Your Headcanons?

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The Romulan Republic
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Rocketboy1313 wrote:
SlackerinDeNile wrote: Care to explain this one? Given that Earth was presumably badly nuked in the eighties how did the human race create working, long distance space ships from the ashes and rubble?

I really like Phantom000's crossover theories.
That is easy: The timeline of Mad Max is wrong and that disaster didn't happen in the 80's. Or it happened in the 2080's.

All of the Mad Max movies have a Conan-esc, folkloric feel to them. Like they are half-remembered legends of a society further in the future.
Yes, I was under the impression that the timeline/continuity between films was a bit... fuzzy in Mad Max. I mean, the first film is in the early stages of the apocalypse, and has a twenty-something Max, right? Whereas Fury Road appears to take place more than twenty years after civilization collapsed, yet Max doesn't look like he's pushing 60. So unless Max is an immortal or something...

Yeah, I've read that the films are supposed to be basically legends about Max, which may or may not be accurate.

Edit: Anyway, my reasoning goes something like this:

1. Fury Road in particular gives me a real Whedonesque vibe, between the feminist them and how much the War Boys remind me of Reavers at times.

2. The nature of the fall of Earth in both settings is compatible, from what we see in the opening of Serenity (though that could be just Alliance propaganda). Resource depletion accompanied by (and likely triggering) nuclear war. It also makes sense that not everyone could have been evacuated off of Earth That Was, sadly. Most likely the leadership, their families, and some of their top officials/servants/guards bailed out, along with the necessary crews for the ships and such, leaving the majority of humanity behind to struggle on in the ruins. Which fits thematically/stylistically with the Alliance being a government that is either unable or unwilling to help the outer worlds, except when its to impose their sense of order.

3. I recall a scene in Fury Road where they're looking up at an old satellite passing overhead in the desert, and wonder if their's anyone still out their using them. Its kind of fun to think that maybe their still are humans out their somewhere using that tech., at least in another system.
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by Rocketboy1313 »

I once joked that "Firefly" follows the "Terminator" franchise, "The Matrix", and "Dark City".

The war with the Terminators happened, afterward many humans left the Earth, others got turned into the computer processor for the Matrix. On the way to the new multi-world system one of the ships goes off course and is captured for experimentation in the Dark City.
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by SlackerinDeNile »

Rocketboy1313 wrote:I once joked that "Firefly" follows the "Terminator" franchise, "The Matrix", and "Dark City".

The war with the Terminators happened, afterward many humans left the Earth, others got turned into the computer processor for the Matrix. On the way to the new multi-world system one of the ships goes off course and is captured for experimentation in the Dark City.
Perhaps the blue hand agents in Firefly are an off-shoot of the Dark City aliens in some way. :P
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by Rocketboy1313 »

SlackerinDeNile wrote: Perhaps the blue hand agents in Firefly are an off-shoot of the Dark City aliens in some way. :P
Or the Spacing Guild, you know, cause they work with the dangerous psychic girl, almost like a Bene Gesserit.
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by Arkle »

Based on a conversation in the SF Debris Facebook group, I have a new Star Wars headcanon.

The name of the Super Star Destroyer in Return of the Jedi, the Executor?

It's name, a word that has two very different meanings and pronunciations, was chosen on purpose BECAUSE it's meaning changes based on it's pronunciation. :)
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by Dînadan »

Arkle wrote:Based on a conversation in the SF Debris Facebook group, I have a new Star Wars headcanon.

The name of the Super Star Destroyer in Return of the Jedi, the Executor?

It's name, a word that has two very different meanings and pronunciations, was chosen on purpose BECAUSE it's meaning changes based on it's pronunciation. :)
So Darth Vader was really the Emperor's lawyer and was holding onto his will for him?
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by phantom000 »

Any Gundam fans around here? I had a list of ideas for trying to weave some of the different universes together.

Supposedly the universe of Gundam Wing is an alternate timeline, not just for the franchise but also history because the first space colonies were established in the 1970's. My explanation for this is that in the distant future of the main Gundam universe, the UC timeline, scientists tried to develop FTL ships. The trouble was that the unmanned probes they built to test their drives kept disappearing, in reality they traveled back in time and crashed on Earth's past and created an alternate timeline. The people of the era reverse engineered the technology from the ships and used it to establish the first space colonies, only this time hundreds of years early.

This could explain all the alternate timelines, each is the result of a different ship landing in a different place and time. The similarities could be kinda like in The End of Eternity; how history seems to continue on more-or-less the same path regardless of the changes.
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by FaxModem1 »

Interestingly, in the Firefly DVD set, the Alliance was meant to be a combination of the United States and the People's Republic of China. In essence, the two most powerful nations launched ships to get away, and left everyone else to rot.

Another Buffy/Angel headcanon:

The First Evil was who appeared as Darla to Connor, because it didn't want Jasmine appearing, in violation of their previous agreement.

Season 4 of Angel happens at the same time as season 7 of Buffy. Sunnydale isn't that far from LA, and LA starts to go through an eternal night at the same time the First Evil is raising an uber vampire army is emerging from beneath the surface.

So, the original plan was probably for Jasmine to make her army of faithful, while the First Evil expands its army of uber-vampires, and they meet somewhere in-between, with whomever winning get the rest of the Earth. But, the First Evil's plan got derailed a bit when the Beast was killed, preventing Jasmine from filling her payment for the First Evil. Not wanting to cede the territory, First Evil tries to prevent Connor from bringing Jasmine into the picture. A united army of humans who work to wipe out all demons isn't exactly ideal breeding grounds for an uber army.

Mad Max

Since people are talking about it anyway....

Whatever event that happened to nuke Australia, only affected Australia. The rest of the world is doing okay, and no one else really wants to go in and help rebuild a place full of biker gangs, cannibals, rapists, etc. while also dealing with radiation for little gain and getting almost nothing in return.


The Alliance was actually a better option than the Browncoats for the outer worlds. The System Alliance is corrupt, violent, apathetic, in need of a serious kick in the pants, and oh yes, they created the Reavers, but it was better than the Browncoats. In the outer planets, slavery exists, women's rights are very rare, education is so limited that witch burnings are an accepted way of life. But, due to the Alliance uniting the system, the outer planets are getting better, with law enforcement, medicines, education and the like coming in.

Is it worth being under the Alliance heel? Depends on who you are, but for a lot of people in the Alliance, they're better off. Mal is bitter about it, of course, because his family were rich owners of a ranch on Shadow, and his world was rendered uninhabitable by the war.

Like the American Civil War the Firefly setting resembles, those who were on top before Unification in the Outer planets are no longer so.
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by Rocketboy1313 »

FaxModem1 wrote: Firefly/Serenity

The Alliance was actually a better option than the Browncoats for the outer worlds. The System Alliance is corrupt, violent, apathetic, in need of a serious kick in the pants, and oh yes, they created the Reavers, but it was better than the Browncoats. In the outer planets, slavery exists, women's rights are very rare, education is so limited that witch burnings are an accepted way of life. But, due to the Alliance uniting the system, the outer planets are getting better, with law enforcement, medicines, education and the like coming in.

Is it worth being under the Alliance heel? Depends on who you are, but for a lot of people in the Alliance, they're better off. Mal is bitter about it, of course, because his family were rich owners of a ranch on Shadow, and his world was rendered uninhabitable by the war.

Like the American Civil War the Firefly setting resembles, those who were on top before Unification in the Outer planets are no longer so.
I agree. While the idea of each world having autonomy on certain issues makes some sense as having people close enough to monitor policy changes and equipment usage is always a plus, the Alliance was anti-slavery, by default they win the moral high ground to me.

The mass drugging to make people docile and happy is creepy big brother stuff but it is clear (to me at least) that such methods are not universally endorsed by the Alliance much like programs to put lithium in drinking water is not popular in the real world (that was aa real thing in the real world as a way to fight depression in the same way they fight tooth decay with fluoride).
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Re: Your Headcanons?

Post by FaxModem1 »

Yeah, it seems more like a corrupt program done in secret. I haven't read all of the comics, but it essentially caused a huge wave of uproar in the Alliance, as the populace thought they were the equivalent of the Federation from Star Trek, and found out that they were closer to the Empire in behavior.
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