B5: And The Sky Full of Stars

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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Re: B5: And The Sky Full of Stars

Post by G-Man »

DanteC wrote:Did they ever explain 1) who Knight 1 and 2 work for? Any particular faction?
To be honest, I don't think it matters. The important point is that there are people in the government who are suspicious of why the Minbari spared the Earth. Doesn't have to advance or be part of any agency or group's larger agenda, other than it being a part of xenophobia and paranoia increasing since the Earth-Minbari War. From a narrative perspective, their main function is to start unlocking Sinclair's memories - Knights One and Two are simply plot devices to get Sinclair to start exploring the hole in his mind.

Once the Minbari explained the reason they ended the war to EarthGov, and Sinclair left, presumably this became a dead issue from an intelligence perspective. For a lot of people, the mystery was solved, and for the rest, there was not much they could do to reach Sinclair.
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Re: B5: And The Sky Full of Stars

Post by SlackerinDeNile »

I thought they said they worked for Homeguard.
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Re: B5: And The Sky Full of Stars

Post by Wargriffin »

Ahh yes... Delenn's secret

The one thing that even JMS admitted could never be found out cause it would irrevocably break her relationship with Sheridan...

I kinda liked Knight 1's acting
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Re: B5: And The Sky Full of Stars

Post by name_here »

J!! wrote:What probably is weird though I'd having a government agency officially back a specific candidate. That has conflict of interest written all over it.

And if that wasn't word enough; the PsyCorps a widely disliked and distrusted agency, so if think that any endorsement from them would be a liability, rather than a help.

If I had to rationalize this, I'd say that they didn't really say any such thing. More likely someone high up made some unofficial comment that's being taken out of context or exaggerated by a unscrupulous reporter.
I would assume that Psi Corps didn't put out a press release on their official letterhead saying "Clarke for Vice President". That's probably illegal even for a regular government agency, and Psi Corps is supposed to be even more restricted from tampering with politics. However, the headline looks like it's reporting on an ongoing controversy that couldn't be settled by simply pointing out that it was a comment made by someone in their capacity as a private citizen.

I'm guessing that Psi Corps leadership made it known that they favored Clarke's candidacy, signing on to an open letter or newspaper editorials or something in a way that implied it was the agency's consensus rather than personal opinion. Not something so blatantly illegal as using their official powers to intervene in an election for their superior, but still a definite violation of norms for what's supposed to be an apolitical agency. The sort of thing that provokes condemnations from the legislature but not actual arrests.
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Re: B5: And The Sky Full of Stars

Post by CareerKnight »

name_here wrote:I would assume that Psi Corps didn't put out a press release on their official letterhead saying "Clarke for Vice President". That's probably illegal even for a regular government agency, and Psi Corps is supposed to be even more restricted from tampering with politics. However, the headline looks like it's reporting on an ongoing controversy that couldn't be settled by simply pointing out that it was a comment made by someone in their capacity as a private citizen.
Since I never noticed the newspaper I always assumed that the later comment about it (can't remember what episode it is from) was referring to Psi Corp backing him during the equivalent of a primary though the two aren't mutually exclusive (assuming they have primaries it possible they backed him back then as well but their involvement was uncovered until they started backing him for vp after he lost)
SlackerinDeNile wrote:I always felt that both Sheridan's and Garibaldi's character arcs were a little too clean and contrived, it felt a bit silly having Garibaldi and his ex-ex-wife become billionaires overnight, they never mentioned anything about her being on par with Quark's 'Moogie' from DS9 in terms of her wits, intellect and business sense. :P
They didn't. She was married to a billionaire, when he died she inherited all his wealth and controlling interest in his company.
SlackerinDeNile wrote:I thought they said they worked for Homeguard.
I remember this as well but its been awhile since I watched this episode. If it wasn't stated then Homeguard or some group connected to Clark (but not to Psi Corp) would be the most likely suspects.
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Re: B5: And The Sky Full of Stars

Post by Linkara »

IIRC, I think JMS explained that the Minbari who said "If he finds out - kill him!" was aware that Sinclaire was taken, but not that he was Valen - basically they wanted to keep the truth from coming out to their own people.
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Re: B5: And The Sky Full of Stars

Post by SlackerinDeNile »

CareerKnight wrote:
SlackerinDeNile wrote:I always felt that both Sheridan's and Garibaldi's character arcs were a little too clean and contrived, it felt a bit silly having Garibaldi and his ex-ex-wife become billionaires overnight, they never mentioned anything about her being on par with Quark's 'Moogie' from DS9 in terms of her wits, intellect and business sense. :P
They didn't. She was married to a billionaire, when he died she inherited all his wealth and controlling interest in his company.
My apologies.
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Re: B5: And The Sky Full of Stars

Post by cdrood »

I thought the guard with the gambling debts was the weakest part of the episode. Wouldn't the loan sharks WANT a security guard who owed them money?
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Re: B5: And The Sky Full of Stars

Post by CareerKnight »

Linkara wrote:IIRC, I think JMS explained that the Minbari who said "If he finds out - kill him!" was aware that Sinclaire was taken, but not that he was Valen - basically they wanted to keep the truth from coming out to their own people.
Isn't it also likely those that knew thought he was merely a reincarnation of Valen's soul, not that he was going to travel back in time and become Valen. It would still be pretty bad though.

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Re: B5: And The Sky Full of Stars

Post by cdrood »

While quality-wise, the episode wasn't the best, I'd say it has "Must See" status since it's really the first time they addressed the myth arc in this much detail. Another thing to take note of is that it was Garabaldi's assistant who tried to make is seem the gambling addicted guard was fine and returned him to duty. He didn't realize Garabaldi and Sinclair had checked his accounts the previous day.

On the whole, the plan was somewhat stupid. Abducting the station commander and bribing a guard with huge debts are simply going to be noticed. Wouldn't waiting for Sinclair to get leave make more sense? I think it indicates that whoever was running the Knights didn't have much clout with the military, at least not at this point. Ordering Sinclair to Earth and staging an accident would have worked better.
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