Brexit Rambles

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Re: Brexit Rambles

Post by Yukaphile »

No, nothing justifies being a bully. And their long history of suffering doesn't justify what they've done to others. And their complete lack at an ability to own up to it. The world is what WE make of it. Plain and simple.
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Re: Brexit Rambles

Post by LittleRaven »

The EU is now tightening the screws.
Speaking at the G20 summit in Argentina, Donald Tusk said there was no other deal on offer and the only options were to remain in the EU or leave with no deal.

“The European Union has just agreed an orderly divorce with the United Kingdom,” he said. “A few days before the vote in the House of Commons it is becoming more and more clear that this deal is the best possible, in fact the only possible one.

“If this deal is rejected in the Commons, we are left with, as was already stressed a few weeks ago by prime minister May, an alternative. No deal or no Brexit at all. I want to reassure you that the EU is prepared for every scenario.”
Personally, I can't imagine any British person actually signing on to May's deal. Even if you think that Brexit is a terrible idea, May's "deal" is ridiculous. Which leaves us with 2 painful choices, either crash out or cancel Brexit. Now cancelling it might be the better option, if that can actually be worked out, which I suspect is easier said than done.
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Re: Brexit Rambles

Post by Antiboyscout »

LittleRaven wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 7:08 pm The EU is now tightening the screws.
Speaking at the G20 summit in Argentina, Donald Tusk said there was no other deal on offer and the only options were to remain in the EU or leave with no deal.

“The European Union has just agreed an orderly divorce with the United Kingdom,” he said. “A few days before the vote in the House of Commons it is becoming more and more clear that this deal is the best possible, in fact the only possible one.

“If this deal is rejected in the Commons, we are left with, as was already stressed a few weeks ago by prime minister May, an alternative. No deal or no Brexit at all. I want to reassure you that the EU is prepared for every scenario.”
Personally, I can't imagine any British person actually signing on to May's deal. Even if you think that Brexit is a terrible idea, May's "deal" is ridiculous. Which leaves us with 2 painful choices, either crash out or cancel Brexit. Now cancelling it might be the better option, if that can actually be worked out, which I suspect is easier said than done.
The EU IS going to collapse. No deal is better than going back in.
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Re: Brexit Rambles

Post by Yukaphile »

The EU is all that stands between European independence and Russian conquest.
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Re: Brexit Rambles

Post by LittleRaven »

Backsies are allowed! Probably.
The UK should be able to unilaterally cancel its withdrawal from the EU, according to a top European law officer.

The non-binding opinion was delivered by an advocate general of the European Court of Justice.

A group of Scottish politicians has asked the court whether the UK can call off Brexit without the consent of other member states.

The Court of Justice (ECJ) will deliver its final ruling at a later date.
Now, just because they CAN doesn't mean they WILL, but it does expand the available options.
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Re: Brexit Rambles

Post by Madner Kami »

It's still the greatest laughing matter I can think of right now. I sincerely wish for the UK to loose some of it's spechul rights, when they decide to call off BrExit, both as penance for the damage they did to both themselves and the EU at large, as well as a means of eliminating specialties in a community of theoretical equals.
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Re: Brexit Rambles

Post by Karha of Honor »

Madner Kami wrote: Tue Dec 04, 2018 8:16 pm It's still the greatest laughing matter I can think of right now. I sincerely wish for the UK to loose some of it's spechul rights, when they decide to call off BrExit, both as penance for the damage they did to both themselves and the EU at large, as well as a means of eliminating specialties in a community of theoretical equals.
The EU is not at fault at all?
Yukaphile wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 9:39 pm The EU is all that stands between European independence and Russian conquest.
Based on what?
Yukaphile wrote: Wed Nov 21, 2018 8:26 pm Because they haven't addressed the problems inherent in a conservative religious patriarchy. Have you seen their law enforcement? It's like the West in the 1950s. Look at Patrick Stewart's own family to get a clear idea what I mean, where his father regularly brutalized his mother, and when she'd bloodied call the police, they did nothing to stop it. I don't want to see Putin suppressing truth and freedom in Europe, especially regarding what their own soldiers did 70 years ago, or what they'd do today. I am completely convinced people like Putin and who they got in their leadership positions wouldn't step in today to stop it any more than they did and should have seven decades ago. It's like I said, the West has changed, they have not. Though I'd also argue that the US hasn't changed as much as we think we have.
You did not explain how they are gonna attack Europe and why. I guess Patrick Stewart's dad will lead the charge or something. Also qoute me every once in a while or don't debate me.
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Re: Brexit Rambles

Post by LittleRaven »

Can one of our resident Brit experts break this down for me?

Theresa May get drubbed 3 times in Commons.
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Re: Brexit Rambles

Post by TGLS »

The long and the short of it. May has brought the Brexit deal to parliament, which needs to pass it in order for it to go into effect. Because it is a big deal, there is going to be a debate about it first, and a few motions happened over the course of today.
1) The Government was found in contempt for not handing over to parliament any legal advice related to the Brexit deal. This is a big deal because the government being held in contempt of parliament hasn't happened ever. Now the privileges committee will decide which ministers to punish, and how to punish them.
2) Shortly before this, the Government proposed a amendment to the previous motion to let the privileges committee decide to find the government in contempt to begin with. It failed.
3) Parliament later passed a motion to allow parliament to have more influence in whatever the government decides to do if the deal doesn't pass parliament.
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Re: Brexit Rambles

Post by LittleRaven »

Much appreciated.
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