Your Headcanons?

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Darth Wedgius
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by Darth Wedgius »

Due to a malfunctioning hyperdrive in a nearby ship, the speed of light in the Mos Eisley cantina was about 40MPH in A New Hope, making Greedo's and Han's blaster bolts effectively faster than light. This explains why Greedo could miss a point-blank shot and Han, a pilot with FTL experience, didn't. And it finally resolves a long-standing issue -- since FTL blaster fire leaves the causality ambiguous, they both shot first. From a certain point of view.

*spelling of Greedo corrected.
Last edited by Darth Wedgius on Wed Apr 11, 2018 5:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by BunBun299 »

In My Little Pony the Movie;

Princess Celestia was hit with one of those petrification grenades in the middle of instructing Luna to seek aid from the Queen of the Hippo(gryphs). Twilight heard this, and when Luna was also hit, took this mission on herself.

However, had Celestia had 30 more seconds to finish giving instructions, Luna would have been sent to the hippogryphs, and Twilight would have been sent to seek aid from Ember and/or Discord.
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by SlackerinDeNile »

I have a feeling a few of you have already thought about these ones:
Star Trek DS9 - At some point during her time in the Bajoran resistance Kira and possibly other members were subjected to genetic enhancement similar to Bashir or some other process like combat drugs that permanently altered them. This would explain why Kira is not only an incredibly strong and skilled fighter despite her size and build but how she can easily beat up people who should wipe the floor with her like male Klingon and Cardassian soldiers.

I'm not trying to be sexist and say that it's impossible for a woman to be stronger or more physically powerful than a man but think about that scene in 'The Darkness and the Light' where despite being 7 or 8 months pregnant she can still kick several security officer's asses, she should not have been able to pull that off in that condition.

Star Trek 6 - Those legendary 'chameloid' aliens or whatever they're called are just other changelings like Odo who ended up in the Alpha Quadrant.
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by MissKittyFantastico »

I feel like it's less problematic to just assume Bajoran pregnancies work differently in that regard - we already know they sneeze instead of getting morning sickness, and birth is done by chilling out rather than yelling and pushing, it's not really that much of a stretch to say maybe pregnancy doesn't impede ass-kicking greatly (at least, the difference isn't so much Kira can't work with it). Star Trek's never really been a paragon of realistic fighting (love the Starfleet Two-Handed Punch), I don't know that there's really a need to 'explain' Kira's prowess, apart from that one more-unlikely-than-usual example, more than any other hero character in the franchise.
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by SlackerinDeNile »

Fair enough I guess, a lot of the Trek hero's are often incredibly strong when the writers demand it. Janeway and Picard were more realistic when it came to combat and survival (yes I'm even counting the giant virus episode) and Archer just plain sucked most of the time for whatever reason (I get the feeling even Bannon and Braga hated him.)
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by Rocketboy1313 »

I think that "One More Day" could have been done right if Mephisto had revealed that his ultimate goal was to prevent the birth of Mayday "Spider-Girl" Parker. So that is kind of what I choose to believe... Even though that means the bad guy won by an EVEN WIDER MARGIN.

I also think that had Peter recalled the deal and set out to undo it by journeying into hell... That would have been a cool adventure.
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by Kinky Vorlon »

Nurse Ratchet was reincarnated as Kai Wynn.
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by FaxModem1 »

Babylon 5: The ISA eventually became another name for the Minbari Federation and spread of Minbari influence across the galaxy.

Consider, the ISA capital is permanently based on Minbar, follows Minbari traditions in leadership, even having their own Grey Council for the Rangers, with Sheridan and Delenn grooming their son David for leadership, will see a partial Minbari dynasty in charge. This, combined with the founding members of Earth and Centari leaving, only leaves Minbar, already a regional superpower, Narn(a world still rebuilding), and the minor powers of the League of Non Aligned Worlds.

It may have been unintentional, but by the time of Earth's Great Burn, Minbari hegemony is all but guaranteed.
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by CharlesPhipps »

Bourne films:

* Pamela Landy did about four years of prison time for her leak of CIA documents and counted herself lucky it was only that. She now works in the private sector.

* The Jeremy Renner film is an actual adaptation of the Bourne Identity events to the silver screen and didn't happen.

* Jason Bourne and Nikki had a relationship that lasted two years.

Ghost Recon: Wildlands:

* La Gringa ended up getting permanently assigned to the Ghosts as their doctor. She's not sure if this is an improvement over the cartels.

* John Clark is the founder of the Ghosts unit and Nomad's illegitimate father.

Splinter Cell:

* The Sam Fisher in Blacklist is actually Sam Fisher's nephew, also an Army Ranger, and deeply unhappy with Grim.


* SHIELD is an international organization with locally controlled military branches. In short, there's a SHIELD in the UK staffed by the UK and answering to the UK but able to coordinate with other branches through the U.N.

* Hydra actually was set up within SHIELD as a legitimate black ops alternative to them, even more dark than dark, and technically was a legal organization. The utter corruption of the organization is just a reflection of what they were meant to be.
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by phantom000 »


Where did Howard Stark get the vibranium for Captain America's shield? And where did the Wakandans get their advanced technology? I think there is a connection there, I am just not sure who got what from whom...

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