Star Trek: Discovery - spoilery thoughts?

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Paul Walker
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by Paul Walker »

Deledrius wrote:A combined Sliders/Voyager model could be fun, at least for a little while.
Just as long as they avoid Quantum Leap - I don't think I can take another Jonathan Archer...

Regarding Empress Giourgiou, I hope they have that, and that she ascended after assassinating Empress Sato. That would link it into the rest of the Star Trek canon rather nicely.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by TGLS »

And that would make Hoshi like, what, 100 years old when she was assassinated? Given how aggressive people are with backstabbing in the mirror universe, I can imagine that there's room for one more Empr-person.
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Karha of Honor
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by Karha of Honor »

I assumed there will be ritualized duels and the whole Mirror thing will be less edgy for the sake of edgy and more logical.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by Asvarduil »

TGLS wrote:And that would make Hoshi like, what, 100 years old when she was assassinated? Given how aggressive people are with backstabbing in the mirror universe, I can imagine that there's room for one more Empr-person.
I'd like it for Linda Park to be the Emperess, having cloned herself a bajillion times like sci-fi villains always seem to do. Given how the Mirror Universe works, having a hammy, sexy Mirror Sato clone pulling the strings like a hooker version of Palpatine would be interesting, especially because in ENT/In A Mirror, Darkly, she seemed to be a competent villain.

Think about it - in most works, how often do we really get a compelling female villain? I feel like there's unpaved road to tread, there. Maybe her reforms led to women being more able to get prominent roles in Imperial Starfleet and Imperial society in general, outside of having screw-and-stab their way to the top. I think that a case of the Mirror Universe becoming slightly more congruent with the prime universe is a great way to play the whole mirror universe angle...then, at the end of the plotline, have the universes diverge again, with the MU becoming more evil again.

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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by J!! »

As if Lorca didn't have enough PTSD already.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by cilantro »

Didn't DS9 Mirror Universe episodes hinted/claimed that the Terran Empire was already either in decline and/or gone?
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by J!! »

by the time of ds9, the Empire had been overthrown & replaced with The Alliance, which was also evil.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by cilantro »

J!! wrote:by the time of ds9, the Empire had been overthrown & replaced with The Alliance, which was also evil.
Thanks for telling me. I could've sworn that by the DS9 Era the Terran Empire was already gone but I didn't remember The Alliance. As with it being evil- its always evil in the Mirror Universe.


I am surprised that the Empire lasted as long as they did with everyone, when a promotion literally means killing the person above you.

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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by CTU »

I do not like this show. To much SJW trash. heck they are using Klingon as stand in for Trump supporters...I saw a few episodes into it then stopped as this is not star trek despite the name
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by Durandal_1707 »

Yes, because as we all know, none of the other Treks ever made political statements about anything.
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