Star Trek (Dis): Context Is for Kings

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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Re: Star Trek (Dis): Context Is for Kings

Post by Durandal_1707 »

Get that cheese to Sickbay.
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Re: Star Trek (Dis): Context Is for Kings

Post by BunBun299 »

Aotrs Commander wrote:Well. Having now seen the synposis of the first trio of episodes, plus the few snatches I watched myself, I can conlude that Discovery is definitely not for me. I was already put off from the get go back the whole tie to Sarek and Spock, and the aethetics and the tone don't do anything for me, none of the characters (save, of course of Georgia) strike me as anyone I'd find engaging (proviso of not actually having watched it), and most damning of all, I was not impressed by the starship battle.

And if you cannot impress the starship freak who has literal hundreds of starships and creates starships for a living (even to the level of old, crap-by-modern-standards-effects) starship battles, you might as well give up - you've probably done something pretty wrong.

So far, virtually all of the modern scifi series that have starship battles in them have manged this (NuBSG, SGU, Discovery and even Star Wars). And I repeatedly ask myself, given that specifal effects are so much better now: HOW CAN THAT BE POSSIBLE? How can the 1990s still be the peak, top-end of the age of starship battles? I am utterly mystified.
Been wondering that myself for quite some time. It's like space battles peaked with the Dominion War on DS9. And very few since then have ever been able to capture that magic.

I do think there have been some exceptions. The space battles in Rogue One was pretty good. Though it was over shadowed by the ground battle in that film.

And I like the space battles in Star Trek Online. Those make me feel like I'm playing DS9 episodes. But so few video games seem to want to do space combat.
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