Beast Wars: Before the Storm

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
Fuzzy Necromancer
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Re: Beast Wars: Before the Storm

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

Maybe it's just the haze of childhood nostalgia, but i remember the Vok being, well...lovecraftian things, awe-inspiring in their elemental strangeness. They impressed me less as characters than as an inscrutable cosmic force.
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Re: Beast Wars: Before the Storm

Post by phantom000 »

Ghilz wrote:
Wargriffin wrote:The Vok pretty much only show up three times in the show proper and each time is a massive game changer with over arcing consequences
The Vok actions have big IMPACTS, but as characters, they are boring. You could replace them with anything doing basically the same thing they are doing (Quintessons or whatever) and the story would barely change.
LOL, when i saw the show on TV i thought they were the Quintessons.

Yeah, as characters they are not that great, as a plot device though they are perfection! I mean they are just supposed to be a dues ex-machina to explain their new forms in season 2 but the build up and the pay off are done perfectly! If you want to see a show that does the whole 'like onto an amoeba' thing and make it interesting, check out this episode because it really works.
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Re: Beast Wars: Before the Storm

Post by Serapham »

phantom000 wrote:
LOL, when i saw the show on TV i thought they were the Quintessons.
Same. :D
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Re: Beast Wars: Before the Storm

Post by Archanubis »

Starsong wrote:I loved it when he talked to his dino head. I always assumed the T-rex head had the T-rex brain. It was like Megatron's pet and really who else is he going to talk to. The rest are probably stupider then the T-rex.
I always took it as a nod to the "right hand cat" Bond villians sometimes had.

And this won't be the last time Megatron has a hand that appears to have a mind of its own. ;)

As for the Vok, I believe there was supposed to be a payoff with what became "Other Victories," which was originally going to be a three-parter that tied up the Vok arc and explained not only who and what they were, but why Tarantulas hated them so much. Unfortunately, between the introduction of Tigerhawk (whom Hasbro apparently couldn't make up their minds whether or not they wanted to make a toy of) and the decision to end the series, much of it was apparently abandoned. Not to mention that the show runners, Bob Forward and Larry DiTillo, apparently couldn't agree on what the Vok were.
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