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Formless One
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Joined: Sat Feb 11, 2017 8:02 pm

Re: Logan

Post by Formless One »

I saw it yesterday with my brother. You know, I don't watch movies in theater often; I'm conservative with my time and money that way. But I think this has to be one of the greatest superhero movies of all time. I mean, when we left my brother was ready to criticize the plot points of just how the mutants went away and suchlike, but to me I hadn't even noticed the explanation, nor cared. The pacing was right, the fights felt meaningful as opposed to just memorable or spectacular, the characters acted like real people when put under pressure, and for the first time in ages I feel like there was nothing about the cinematography that felt "wrong" or which I can objectively state was bad. Maybe its because this is the first I've watched in a while that had no spaceships in it, but whatever it was it worked.

This is a very human movie. Obviously, its hard to watch it without knowing at least a few things about superheros in general or better yet the X-Men specifically, but even if you plopped someone in the theater who didn't I bet they would come out of the film with tears in their eyes. And there were people crying when I left the theater. Screw continuity: that kind of emotional connection between audience and film is the true mark of this film's quality. I didn't watch any of the Wolverine films and I skipped most of the rest of the X-Men films, but I made a point of watching this one and I have no regrets.
“If something burns your soul with purpose and desire, it’s your duty to be reduced to ashes by it. Any other form of existence will be yet another dull book in the library of life.” --- Charles Bukowski
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