Average Episode Scores for all Star Trek Series

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Average Episode Scores for all Star Trek Series

Post by Kilroy »

Title says it all pretty much, I got curious when I was rewatching a bunch of episodes so I went and averaged the final scores for every Star Trek Series!

(Worth noting, I did two series a decent amount of time ago, so there might be an episode or two missing in the final score, but with the number of episodes this really shouldn't have a large impact. For comparison, adding an extra 10 score into the original series, with the least number of episodes only bumps its score by 0.1)

Here they are:

TNG: 5.567

TOS: 5.725

Voy: 5.566

DS9: 6.094

Films: 5.1 (Just the original 10)

DS9 was the most interesting to me, people seemed to want the good episodes more often than the bad ones. TNG is so low partly due to a LOT of early TNG being reviewed, which has a LOT of bad scores. There's a pretty notable rise in score as we go through.

Of course, this isn't a complete list obviously, but it's fun to see what episodes people tend to ask to have reviewed.

Just scrolling through the numbers, DS9 seems to have the most 'solid' episodes (5/6/7/8 kind of deal) while TNG has had the most really strong episodes (9/10), while TOS has the highest percentage of episodes reviewed that are really strong.

VOY has the most episodes, followed by TNG, then DS9, then original. VOY has ~10 more than TNG, which is ~15 more than DS9.

What's the point of all this? None really, just thought it was some fun data to share.
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Re: Average Episode Scores for all Star Trek Series

Post by slochmoeller »

Well, this gets back into the whole issue of how chuck scores doesn't it?

Like he says, the episodes are compared against the other episodes in the series, the numbers don't measure a "nebulous quality of goodness"

Indeed, Chuck says it's a ranking, and has made comments that done properly, about half of all episodes in a series would be at or above average and the other half at or below average. That means that if chuck does this properly, doing what you've done would, BY DEFINITION, always yeild an average of around 5 and a half.

The primary thing throwing the stats here is that other than the animated series chuck has yet to review the entire catalog of any one star trek show, but the fact that the numbers you ran actually do come out to around 5 and a half at this point means that yes, Chuck has been consistent and fair in how he rates episodes.

AND THAT'S ALL IT PROVES. The numbers are meaningless for cross series comparison.
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Re: Average Episode Scores for all Star Trek Series

Post by SuccubusYuri »

It certainly does gel with Chuck's announcement when he started doing movies on Saturday, "There's pretty much nothing but 5s left", most of the scores would, in theory, be pulled down very slightly.
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Re: Average Episode Scores for all Star Trek Series

Post by PerrySimm »

Nice data crunching!

One day SFDebris will complete Voyager, until then it'll be necessary to poll imdb or SOS to get lists like the best Voyager episodes, or the longest run of good episodes...
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Re: Average Episode Scores for all Star Trek Series

Post by Kilroy »

slochmoeller wrote: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:03 am AND THAT'S ALL IT PROVES. The numbers are meaningless for cross series comparison.
Oh, definitely. I'm not trying to compare how good the series are seen to one another, simply the episodes that people request from each series, it's just interesting to see the differences in what episodes tend to get people wanting Chuck to talk about them.
PerrySimm wrote: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:35 am Nice data crunching!
Thanks! Got curious as to if people requested good or bad episodes more or less than the other. Seems people like good ones slightly over the bad /average ones in general.
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Re: Average Episode Scores for all Star Trek Series

Post by Fianna »

Well, people might like to request the truly, outrageously bad episodes, but those are relatively few compared to episodes that are bad simply because they're tedious and unimaginative.
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Re: Average Episode Scores for all Star Trek Series

Post by TV-366 »

Ahem...I notice a distinct lack of Enterprise on this list of, as the title of this thread puts it, "Average Episode Scores For All Star Trek Series". Are you one of those people who pretend that that show doesn't exist? (Please note my tongue is firmly in my cheek when I say all this).

Then again, I don't think I actually want to know. I feel like at the moment, the average would be incredibly low for Enterprise, since like TNG, the majority of the reviews are from the first two seasons, which are considered by many, including SFDebris, to be the weaker seasons.

That quibble aside, well done in working all this out! It's always interesting to see the numbers laid out like that.
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Re: Average Episode Scores for all Star Trek Series

Post by turbo_sailor67 »

Having been required to take statistics (shenanigans) for my bachelors, and then doing DBA, during downtime at school I began doing a database of all his Star Trek reviews for scores. After performing some of those statistics (shenanigans) on the series' and the seasons I was shocked to find that on average, if you go by his scores then Enterprise had some of the best seasons on average lol. At least at the time, naturally when new episodes are added things change but overall at the time it was ironic but that's why my professor said "Statistics is NOT math, it USES math." so I wonder what Professor DeBris would say to that.
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