Rocketboy1313 wrote:I disagree with Chuck on something in this episode.
I feel that racists should be beaten.
I largely agree, though I'd save the violence for those who have crossed the line into advocating genocide. There are degrees of racism after all. A micro-aggression (randomly assuming any tall Black man you met must like & play basketball, etc.) probably doesn't deserve a punch in the face. Making excuses for ethnic cleansing?
Also, there is a discussion to be had about whether or not self-defense counts as violence. I'm reading this really interesting book about the Civil Rights movement and guns called
This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get You Killed*. Before reading this I did not know that, while he never had them on him in public, MLK Jr. had guns in his home. One journalist (a pro-Civil Rights, Black journalist I might add, not some white supremacist propaganda rag) described his home as being like an arsenal. Anyway, the point is, well-meaning Northern Liberals sometimes don't realize that a lot of Southern Blacks only survived that period because they weren't afraid to display the fact they had rifles and shotguns on their porches at night whenever KKK men in trucks would roll down the street. Few of those guns were ever fired in any context beyond target practice at the range or in the backyard, but still.
* it's available on Amazon, but it's through a college press so it's a bit pricier than most paperbacks.