Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by cilantro »

Wargriffin wrote:
PerrySimm wrote:
Wargriffin wrote:numbers that could fit in a flying Winnebago.
God willing, we'll all meet again in Star Wars Episode IX: The Search for More Money.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by Ordo »

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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by 1701EarlGrey »

George Lucas: "I ruined Star Wars; Ja Jar, Midi-chlorians, politics, one can top that!"
Rian Johnson: "George , hold my beer!" :D

I thought, that there can't be anything worse than the prequels... I was wrong, so wrong! :cry:
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by Ordo »

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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by J!! »

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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by Admiral X »

Yeah, it's not that they were trying to avoid getting slaughtered by the Empire, it's that they were running away from mistakes they made. :roll:
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by Ordo »

Admiral X wrote:Yeah, it's not that they were trying to avoid getting slaughtered by the Empire, it's that they were running away from mistakes they made. :roll:
Here's the thing, we now know that standard Jedi training is supposed to start when you're very the question arises...what exactly was Obi-Wan waiting for with Luke? I mean it ultimately worked out but it was very touch and go there for a while. Then there's Yoda (Failed I have, into exile I must go) who was clearly ready to blow Luke off when he failed his initial test. Neither individual seemed all that eager to train their best hope until the situation became so dire that there hands were forced.

From my perspective Luke is completely right to question whether or not the Jedi should exist at all. The Order of the Clone Wars era had a number of issues that 'Chuck' has pointed out (A Jedi uses the force, for knowledge and defense, never for attack. That's what the flame throwers are for, Flame on!). With Luke, his own Nephew slipped into darkness, taking a handful of students with him from the very first 'class' Skywalker tried to train. That has GOT to make one wonder if the entire Order idea is a flawed idea, or perhaps that they themself have no right to be teaching anyone.

Seeing Luke find himself and his answer by films end was triumphant for me personally. However I hope that the next incarnation of the Jedi takes a new form. I don't think, after everything we've seen, that the Jeid should just go back to being like they were in the prequels or in the old EU games and lore. They need to push the order in a new direction based on learning from the mistakes of the past.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by GandALF »

Ordo wrote: Seeing Luke find himself and his answer by films end was triumphant for me personally. However I hope that the next incarnation of the Jedi takes a new form.
More likely it'll be a really old form like the order of ~500 years earlier that Yoda remembers.

By the prequels the Jedi had kept the peace for 1000 years and the Sith used their complacency against them.

In Ep I Ki-Adi-Mundi (mr.flamethrower) doubts the idea that Sith could've have returned but at the end Yoda talks about the rule of two as he is old enough to remember when the Jedi were more acutely aware of the Sith.

In Ep II both Ki-Adi-Mundi and Mace Windu doubt that Dooku could be evil because he's a former Jedi. Later on Yoda mentions how some of the Jedi are getting arrogant and at the end he chastises talk about victory and mentions how the war works in favour of the dark side.

Throughout the TCW series it's constantly brought up that it doesn't make sense for peacekeepers to be fighting a war of that nature including by both the arch pacifist Satine the arch militarist Tarkin and by the end of the series Yoda is aware that they have been ensnared in a Sith plot and are ultimately going to lose the war in someway.

Luke in TLJ is in a position similar to Anakin in episode II. It's ultimately not his fault that Snoke got to Ben, just like its not Anakin's fault that the Tuskens killed his mother. Now Luke is stronger than Anakin so he doesn't go on a killing spree but he is consumed by fear and guilt and goes and sulk on Ahch-To like Anakin in the Lars garage thinking that being a Jedi should make him all-powerful allow him to prevent any bad things happening ever.

He conflates the complacency of the old Jedi with the Jedi teachings themselves, but the teachings aren't the actual problem as they are what allowed for a millennium of peace in the first place. He resents the teachings because they are not about becoming all-powerful, they are about overcoming your flaws including letting go of fear and moving on from failure, which Luke does not want to do because of his self-loathing, and it's Yoda who remembers the good old days who shakes him out of it.

There, you can now more thoroughly hate the film because of its connections to the prequels.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by unknownsample »

Wow a lot of people on here hated this film.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by PerrySimm »

unknownsample wrote:Wow a lot of people on here hated this film.
A new Star Wars film is always a grand opportunity for fans to nitpick!
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