soul of it. Noir isn't interesting because you're surrounded by assholes; it's the tension between the protagonist and those assholes. Jake Giddes' problems all came from the fact that he started to care again, and put himself into a case beyond just doing "as little as possible". Sam Spade still lived by a code even though he knew it was outdated; against his better judgement, he went after the person who murdered his partner, because that's just what you do for your partner. Without a connection to the crapsack world you're stuck in, what you are left with is a series of quests instead of a cohesive narrative.

All of that is a function of its incomplete state, because you can see all the ways it might have tied together and worked if they just had more time to work on it. Your sibling is your reason for not giving in to corruption, and is effectively being held hostage by one of the city's shadowy factions. Aveline is the honest copper in a corrupt world. Varric is the ostensibly selfish and corrupt merchant who keeps his integrity hidden. The Viscount is the figurehead swamped by sinister powers more powerful than him. The Qunari are the looming outside threat that nobody knows how to deal with. The fundamentals are there, but the connections are not. Heck, everything in this paragraph sounds like it could come from Casablanca (which I suppose is technically not noir, but it had Humphrey Bogart in it).
Last edited by Independent George on Fri Dec 15, 2017 6:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dragon Age II: EA boogaloo

Post by CharlesPhipps »

I'd argue that all of your companions are neck deep in the tensions involved in the storyline, which provide the links you'd require. After all, Isabella IS the person with the Maltese Falcon/Koran and her relationship to the Qunari questline is also contrasted against the fact many of the quests involve the brutalizing and torture of them up until things go pear shaped. Plus, the random psychotic blood mage who thwarts the attempt to take down Meredith is the same survivor of the Blood Mage group you potentially spare.

There's only so many consequences you can do when everything is your choice but there's a lot more interweaving going on than I think you're giving credit for.

For example, the mine you open up to help your fellow Fereldans that ends up being a place where they all die. Your inability to catch the serial killer that leads to your mother's death.

And so on.
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Re: Dragon Age II: EA boogaloo

Post by hammerofglass »

The serial killer one always bugged me. Hawke never thought to tell her mother that there's a serial killer with a distinctive calling card targeting women that meet her description in the three years she was involved in the investigation?

I think the noir comparison is close, but not quite there. It's in that weird little subgenre that shows like Angel and Torchwood inhabit.
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Independent George
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Re: Dragon Age II: EA boogaloo

Post by Independent George »

So just out of curiosity... what was your canon Warden in your DA:O import?

I imported my city elf rogue, because I felt like that was arguably the longest hero's journey in the first game; now I'm kind of tempted to import my mage or human noble, just to see how it affects the story. I actually never played as Dalish in the first one, but now I'm tempted to just because of Merrill.
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Re: Dragon Age II: EA boogaloo

Post by Winter »

Really looking forward to Hawke and Merrill running into Pol who is, without a doubt, the stupidest person in Dragon Age EVER! This is the elf that when seeing Merrill runs away in terror because of a few rumors he heard about her that, when you actually hear them, aren't really that bad, or at the very least, not as bad as a giant monster that wants to kill you simply for being in killing range. Also I do wonder if the spirit that was helping Merrill in DA2 was just that, a Spirit that just wanted to help Merrill but was corrupted by the Keeper because her Pride refused to see Merrill's point of view.

But back to Pol, this is the kind of person that make Neelix look like a savant by comparison. "Help, all my friends have been killed by a monster and its right behind me!" Sees Merrill, "Oh my God! I've heard rumors that paint this girl I've know for years in a slightly negative light and she's offering to help me!" Sees a mouse, "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35U8Y9nMJJc"

Okay that last part might not have happened but still, Pol is a idiot and Fenris is a jerk for insulting Merrill a monster when she just lost a friend for no other reason then she just happens to be a mage.
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Re: Dragon Age II: EA boogaloo

Post by Madner Kami »

Independent George wrote:So just out of curiosity... what was your canon Warden in your DA:O import?

I imported my city elf rogue, because I felt like that was arguably the longest hero's journey in the first game; now I'm kind of tempted to import my mage or human noble, just to see how it affects the story. I actually never played as Dalish in the first one, but now I'm tempted to just because of Merrill.
I can recommend the Daelish origin story. Da:O is one of the few games that gives you really the feel of being part of a group of people that used to be someone, but got utterly buttfucked by humanity. The game really gets the supressed minority angle right in many regards, whether as mage, low born dwarf, Daelish or city elf.
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Re: Dragon Age II: EA boogaloo

Post by CharlesPhipps »

Can't wait for the next chapter!
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Re: Dragon Age II: EA boogaloo

Post by animalia »

Correct me if I 'm wrong since I never played the game and my only familiarity with it is through the review but once she gets his map why does Hawke still need Anders? couldn't she fire him? (at least in theory?) As such unlike in harassment where you are forced to put up with behavior you don't care for since the other person has all the power. In this case Hawke has the power and could get rid of the guy. Again if I am misreading the situation I apologize. NOTE: I am not saying you have to like the guy, just saying that there is a difference between an asshole and harasser since the latter is about power. Again if Anders still had leverage in that situation and I was simply unaware of it I retract my statement as incorrect.
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Re: Dragon Age II: EA boogaloo

Post by CharlesPhipps »

For the oldest reason in D&D....

He's the healer.

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Re: Dragon Age II: EA boogaloo

Post by animalia »

CharlesPhipps wrote:For the oldest reason in D&D....

He's the healer.

So basically what Abridged Dende would say "Nobody fucks with the white mage."?
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