Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by Fixer »

Ordo wrote: Yes I am, and here's why's why.
You've written a lot of justifications for why you think Rey should be able to master anything pretty much immediately, so my question to you is: at which point would it be too much and unjustified?
SabreMau wrote: Which would also loop around to mechanics from the TIE Fighter games. In that, lasers did have a maximum range, but that was because you were running it on like 486s that didn't have the space to track everyone's shots infinitely out into deep space for the whole battle, even if they wanted to. So shots just disappeared after 1.6 kilometers or so. In the movie, it just seems like that cannon's power suffers too quick a dropoff just by getting a little out of envelope range, especially since, hours later when the distance is much further out, the exact same cannon still has enough juice to one-shot vaporize unshielded transports.

It's not so much a plot hole, as they're very expository about the overview of the situation, it just feels an odd setup for the writers to write them into, and feeds some "well why wouldn't they just do this, then?" ideas on the side.
Playing with TIE fighter rules, Kylo could have parked in the hangar bay and opened fire with laser cannons for about 2 minutes until the ship's hull hit 0%. Engine wash killed the old sitting at the engines strategy.

I think cannon range is less of an issue than the other contrivances around the whole chase scene and you're absolutely right in saying there's lots of ways the movie could have been almost immediately over.

Kylo and friends taking out all the enemy fighters and destroying the lead ship's bridge leaving them without air support and effectively crippled, then withdrawing the handful of fighters they sent.

Instead of immediately deploying the thousands of other fighters we saw in the racks and presumably bombers they have as well thanks to that arms dealer' holograms, they sit back and plink away at range for 18 hours. This might be fine if they were conserving resources and were in no particular rush, except they're apparently involved in a massive takeover of the rest of the galaxy.

Even if the Star Destroyers can't make micro jumps, we see in the same movie that ships jump away and then jumps back within short range.

Even looking up the Wookiepedia articles on the ship specs, the Raddus calamari cruiser is apparently running a skeleton crew and only has 36 heavy weapons batteries compared to a single Resurgent class which has a ridiculous 1500+ weapons batteries and should outgun the entire Resistance fleet about 40/1. Two half-assed lightspeed jumps from a single ship would have saved a whole lot of time.

Before that, the First Order could have wiped out the resistance by targeting the Fleet rather than the empty base with their Dreadnought.

Thinking about it I suppose the Dreadnought's cannons would have had the range to kill the fleet, so Poe's disobeying orders retroactively saved everyone. Of course he would have failed had the First Order launched fighters.

Overall most of what happens is what you could call an idiot plot.

If the First Order had been even marginally competent with their overwhelming military advantage the movie would have been over. If Finn and Rose had asked for landing clearance they would have succeeded in their mission. If Holdo hadn't given off the impression that she was trying to get everyone killed there wouldn't have been a mutiny, and if the guy on the First Order's scanners had apparently turned up the sensor power a little, which they can apparently just do if they feel like it, her plan would have never worked in the first place.

Even if you ignore the legacy issues I have no idea why there were so many good reviews for TLJ when there's such shoddy writing, terrible slapstick and tone killing humor in this movie.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by cilantro »

PerrySimm wrote:
cilantro wrote: ^ this is what I am really sad about. Boba is most likely dead and he went out so stupid as well:

It's kind of like watching an evil Kirk dying from a bridge falling on top of him.
Don't lament too hard. The fanon around Boba Fett is immense, and can't simply be willed away by fiat. If Lucas was a half-step from writing it in, that's easier to accept than actually having to tolerate yet another 90s change to Episode VI.

So, I have been hearing that Disney is printing their own expanded books and there is a scene where they find badly damage Mandalorian armor. He could be alive or someone dragged badly damage Mandalorian armor but he has yet to make an appearance after the Sarlacc Pit.

Even with hard core fandom, Lucas still killed off the character because he wanted to be done with him and to be done with Star Wars saga back in the early 1980s. From what I heard, originally, Lucas planned out like 12 films and then cut it down to only 3 and just wanted to kill off Boba Fett because he was supposed to get more focus in the later films.

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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by Rocketboy1313 »

I am not a person to get bogged down in details. If the movie says, "They can do X" then I just accept it.
But I guess I'll bite.
Fixer wrote: If the First Order had been even marginally competent with their overwhelming military advantage the movie would have been over.
"General, do you want it done fast? Or do you want it done Evil?"
"Evil. Obviously. Why do you even have to ask?"

To paraphrase the comic book "Empire" about a world ruled by a knock off of Doctor Doom/Lex Luthor,
"Why don't we just atomize them? Why go thru the big show of building a bridge to invade?"
"The point is to put on a show."

I am really only surprised they didn't let some escape shuttles get away, to spread word of the Rebellions demise.
Fixer wrote: If Finn and Rose had asked for landing clearance they would have succeeded in their mission.
Yeah, something tells me they wouldn't have gotten clearance.
Also, them being fuck ups is kind of the whole point.
I would say "well-meaning fuck up" is 70-80% of Finn's character and why I like him so much.
Finn is the only person in Star Wars who doesn't really give a shit and sticks around for the sake of his friends. I have been that guy in a fandom before, I identify with him.
Fixer wrote: If Holdo hadn't given off the impression that she was trying to get everyone killed there wouldn't have been a mutiny,
She didn't give that impression. Poe is just a hot head and is far too willing to gamble things so she chose not to let him in on a plan she knew he would not go along with. If you want to call her an idiot she would have been wiser to throw his stupid ass in a cell.
Fixer wrote: and if the guy on the First Order's scanners had apparently turned up the sensor power a little, which they can apparently just do if they feel like it, her plan would have never worked in the first place.
In regard to sensors I would point to this sentiment I think you might have heard/read before.
"Space is big. Really big. You just won’t believe how vastly hugely mindbogglingly big it is. I mean you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist’s, but that’s just peanuts to space."

If they don't know where to look and what to look for, they ain't gonna find it. Especially when they have been lured into following a big target and have tunnel vision because, "Overconfidence is your weakness".

It is called a distraction.

Also, what the hell do any of us know about how sensors work? Or any of this shit? It feels pretty consistent to me. And consistent internal logic is all I ask of science fiction and fantasy. My big problem with that is the movie illustrates how fucking stupid a Death Star is, because 1 star ship can release so much energy as to torch a flag flotilla. Like, just have a droid pilot a star ship and have it power up near a planet. EXTINCTION. That is the sort of "Khan's blood cures death" plot hole I have issues with. Your stuff seems more like you are mad at characters not being as smart and well informed about their situations as the audience.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by SabreMau »

Rocketboy1313 wrote:I am not a person to get bogged down in details. If the movie says, "They can do X" then I just accept it.
But I guess I'll bite.
Fixer wrote: If the First Order had been even marginally competent with their overwhelming military advantage the movie would have been over.
"General, do you want it done fast? Or do you want it done Evil?"
"Evil. Obviously. Why do you even have to ask?"

To paraphrase the comic book "Empire" about a world ruled by a knock off of Doctor Doom/Lex Luthor,
"Why don't we just atomize them? Why go thru the big show of building a bridge to invade?"
"The point is to put on a show."
That'd explain this scene.


In RotJ, everyone's lined up for a ceremonial greeting of their supreme leader. In TLJ, they gathered a bunch of troopers and officers and had them all stand in formation because they found some attempted saboteurs, everyone assemble for the public execution. The question is if they made a big show of force just to be evil at the captives before killing them, or if it was more meant for the troops and officers. They captured Finn and Rose, then sent out a notice over the intercom telling everyone to go line up in the hangar bay 'cause let this be a warning to you, don't dare sneak on board the ship and try to fiddle with the tracker or we'll publicly execute you with laser axes.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by Rocketboy1313 »

SabreMau wrote:That'd explain this scene.


In RotJ, everyone's lined up for a ceremonial greeting of their supreme leader. In TLJ, they gathered a bunch of troopers and officers and had them all stand in formation because they found some attempted saboteurs, everyone assemble for the public execution. The question is if they made a big show of force just to be evil at the captives before killing them, or if it was more meant for the troops and officers. They captured Finn and Rose, then sent out a notice over the intercom telling everyone to go line up in the hangar bay 'cause let this be a warning to you, don't dare sneak on board the ship and try to fiddle with the tracker or we'll publicly execute you with laser axes.
It is a real triumph of the will.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by Ordo »

Rocketboy1313 wrote:
Fixer wrote: If Finn and Rose had asked for landing clearance they would have succeeded in their mission.
Yeah, something tells me they wouldn't have gotten clearance.
They wouldn't have gotten clearance. Canto Bight seems bound and determined to keep out the riffraff (IE people without money) since locking people up for a minor parking violation seems a little extreme. I'd be willing to bet that a small shuttle like theirs wouldn't have been allowed anywhere NEAR the main starport for fear of burning the eyes of wealthy patrons.

That said the plan itself was risky....but might have worked if Poe bad brought it up to Holdo (who he didn't trust). I mean Finn and Rose's plan allows the Resistance to escape with their biggest ship and so long as they don't know about Plan B (ie running to Crait) there's no harm in letting them try it. With Holdo in on the plan she might've been able to help them refine it into something that had a real chance of success. Finn was making things up as he goes (which is not uncommon in Star Wars), but his biggest mistake was not accounting for the First Order BB-9 units as that's what blew their cover, with his follow up mistake being a lack of planning his own escape. I mean the escape Pods were an option, but getting to a Hyperspace Capable ship would be a MUCH better move.

However, this film is about failure and breaking certain walking around the enemy base in uniform was doomed to fail, as was the military maverick taking over to save the day...and even the attempt to redeem the bad guy.

That'll teach the fans to beware what they wish for. They could've had a safe little ESB or AOTC repeat...but noooo. Had to slap them in the face and demand something new.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by Ordo »

SabreMau wrote:
Rocketboy1313 wrote:I am not a person to get bogged down in details. If the movie says, "They can do X" then I just accept it.
But I guess I'll bite.
Fixer wrote: If the First Order had been even marginally competent with their overwhelming military advantage the movie would have been over.
"General, do you want it done fast? Or do you want it done Evil?"
"Evil. Obviously. Why do you even have to ask?"

To paraphrase the comic book "Empire" about a world ruled by a knock off of Doctor Doom/Lex Luthor,
"Why don't we just atomize them? Why go thru the big show of building a bridge to invade?"
"The point is to put on a show."
That'd explain this scene.


In RotJ, everyone's lined up for a ceremonial greeting of their supreme leader. In TLJ, they gathered a bunch of troopers and officers and had them all stand in formation because they found some attempted saboteurs, everyone assemble for the public execution. The question is if they made a big show of force just to be evil at the captives before killing them, or if it was more meant for the troops and officers. They captured Finn and Rose, then sent out a notice over the intercom telling everyone to go line up in the hangar bay 'cause let this be a warning to you, don't dare sneak on board the ship and try to fiddle with the tracker or we'll publicly execute you with laser axes.


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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by Wargriffin »

Finally was well enough to go see the movie

my problem with Rouge one was that the first act was way too scatter brained trying to set up its cast and premise

I feel that problem continues in Last Jedi but instead of being largely a problem with the first Act... Its the entire Rebel side of the story while the Jedi side has a relatively understandable plot the Rebel side is a complete mess

The First Order are the definition of INCOMPENTENT Vader would have murdered half the command chain by now... The vong would have absolutely ****ed these bozos. Thrawn is spinning in his fabulous grave, Krayt got retcon'd for this BS? Also once again The New Republic has effectively ceased to exist... I mean the first movie, The Order blew up the current capital system... You'd think the countless OTHER viable capital systems would be mobilizing instead the idea is the first Order has some how seized control of the Galaxy to the point that the Rebels have to call their scattered cells on the outer rims for support... I thought all of this was taking place on the frontier!

Its trying to ape the empire strike's back New villain victory but Its more from how impotent the Rebels are this time not that the Order is a near unassailable juggernaut

Okay you can defend Holden not having to answer to Poe fine. I agree Poe was in no position to make demands especially after getting most of his squad killed. What's her excuse of not explaining her plan to anybody else or giving any form of assurance, which would have basically stopped well pretty much most of the pointless Rebel chase fetch quest, The mutiny, and ultimately the betrayal which left the rebels with the numbers that could fit in a flying Winnebago. I'm sorry if Holden had stopped with her pointless "my ovaries are bigger then your testicles" measuring contest... You'd actually have had some measure of a force left so no Leia turning around and defending Holden's actions as right is ****ing stupid

Also you traded the Y-wings for those slow obvious targets?

The stuff with Luke, Rey and Ben works... and all honesty They should have just left the Rebels in the doomed chase sequence for tight character focus instead of running all over the galaxy for set pieces
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by PerrySimm »

Wargriffin wrote:numbers that could fit in a flying Winnebago.
God willing, we'll all meet again in Star Wars Episode IX: The Search for More Money.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by Wargriffin »

PerrySimm wrote:
Wargriffin wrote:numbers that could fit in a flying Winnebago.
God willing, we'll all meet again in Star Wars Episode IX: The Search for More Money.
Raspberry.... Only one man would DARE give me the Raspberry!


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