Winter wrote: ↑Sun Dec 02, 2018 2:57 am
A classic has to be something that strikes a cord with several people even after several years have past, 5 to 10 being the main marker.
A Good example of a comic book that is still seen as a classic The Dark Phoenix Saga from the X-Men. This is a story that is so well known that it has been adapted no less then 3 times and was alluded to in other X-men adaptations even if they never got around to making it. TDPS is almost 40 years old at this point and it is still very much remembered and talked about much in the same way the Original Star Trek series is.
Same thing for the MCU movies I mentioned, they may have a few flaws but their likely going to still be remembered years, if not decades from now, because their stories struck a cord with so many people.
To contrast this take a look at the Michael Bay Transformer movies. These films are, to quote Shakespeare, a tale told by a idiot. Full of sound and fury signifying Nothing. And as the years rolled on they were eventually forgotten as all they did was say a few dumb things, had a few people yelling their lines and some ok action scenes. Today all anyone remembers about them is that they are awful movies but good luck finding anyone who can remember one line of dialogue, anyone's character arc or even what it all looked like.
Take this in contrast with the Original Transformers Cartoon as despite being effectively a 20 minute toy commercial it is still remembered to this day. Everyone knows who Optimus Prime, Megatron and Starscream are, even if they never saw the show itself. Even one knows what Cybertron, Energon and the Matrix of Leader Ship is and can likely describe what it they all look like even if, again, they've never seen any of it.
The reason one has stood the test of time, despite being a bit dated, while the other has been mostly forgotten despite both being part of the same franchise is because the latter gave us characters we cared about while the other only gave us characters we never could care about.
To close this bit out, when I say "I am Iron Man", "I can do this all day", "I am Loki of Asgard", "Is it to late to change the name?" "Cause if we can't protect the earth you can be damn well sure we'll Avenge it" "Puny God" "This, does put a smile on my face" "You get hurt, hurt 'em back. You get killed... walk it off." "Activating instant kill." "Teach me" "We know each other! He's a friend from work!" "I don't know if you've been in a fight before but there's usually not this much talking." "Just a typical homecoming, on the outside of an invisible jet, fighting my girlfriend's dad." "You walked right into this one. I've dated hotter chicks than you." "Doth mother know you weareth her drapes?" and "I thought he'd be taller."
I'm pretty sure that I don't need to tell you who said these lines you all know who said what which film it was said in.
Now quote one line from the Transformer movies that wasn't said in the original cartoon.
And yes I'm a fan of comics, along with games, movies and TV Shows (not much of a novel reader due to dyslexia), cause I love stories.