Darth Wedgius wrote:SFDebris wrote:
The thing of it is, though, I've had 19 years of being called a sexist pig for criticizing Voyager, so I felt that it was something that needed to be said up front, since I was effectively about to do the same thing all over again (criticize a program with a female lead)
And now something thinks you have a beef with cows.
(I regret nothing!)
And in a way your right. The thing about the artistic woman, and me having Aspergers. And as complicated as a topic is I feel that the artistic woman character storyline was more forced then I care for. Yeah, I know that Aspergers is not the same as artistic, but still. And regards to Linkara there was someone that told me a long time ago, "There are extremist on every end, no matter what side you're on, there is someone always taking it to fare." When I heard that actress playing Michael saying that she was the first ethnic woman to star in a Star Trek show. When Voyager had a female and Deep Space Nine had a Black male. Why is this an issue for Star Trek? Yes had a crapy history of gays, and Star Trek needed to place more gays in there shows.
But this show is bad, and it keeps reminding me of Stargate Universe. Even that Stargate Universe had a lesbian character, even that she thought somehow she could take on well trained Marines with a pack of scientist and a few civilians. I only liked two characters in that show, the Hacker kid and the nut job Marine. Rush was an ass hole and should have been put on a firing squad for half the shit he did. Young was always focused on Rush and sometimes just didn't pay attention to the mess around him. And Chloe made rock look like Harvard students. And eveyone else was that is dumb as Chioe, but still dumb as shit.
As for Star War The last Jedi, Never watched it, As soon as I heard Princess Leia flying in space and oping cargo doors with her mind. I was pretty much done with Star Wars after that.
R.I.P Carrie Fisher. It sucks you past away.