Areas where you'd respectfully disagree with Chuck

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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Re: Areas where you'd respectfully disagree with Chuck

Post by sayla0079 »

Oh I agree she can be trying but I still find her more useful then neelix at least she had a reason to stick around more then neelix did.

Lol wonder if the opinion would be different if the order was different (Ezri being there day one then dying and Jadzia coming on).
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Re: Areas where you'd respectfully disagree with Chuck

Post by sayla0079 »

Oy if he doesn't like Ezri hes going to lose it when he gets to the trainwreck of an ep "prodgigal daughter"
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Re: Areas where you'd respectfully disagree with Chuck

Post by Dragon Ball Fan »

and it may be me not being sure if he is explicitly saying something or I'm just interpreting his meaning wrong but in the on X-Files review, he seemed to be saying that cannibalism only ever happened out of desperation. even though he admitted he found one example of ritual cannibalism similar to the cult in that episode. there are also psychopathic cannibal killers like Albert Fish.

one another topic. like I asked in the thread for "Valiant", would a premise like that actually work if the kids were more mature like in the Disney series, The Lion Guard?
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Re: Areas where you'd respectfully disagree with Chuck

Post by TGLS »

If I remember correctly, the point he was making was that people make a big deal out of cannibalism, even if it's a desperate survival measure.
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Re: Areas where you'd respectfully disagree with Chuck

Post by Dragon Ball Fan »

another thing. in the Star Trek IV review, when he questioned whales being smarter then humans since they keep getting killed by humans. that's a bit unfair, in the early days of whaling, whalers often went home empty handed and whales only became endangered when the harpoon gun and radar were introduced into whaling. and how were the wales supposed to know the whalers meant them harm? and unless whalers went after the same pod, how would they lean from experience?
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Re: Areas where you'd respectfully disagree with Chuck

Post by clearspira »

Dragon Ball Fan wrote: Thu Sep 06, 2018 11:28 pm another thing. in the Star Trek IV review, when he questioned whales being smarter then humans since they keep getting killed by humans. that's a bit unfair, in the early days of whaling, whalers often went home empty handed and whales only became endangered when the harpoon gun and radar were introduced into whaling. and how were the wales supposed to know the whalers meant them harm? and unless whalers went after the same pod, how would they lean from experience?
I maintain that if you are smart enough to build an interstellar probe capable of completely defeating the Federation and the Klingons, then you are smart enough to find a way to communicate to others the dangers of a harpoon gun. If not, then you are either not as smart as us and/or there is no possible way this whole scenario makes sense. Which of course it doesn't for every reason that Chuck stated.
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Re: Areas where you'd respectfully disagree with Chuck

Post by Dragon Ball Fan »

clearspira wrote: Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:13 am
Dragon Ball Fan wrote: Thu Sep 06, 2018 11:28 pm another thing. in the Star Trek IV review, when he questioned whales being smarter then humans since they keep getting killed by humans. that's a bit unfair, in the early days of whaling, whalers often went home empty handed and whales only became endangered when the harpoon gun and radar were introduced into whaling. and how were the wales supposed to know the whalers meant them harm? and unless whalers went after the same pod, how would they lean from experience?
I maintain that if you are smart enough to build an interstellar probe capable of completely defeating the Federation and the Klingons, then you are smart enough to find a way to communicate to others the dangers of a harpoon gun. If not, then you are either not as smart as us and/or there is no possible way this whole scenario makes sense. Which of course it doesn't for every reason that Chuck stated.
Earth whales didn't build the probe, space whales did. besides, I'm countering Chuck's skepticism of the intelligence of whales in real life.
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Re: Areas where you'd respectfully disagree with Chuck

Post by clearspira »

Dragon Ball Fan wrote: Fri Sep 07, 2018 10:54 am
clearspira wrote: Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:13 am
Dragon Ball Fan wrote: Thu Sep 06, 2018 11:28 pm another thing. in the Star Trek IV review, when he questioned whales being smarter then humans since they keep getting killed by humans. that's a bit unfair, in the early days of whaling, whalers often went home empty handed and whales only became endangered when the harpoon gun and radar were introduced into whaling. and how were the wales supposed to know the whalers meant them harm? and unless whalers went after the same pod, how would they lean from experience?
I maintain that if you are smart enough to build an interstellar probe capable of completely defeating the Federation and the Klingons, then you are smart enough to find a way to communicate to others the dangers of a harpoon gun. If not, then you are either not as smart as us and/or there is no possible way this whole scenario makes sense. Which of course it doesn't for every reason that Chuck stated.
Earth whales didn't build the probe, space whales did. besides, I'm countering Chuck's skepticism of the intelligence of whales in real life.
Firstly, I am going to attach the exact same statement to real life life whales as I just did to the Trek whales: if you cannot communicate ''stay away from X'' after a century of being nearly driven to extinction then your intelligence level is crappy.
Secondly, how does the phrase ''space whale'' solve any of these problems at all? Did the Earth whales regress in intelligence by a factor of a million? Did they completely lose all of their tool making appendages since landing? If space whales and Earth whales are so different, why do they even care what has happened to them and why did they not react sooner? How were the space whales communicating with the Earth whales to the point that they could lose contact when they went extinct? Clearly whale song isn't an interstellar broadcasting system.
''Space whale'' is a classic example of the Voodoo Shark.
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Re: Areas where you'd respectfully disagree with Chuck

Post by Darth Wedgius »

Dragon Ball Fan wrote: Thu Sep 06, 2018 11:28 pm and unless whalers went after the same pod, how would they lean from experience?
Communication? I know whales don't have a written system of communication, but couldn't word of mouth spread news of an existential threat? Just "stay away from ships" might be good advice.
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Re: Areas where you'd respectfully disagree with Chuck

Post by Dragon Ball Fan »

Darth Wedgius wrote: Fri Sep 07, 2018 9:28 pm
Dragon Ball Fan wrote: Thu Sep 06, 2018 11:28 pm and unless whalers went after the same pod, how would they lean from experience?
Communication? I know whales don't have a written system of communication, but couldn't word of mouth spread news of an existential threat? Just "stay away from ships" might be good advice.
how would they now witch ships to stay away from since whales still come up to ships, whalers or not?

and I'd still like to know if the episode "Valiant" would have worked if the cadets were mature beyond their years like in The Lion Guard as I asked above before the whale thing.
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