Linkara ATFW's 500th Episode

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Linkara ATFW's 500th Episode

Post by MithrandirOlorin »

2 parts of it are up.

It seems like part of the premise is to show that that they can still do the Crossovers even though Channel Awesome is dead.

As for the Comic itself, just reminds me why I'm glad I don't read Comics anymore.
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Re: Linkara ATFW's 500th Episode

Post by Lizuka »

Good stuff so far. Feel like to this point Brad's stolen the show, but all in all been pretty good and I'm eager to see part three.
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Re: Linkara ATFW's 500th Episode

Post by Edvarius »

My take away from part 2 is that Chuck should probably stay away from DeviantArt.
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Re: Linkara ATFW's 500th Episode

Post by Mad-Man-with-a-Box »

I just assumed Chuck went full on digital so he didn't need to deal with his house anymore.

I've been enjoying the 500th episode so far. Linkara's breakdown of why Brother Eye's assimilation tactics make no sense was great. And gesh, that Zero Issue was the 'free comic book day' release? I'm sure that didn't cause any kids to bawl their eyes out LOL
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Re: Linkara ATFW's 500th Episode

Post by PlasmaHam »

Well, I guess as a digital being Chuck will be able to deal directly with copyright bots. :)

I'm so far enjoying the episode. Of course, any ripping of the New 52 is always an enjoyment. And of course the whole Brother Eye analysis, with the wasteful assimilation and uncompelling motivations, was well done. The SFDebris cameo was humorous and well handled as well, so kudos there.
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Re: Linkara ATFW's 500th Episode

Post by Rocketboy1313 »

I kind of go the other direction with the assimilation stuff.
Brother Eye is insane.
It makes these abominations not because they are effective or efficient.
Just because it is an AI doesn't automatically mean it is efficient or logical.
It is just evil in the way Reavers from Firefly are.
Or that evil computer from "I Have No Mouth, and I must Scream".

I find the image of a woman's face sewn into the chest of a monster screaming to be a horrifying image.
I don't find it silly.
It is fucked up.
It is fucked up in a way that I could see bothering lots of people.
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Re: Linkara ATFW's 500th Episode

Post by yamiangie »

Fun so far, I'm sure Linkara was going to have cameos even before he left CA. Enjoying the review so far. Chuck you need to just follow the one fancomic artist you like and not stray off the path.
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Re: Linkara ATFW's 500th Episode

Post by MithrandirOlorin »

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Re: Linkara ATFW's 500th Episode

Post by Tanan »

Well, I did not expect who turned out to be behind the "dark" future to be who it was, but it was a nice surprise to see him again. :D
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Re: Linkara ATFW's 500th Episode

Post by Mad-Man-with-a-Box »

Wow, I can see why people on Linkara's page were saying the ending was going to be a let down. What a waste of nearly 50 issues of comics. Gesh, glad I largely ignored the Nu52 except for a few titles.

A fine review by Linkara, a worthy 500th episode choice, and loved his analysis, jokes, and the cameos.
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