Movie Villain Master Plans (That Would've Failed Spectacularly Even If The Heroes Hadn't Intervened)

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Re: Movie Villain Master Plans (That Would've Failed Spectacularly Even If The Heroes Hadn't Intervened)

Post by MithrandirOlorin »

Admiral X wrote: Sat Mar 10, 2018 7:46 pm
CharlesPhipps wrote: I feel this is one of those movies that is affected by your background in religion sort of like how Ken Levine got a bunch of his programmers to quit on him because he didn't understand how Baptism or Rebirth worked in Christianity.
Could you go into this more? I'm curious exactly what happened.
Thing is, not all Christians agree on what those two things mean exactly.

Washing away sins has never been the Biblical Meaning.
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Re: Movie Villain Master Plans (That Would've Failed Spectacularly Even If The Heroes Hadn't Intervened)

Post by CharlesPhipps »

The thing is, Kevin Levine seemed to miss that when you're Baptized, you're supposed to not sin anymore.

And Comstock acted like his baptism made all of his evil deeds justified.

It was a weird narrative.
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Re: Movie Villain Master Plans (That Would've Failed Spectacularly Even If The Heroes Hadn't Intervened)

Post by MithrandirOlorin »

CharlesPhipps wrote: Sun May 27, 2018 1:21 am The thing is, Kevin Levine seemed to miss that when you're Baptized, you're supposed to not sin anymore.

And Comstock acted like his baptism made all of his evil deeds justified.

It was a weird narrative.
You're supposed to but you don't have to. Faith vs Works is a continuing dispute within Christianity.
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Re: Movie Villain Master Plans (That Would've Failed Spectacularly Even If The Heroes Hadn't Intervened)

Post by SabreMau »

Mindworm wrote: Sat May 26, 2018 11:59 pm*Hence why most early christians were only baptised at close to death.
That's the first I've heard of this. Then again, most of what I'm thinking of are early early Christians, like Book of Acts era, where on multiple occasions they'd baptize new believers right away, even if they were in a chariot and just happened to be driving by some water. Not sure if it shifted to a different tradition centuries later.
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Re: Movie Villain Master Plans (That Would've Failed Spectacularly Even If The Heroes Hadn't Intervened)

Post by phantom000 »

Poppy Adams (Kingsman: The Golden Circle) Was planning on legalizing all narcotic substances by forcing the President of the United States of America to sign an executive decree. This plan has some many things that could go wrong its hard to see how it could possibly go right.

1. After you have poisoned all your customers, how many of them are going to be eager to do drugs after you deliberately tried to kill them?
2. How certain can you be that the president actually signed the executive order you wanted and didn't sign some other document? or that he signed someone else's name so it still doesn't count, or one that is full of legal double talk so that it doesn't actually legalize anything?
3. Even if he signed the document he wanted, do you know how many ways there are to repeal an executive order? Congress can do it, the courts can do it and of course the President himself can just sign another order countermanding the previous order.
4. You are going to have one hell of a contract out for your head from the families of anyone who died from your virus, especially if they were someone really important like maybe a Saudi-Arabian Prince.
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