Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by Ordo »

G-Man wrote:I have not seen the movie yet, but from I have heard about it, this seems to be what the problem with The Last Jedi is:
Basically, the movie has no direction. Nothing seems to lead to anything.
Having seen the movie, I can not agree with this. Even Canto Bight, the portion of the film that a number of people said was pointless had a point.
Several plot threads were opened up in Episode VII, and in Episode VIII they were basically dropped or else cut short.
Honestly, most of those threads were answered, just not in ways some people liked. We know where Rey comes from and it honestly means less than what she chooses to do, Snoke was never meant to be anything more than a vehicle to get Kylo to the Darkside, etc.
The conflict is basically the same as in Episodes 4-6, with the First Order basically being the Empire for all intents and purposes, instead of a wannabe Empire.
Actually, I'd say the purpose of the First Order is to BE a wannabe Empire, just like how Kylo Ren started out as a Wannabe Vader. This movie shakes things up enough that we should hopefully see something different from both by Trilogies end.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by SabreMau »

What I wanted was the New Republic warring against the Imperial Remnant. What we got was a New Republic that won offscreen, then disarmed so recklessly and completely that their entire remaining warship fleet was docked in one place and got taken out in a single blast. After Force Awakens, I figured they lost a lot of their ships but the remaining star systems in the Republic would now be roused and ready to avenge Hosnian. With Last Jedi we learn that, no, what blew up was virtually everything they had, and the galaxy is now defenseless against the First Order ready to roll through and conquer it at their leisure. I still think they were hesitant to make a Star Wars story in which the bad guys were the underdogs.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by Fixer »

Or to have the bad guys on equal terms in a cold war. Or lots of smaller independent powers and the growing footprint of the New republic after the collapse of the Empire. The Thrawn trilogy having a collapsing Imperial force re-invigorated by a charismatic and ruthlessly efficient commander.

You didn't have to follow the old EU format to the letter but there were so many different and better ways they could have followed up the original trilogy. I know the last couple of SWTOR expansions get some flak, but the Eternal Empire had some great promise for a new and interesting opposition with its own style and unique threat.

As John Greenleaf Whittier once said though. "For all sad words of tongue and pen, The saddest are these, 'It might have been" With the passing of Carrie Fisher and with Harrison Ford now finally having the satisfaction of killing Han Solo off, we'll never get the chance to see on screen how the original trio matured and reshaped the galaxy for a new generation of heroes.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by GandALF »

Fixer wrote: the Eternal Empire had some great promise for a new and interesting opposition with its own style and unique threat
Well the decadent droid dependant society stuff is unique, but in all other respects its similar to both the OT Empire by having to fight the Odessen Rebel Alliance and the vanilla SWTOR Sith Empire by striking out from the unknown regions and forcing the Republic into a humiliating peace treaty.

Now that I think about it the First Order is really similar to the SWTOR Sith Empire with Snoke and Palpatine playing similar roles to Vitiate and Naga Sadow
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by ORCACommander »

Fixer, I don't get the hate for the porgs, they were largely unobtrusive and it was easier to make porgs than it was to digitally remove the real life puffins from the film.
the crystal foxes i will admit are bit of a plot convenience.
I don't recall much slap stick

I stand by that a lot of the problems of this movie are inherited from abrahms and the fact it is less than 24 hours after the events of the force awakens.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by unknownsample »

G-Man wrote:I have not seen the movie yet, but from I have heard about it, this seems to be what the problem with The Last Jedi is:
Basically, the movie has no direction. Nothing seems to lead to anything. Several plot threads were opened up in Episode VII, and in Episode VIII they were basically dropped or else cut short. The conflict is basically the same as in Episodes 4-6, with the First Order basically being the Empire for all intents and purposes, instead of a wannabe Empire.
Subverting expectations is fine, but "remember all of those interesting questions? Either no answers or the answers are not interesting," seems to be the sort of thing a kid does when he gets bored with a story and just wants to end it.
I haven't seen that review, but when it mentions political pandering as a problem, then I am lot less likely to take their arguments seriously.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by Fixer »

GandALF wrote:
Fixer wrote: the Eternal Empire had some great promise for a new and interesting opposition with its own style and unique threat
Well the decadent droid dependant society stuff is unique, but in all other respects its similar to both the OT Empire by having to fight the Odessen Rebel Alliance and the vanilla SWTOR Sith Empire by striking out from the unknown regions and forcing the Republic into a humiliating peace treaty.

Now that I think about it the First Order is really similar to the SWTOR Sith Empire with Snoke and Palpatine playing similar roles to Vitiate and Naga Sadow
I liked the concept of a society that believed itself to be somewhat of a Federation of Planets ruled by a beloved and benevolent dictator coming up against the Republic and the Jedi. The Jedi having to face a disciplined and technologically advanced enemy that wholeheartedly believes themselves to be moral and the right (even if they are ruled unknowingly by a galaxy devouring living doomsday weapon) presents an entirely different kind of challenge to the evil of the Sith.

Likewise, the SWTOR era Sith had a lot in common with Palpatine's era, right down to uniforms, titles and ship designs but the conflicts were different. You had the sudden resurgence up to the sacking of Coruscant, the Cold War, the Great Galactic war including the Sith's failures leading to them having to be the ones making desperate gambits after their infighting squandered their advantage.

KOTOR and KOTOR2 as well, The Mandalorian Wars, the Jedi Civil War, the Triumvirate. All these battles and conflicts which are so different in scope from "Tiny Rebellion Vs. Massive Empire."
ORCACommander wrote:Fixer, I don't get the hate for the porgs, they were largely unobtrusive and it was easier to make porgs than it was to digitally remove the real life puffins from the film.
the crystal foxes i will admit are bit of a plot convenience.
I don't recall much slap stick

I stand by that a lot of the problems of this movie are inherited from abrahms and the fact it is less than 24 hours after the events of the force awakens.
Same general feelings as the Ewoks but on a lesser scale. Or product placement in other films. That knowledge something exists only to be cute and marketable or to sell products.

There's a ton of physical comedy in TLJ. BB-8 trying to plug a leak of electricity like a water leak in a cartoon. Then mashing it with his head. Finn getting up and walking about leaking bacta everywhere. BB-8 getting filled with hundreds of coins and firing them like a machine gun. That opera singing alien when the space horses escape. To name a few examples.

The problem with slapstick comedy in an escapist setting is that the entire point of it is to be unrealistic. Nothing destroys willing suspension of disbelief like a failed joke reminding you what you are watching now isn't real.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by unknownsample »

Madner Kami wrote:
unknownsample wrote:Well where did you want them to go? I'm not saying the film is perfect, In fact when I first saw it I was unhappy with it and felt it was too long, but seeing it a second time, I enjoyed it, I'm not saying the film is perfect but I feel a lot of criticism has been OTT and at times downright nasty, the less said about the treatment of Kelly Marie Tran by some fans the better. It does interest me that this has gotten a lot of positive reviews from mainstream critics, compared to forums like this, does anyone have an answer to this and no Disney bribed the critics doesn't count.
For a start, they could have aimed a lot lower and actually could have been more creative instead of copying old plots. A New Hope had the Deathstar blowing up one planet. TFA gets a Deathplanet and blows up an entire Star System (well, technically two, as it also destroys the sun it's orbiting in addition to it's actual target). In Empire Strikes back, the Empire has no trouble occupying Hoth and exorcising an entrenched rebel army there. In TLJ the not-Empire has no trouble occupying the entire galaxy and exorcises the entire Republic leaving only a handful of freedom fighters in their wake with no hope of survival.

What's Episode 9 going to bring? Deathplanet 2 is a given, I suppose, but how are they going to get their big set-piece battle of not-empire against not-anymore-republic? This is just getting worse from episode to episode. Star Wars is already oversaturated with superweapons of all levels of power and could benefit from a more character-focused storyline to boot.
Except the film is about character, what do you think all the Luke/Rey stuff is about? or what happens to Poe?, or the Finn/Rose relationship? to say this film copies the Empire Strikes Back is nonsense, it may use beats from Empire and some from Jedi, but it is for the most its won film.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by Rocketboy1313 »

I am kind of on the side of Moviebob. He did two videos about this movie and both are about how the text and subtext of the movie is just "Isn't Star Wars Great?!"


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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Post by MissKittyFantastico »

Had a though, riddle me this: if Poe hadn't blown up the dreadnought (at the cost of all the bombers and so on), when the Resistance hypered out and the First Order tracked them, would the dreadnought's autocannons have had the range to just blow the fleet away without a chase?

I'm not trying to establish a 'Poe was right all along, stop being mean to the poor guy' argument (I mean, you don't get points for being right by accident - "I backed over the last two with my car, luckily they turned out to be drug dealers"), just curious in a what-if sort of way.
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