Lord Evil continues election interference

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Lord Evil continues election interference

Post by TGLS »

https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way ... in-in-2018

Not satisfied with merely interfering in other countries elections, Vladimir Putin has barred his chief opponent from running against him. Thoughts?
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Re: Lord Evil continues election interference

Post by Antiboyscout »

Come on man. It's Christmas. Couldn't you save it until tomorrow?
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Re: Lord Evil continues election interference

Post by PerrySimm »

Come on man. It's Christmas. Couldn't you save it until tomorrow?
Are you saying you consider TGLS to be family?

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Re: Lord Evil continues election interference

Post by SlackerinDeNile »

PerrySimm wrote:
Come on man. It's Christmas. Couldn't you save it until tomorrow?
Are you saying you consider TGLS to be family?

Don't fight in front of the kids!
That's really quite heart-warming actually. :D
If this forum has become a family then I hope I haven't become the loser uncle that everybody ignores. :P
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Re: Lord Evil continues election interference

Post by Ordo »

Dibs on being the black sheep.
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