Star Trek: Discovery - spoilery thoughts?

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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - spoilery thoughts?

Post by GandALF »

Is it too much?
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - spoilery thoughts?

Post by PapaPalpatine »

Agent Vinod wrote:
PapaPalpatine wrote:To be brutally honest, I'd prefer the fan-made Star Trek: Axanar to this festering pile of Porg diarrhea.
Your issues are ideological, ethos based or the same themes would be just fine executed by a different team?
Just off the top of my head:

1) The design of the main ship in the series is rubbish, and almost makes me pine for the NX-01. The Ares Class ships from Axanar are vastly more appealing.

2) The Klingons do not look like Klingons, they look like rejects from a Chinese knockoff of World of Warcraft. The creative team had to have been vaping laundry detergent pods when they made that dreadful design choice.

3) I agree with Chuck in that the main character's backstory was so overly front loaded that it sucked away all the oxygen from the other characters.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - spoilery thoughts?

Post by Durandal_1707 »

^ One the one hand, I agree with all of it if things end up staying the same as they are at this particular moment, but on the other hand: 1) Culber is in the magic mushroom network with mysterious powers that we don't know the limits of yet, 2) Lorca is potentially in the magic mushroom network with mysterious powers that we don't know the limits of yet, and 3) it's not at all clear whether Ash/Voq's internal struggle is over yet.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - spoilery thoughts?

Post by TGLS »

Well, it seems #3 is right out now.

My guess for the next episode; it will turn out that Empress Georgiou told Sarek the only way to end the war is to wipe out the Klingons entirely. The Federation will turn out to be in agreement, and Burnham will be all indignant about it.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - spoilery thoughts?

Post by technobabbler »

Since Discovery's turned into Star Trek:Battlestar Galactica it looks like either: Discovery is Star Trek:Sliders/in a reboot-alternative timeline from 1967 Trek or we'll hit the magic reset button.

If we do hit the magic reset button----anyone else remember the end of Chuck's Voyager finale review? Where Chuck throws out his, arguably superior, time travel story?

I wonder if the show runners are going to take Chuck's route-----protagonist time travels back to episode 1 and resets everything. but in doing so, Michael winds up sacrificing herself. which is why spock never mentions his sister as she's dead in 1960's TOS.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - spoilery thoughts?

Post by GandALF »

Oh good grief the Saratoga! Every. Single. Time.

And that's an interesting reason to cover up the Mirror stuff.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - spoilery thoughts?

Post by Karha of Honor »

I do not mind some darkness but i am not feeling the evil Georgiu being used. But will try to keep an open mind.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - spoilery thoughts?

Post by Asvarduil »

GandALF wrote:Oh good grief the Saratoga! Every. Single. Time.

And that's an interesting reason to cover up the Mirror stuff.
No matter what timeline, no matter what universe, no matter when or where...

The Saratoga is Starfleet's bitch.

So, now that I've watched Episode 14...I like how they handled the falling action of Season 1.

First - consequences! Star Trek isn't usually good about there being consequences to the drama, but this was different. Ash/Voq's little temper tantrums have had lots of fallout, but also a really heartwarming moment from Tilly. She's a spaz, but she's a spaz with a heart of gold. Stamets confronting Ash felt sufficiently awkward, as it should've.

Michael bringing Mirror Georgiou to the prime universe, though, takes the cake. The ending of the episode in particular has...implications. Being given a Captain's commission? We've sort of - through a very circumlocutious route - returned to where we were, with a Terran commanding a Federation starship, though this time much more awareness of just who Georgiou really is.

Sarek gets some very good snark in - I'm actually growing to like Sarek, too, because he shows a very emotionally intelligent aspect of his character. He's definitely not your run of the mill Vulcan.

Lastly, bringing the Admiral back? She's sort of the more complex character that the former captain never got the chance to evolve into. On the one hand, she's Federation Human. On the other, she's got enough perspective to see that fighting - and winning - the Klingon War is imperative...even if she has to pull a page from Sisko's playbook and throw some ethics under the bus. Of course this is Trek, so we can reasonably expect Federation principles to win the day...but said principles don't have an easy fight ahead of them. Especially not with Mirror Georgiou captaining Discovery.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - spoilery thoughts?

Post by GandALF »

This video on Enterprise is interesting in light of the criticisms directed at Discovery
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