Star Trek Discovery: The Vulcan Hello

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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Re: Star Trek Discovery: The Vulcan Hello

Post by ChiggyvonRichthofen »

The ridiculous part to me is not that someone could commit mutiny- rare as it might be among advanced military, it has happened. As someone already mentioned, mutiny isn't being "imperfect", it's pretty much the single worst thing you can do as part of a clear chain of command. Frankly, Trek has always been way too lax in that regard, which is why so many fans felt that Jellico was a breath of fresh air.

The ridiculous part is the idea that anyone would give Burnham a "second chance." If they wanted to show Burnham making a nice new non-Starfleet career for herself, that's a story I might not want to see but at least it's one I could respect. The idea that this screw-up character is just so awesome that Starfleet is willing to overlook the whole mutiny thing is too absurd to take seriously. It would be more believable if she was hung than let back in.
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Re: Star Trek Discovery: The Vulcan Hello

Post by CharlesPhipps »

The mutiny is never forgiven. Michael is put onboard the ship as a prisoner doing work for hire and fully expects to be returned to prison afterward.

Which seems perfectly reasonable in a wartime scenario.

As for my argument, it's that she should have been found not guilty by reason of insanity since in the future prisons are supposed to be more like asylums.
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Re: Star Trek Discovery: The Vulcan Hello

Post by Karha of Honor »

CharlesPhipps wrote:The mutiny is never forgiven. Michael is put onboard the ship as a prisoner doing work for hire and fully expects to be returned to prison afterward.

Which seems perfectly reasonable in a wartime scenario.

As for my argument, it's that she should have been found not guilty by reason of insanity since in the future prisons are supposed to be more like asylums.
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Re: Star Trek Discovery: The Vulcan Hello

Post by SiskosMuthaFknPmphnd »

We never saw the prison.
We've seen a Federation prison before. It's where Janeway went to pick up Tom Paris. And that place was a hellhole! I mean, grass and trees everywhere.... what a nightmare.

And yeah, I agree she could have used her mental state as mitigating circumstances. Not get off the charges altogether, but at least a lesser sentence. Too bad her mind was so fucked up by all that trauma, and then even more mental trauma of having to watch her Captain die for her to have been able to effectively defend herself. A good lawyer would have been able to defend her quite well if she weren't so intent on self-destruction. Wouldn't have surprised me one damn bit if she had committed suicide in that prison.
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Re: Star Trek Discovery: The Vulcan Hello

Post by CharlesPhipps »

Kirk routinely makes fun of prisons in the two times we visit them in TOS too. They say, "they're like luxury resorts."
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Re: Star Trek Discovery: The Vulcan Hello

Post by TGLS »

On the other hand, she might be forced to take psychiatric treatment, like Mudd. Given that Mudd isn't crazy and homicidal in the TOS episodes, it's probably very effective.
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Re: Star Trek Discovery: The Vulcan Hello

Post by Fianna »

Though the depiction of the insanity cure from "Whom Gods Destroy" seems a little too close to the "death of personality" from Babylon 5.
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Re: Star Trek Discovery: The Vulcan Hello

Post by Linkara »

Recall that Burnham herself pled guilty on all her charges. If she had a lawyer, she probably discussed with them how she wanted absolutely no attempt at defense about her mental or physical state.
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Re: Star Trek Discovery: The Vulcan Hello

Post by J!! »

TGLS wrote:On the other hand, she might be forced to take psychiatric treatment, like Mudd. Given that Mudd isn't crazy and homicidal in the TOS episodes, it's probably very effective.
Well, he's not homicidal at least. And actually, being doped up on some sort of futuristic anti-aggression drugs would explain his personality in TOS fairly well.
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Re: Star Trek Discovery: The Vulcan Hello

Post by chaos42 »

i did enjoy the mudd episodes, though i think your right. He probably has an implant to inject the right amount of drugs into his system because he would never take them other wise.
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