Your Headcanons?

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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by phantom000 »

Aliens, Predator, Prometheus

Spoiler warning!!!

My idea for why the big aliens wanted to whip us out in Prometheus is because someone had tampered with their experiment. They wanted to seed intelligent life on a planet so that they could watch it grow and develop so they seed Earth with their DNA knowing it would cause us to evolve millions of years later. The trouble is that when they come back to check on their experiment, someone else moved in. The Predator came in and taught primitive humans how to build a civilization, realizing that their experiment has been contaminated and fearing what secrets the predators might uncover, they decide to erase the whole thing and start over.

Star Wars

Okay, yeah this is something i got from the RPG but it seemed like a neat idea at the time. At the height of its power the Jedi Order was divided unto three castes. Knights served as the military arm, a kind of special forces used to destroy direct threats to the Republic, usually from the outside. Counselors were diplomats and often worked to resolve conflicts within the Republic as well with those beyond its control. Guardians were more like a police force, specializing in security operations they had authority anywhere within the Republic and were used to stop the most powerful of the criminal element.

This presents Luke with a problem because each caste was trained by itself; Knights trained Knights, Guardians trained Guardians, etc. Obi-Wan and Yoda were both Knights and they trained Luke as a Knight. So with the Empire gone and the Jedi almost extinct Luke has to rebuild the order except he can't because he is a Knight, he doesn't know how to train Counselors or Guardians.
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by ORCACommander »

I head cannon out all of legend of korra's implications about bending being genetic. I probly have a few more but i generally do not recall them until its time to apply the mental duct tape
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by Megabob452 »

My biggest headcanon is with legend of korra's spirits and their motivations. The whole "we'd be no better than Kuvira" nonsense was just a convenient lie to justify noninterference. That way they could sit back and watch those pesky humans wipe each other out, then move in on the physical world once the dust settles. Whatever is left of humanity becomes easy pickings for the spirits, exterminated in retribution for Avatar Wan driving them out of the physical world in ancient times. The scene just before the end where Tenzin proclaims the return of spirits as a good thing, actually the beginning of a spirit invasion.

Personal favorite headcanon on the other hand, is with the Borg and why they only attack the Federation with one ship at a time instead of sending an armada to get the job done the first time. The single ship is not supposed to succeed, but scare the Federation into developing weapons and tech that the Borg can assimilate at a later time, essentially using the Federation as an R&D department. Borg cubes are expendible after all, easily thrown away if it enables bigger gains in the future.
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by Rocketboy1313 »

phantom000 wrote:Aliens, Predator, Prometheus

Spoiler warning!!!

My idea for why the big aliens wanted to whip us out in Prometheus is because someone had tampered with their experiment. They wanted to seed intelligent life on a planet so that they could watch it grow and develop so they seed Earth with their DNA knowing it would cause us to evolve millions of years later. The trouble is that when they come back to check on their experiment, someone else moved in. The Predator came in and taught primitive humans how to build a civilization, realizing that their experiment has been contaminated and fearing what secrets the predators might uncover, they decide to erase the whole thing and start over.
You know what? I like this.

I can just imagine the Monolith Aliens hanging out around Saturn, they see the Engineers take off and then saying something like, "Okay, guys, I know this might make me a dick, but I think we should go fuck around with their experiment."
"Gary, that is just mean, you know they are going to use this as a project to get into Space-MIT."
"I know, but I just can't help myself. I like fucking with other people's stuff. Besides, what fun is it to just stir up primordial goo and watch? You have to put in variables if you want data?"
"You're gonna send a bunch of monoliths aren't you?"
"Mmm-hmm. Just made new ones out of crystal."
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by Rocketboy1313 »

ORCACommander wrote:I head cannon out all of legend of korra's implications about bending being genetic.
I agree.

I dislike any mystical aspect of a setting to be genetic.
That includes the Force, Bending, and Will in the later entries of the "Fable" franchise.
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by The Romulan Republic »

I tend to accept the canon at face value as much as possible, and work to come up with consistent explanations for any discrepancies rather than try to impose my own interpretation. I've considered writing some sort of "fanfic writer's code of ethics", in which one of the first rules would be "respect the source material".

That said, theorizing about things which are unexplained/hinted at/left off-screen/etc. is always fun.

A personal favourite theory of mine: Dumbledore intended Snape to assassinate Voldemort if Harry couldn't do it/didn't survive. Hence maneuvering Snape, one of his most trusted agents and one of Voldemort's most trusted agents, a man with excellent motives to kill Voldemort, into a position where he could get the drop on Voldemort once the horcruxes were destroyed, while trying to make it so he would inherit the Elder Wand. It fits together really, really well- so much so that its almost implied canon.
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by SlackerinDeNile »

I recently came up with one for an obscure, one season TV show I saw last year called 'Nowhere man', although I get the impression a few other watchers have suspected the same thing.
It's a paranoid conspiracy thriller about a man who has his identity erased by a very secretive and powerful 'security organisation',
a lot of the themes and stories in it were plays and twists on already common ideas and conspiracies, many of which have become rather
cliche by this point.

The story makes very little sense the more you think about it, but as it goes on you start to realise that it's likely all in the protagonists head and I know people are sick of those kinds of theories, but the story feels purposely written in a rather clever way similar to the films Jacob's Ladder or The Game so that the experiences the protagonist goes through and the people he deals with actually help the viewer to understand the protagonist better, what kind of person he is and what kind of mental illnesses he may actually be suffering from.

If I were to cover this theory any further in this post it would go on for several pages, so I'll stop here.
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by BunBun299 »

One from The Avengers, movie version;

When Iron Man blew up the Chitari flag ship, he triggered a fail safe Thanos had intentionally implanted in the army, lest Loki ever betray him. He knew Loki was treacherous. Treachery is what led him to Thanos in the first place. And Thanos was handing him an Infinity Gem so he could retrieve another Gem for him. Just in case Loki should ever get the idea that maybe he should try to keep them, with his two Gems and his army and take on Thanos, Thanos can just whip out a detonator, and blow the Chitari mother ship, killing the whole army, making the fight just Loki v Thanos. If Loki had handed the Gems over as planned, he'd have been allowed to keep the army, for a while anyway.

Tony Stark setting this fail safe off early was a slight inconvenience to this plan.
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by WhiteDragon25 »

There's one popular headcanon theory floating around about Star Trek V: The Final Frontier - it was all just a dream of Kirk's.

No, really, it actually makes perfect sense: how else can you explain all the bizarre, non-sensical behavior and events in the movie? It was all a dream showcasing Kirk's insecurities and fears regarding taking command again with the Enterprise-A: the broken-down, barely functional ship, the obstinate Starfleet Command, the seemingly backwater mission assignment, etc. And the sudden revelation of Spock having a half-brother he never mentioned, the crew inexplicably turning on him in favor of this mystery brother, the remarkably short travel-time to the center of the galaxy to a mythical planet, the battle with an alien being claiming to be God? It's more of Kirk's insecurities about being loved by his friends and crew, and his fantasies of returning to the good ol' days of swash-buckling adventurism - a battle with God at the center of the galaxy is just the sort of thing he'll go for! And the Looney-Tunes level ridiculous architecture of the Enterprise-A during the daring escape attempt, among other silly contrivances? It's dream logic. Since when did dreams make any sort of logical, coherent sense in regards to its environments?

If we assume if the entire movie from the first campfire scene onwards was a dream of Kirk's, it all makes a whole lot more sense! :)

Now, for a headcanon that I personally came up with: Star Trek First Contact and Voyager's "Scorpion" two-parter are both connected. If you take a look at the Stardates between the two, you'll notice that they take place within a month of each other... and the Borg-8472 War was already several months long by Scorpion. My conclusion: First Contact was a desperation move by the Borg to get an upper-hand on Species 8472. It explains everything about the Borg's convoluted time-travel plan. Voyager's blundering in a month later after its failure was just sheer luck on their part.
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by Arkle »

Comments in the Endgame topic reminded me of another Trek headcanon I have. By sheer coincidence it turns out that the Marvel Universe has this as canon (at least according to Exiles, which I never read, but I digress), but anyway, my thinking is the reason Time Travel rules seem so inconsistent in the Trek universe is that Time itself is a sentient force, in the Lovecraftian sense. Those times when you can change history but other times where you can't, the stable time loops, the Gradnfather paradoxes applying or not applying... It's all Time's whim.

I just woke up so that may not be as coherent in text as it was in my head.
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