Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri

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Re: Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri

Post by Wargriffin »

ORCACommander wrote:And then there was the lackluster reboot called beyond earth. I kinda wish they protyped the civ 6 engine on it instead of the mainline title. the faction and diplo aspect of it felt weak

Well one most of Beyond Earth's Factions are slightly tweaked versions of AC's with a few decent new takes

and 2: its not the 90s so everybody has a sterile, respectable presentation to them... which makes them all kinda bland. Which is really impressive since one of the factions is basically a younger Yang, not even trying to hide he isn't a Bond villain in charge of the XCOM project
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Re: Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri

Post by Robovski »

1. I don't think I've heard ''7'' in more than 20 years. Well done for dredging that back up Chuck.
2. Now I want to play again. Fortunately I can; I bought the GOG version years ago but I am in the middle of ME: Andromeda (but one night off couldn't hurt...)
3. Miriam is a pox on everything so you have to either play her or destroy her. She is literally the worst neighbor. Followed by the Santiago and Yang in that order.
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Re: Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri

Post by DisgruntleFairy »

I'm so glad Chuck reviewed what is quite possibly my favorite game.

I would love to see him discuss the expansion a little more. After all we need to discuss the Cyborgs. :)
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Re: Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri

Post by MithrandirOlorin »

Only Civilization game I've played is II. I still have my CD of it, but it won't install on my new Laptop which really annoys me.
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Re: Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri

Post by ChiggyvonRichthofen »

I haven't watched the review yet, but of course I'm looking forward to it.

Alpha Centauri has to be one of my most admired games. It had innovative, fun gameplay, par for the course for the Civ series. What really impresses is the story. You'd be hard-pressed to find a better story in a video game, especially within the limits of the 4x/strategy genre. It totally captures the feel of a classic, golden age sci-fi story (Arthur C. Clarke comes to mind).

Some of the lines/quotes in this game are just fantastic. While you do see characters that are basically villains (e.g. Yang), you get to see each character expound on his worldview in a way that's legitimately thought-provoking. Which, again, is pretty special for a work in a mode of entertainment that isn't usually known for its great writing.

As to Beyond Earth. I actually enjoyed the game, but being a decent, or even good, game on its own obviously doesn't cut it when it's the spiritual successor to an all-time classic and comes on the heels of a couple of other all-time classics within the franchise.
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Re: Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri

Post by Wargriffin »

The hilarious things is the Crossfire factions are EVEN worse

Hey you like have to slowly weed out Miriam's massive militant infestation... take that and apply WATER scouring every coastline, and then having to develop deep sea tech to deal with underwater bases
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Re: Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri

Post by Independent George »

Did Chuck pick Morgan just so he could do the 'Nigerian Prince' joke?

Well played, Chuck. Well played.
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Re: Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri

Post by StrangeDevice »

That first contact with Voice was wonderfully eerie, nice job.

I love the diversity of the factions for this game, it's very rare that you get so many differing ideologies in such great quantities for the same product. I'm a big fan of the end game changer that Planet is ultimately alive. Biotechnology and cyberpunk were concepts being explored quite thoroughly in nineties science fiction, so it was nice that it got a look-in and a genius loci is a nice way of shaking up what could ultimately turn into a stale game. It's also very Clarkian in its application of mysticism and transcendence as an attainable goal and transhumanism is always a fascinating subject to delve into. After all, it would probably take only two centuries or so before those who first colonised Mars considered themselves disparate from Earth. They would likely still consider themselves human, but technological divergences could lead to their concept of "human" becoming very different from that of Earth's.
Crowley wrote:I would say for game mechanics it's overall like a speed-up function for feeling the repercussions for pursuing high-intensity industry that causes considerable ecological damage that would normally take a century or two show any serious effects, and even longer to fix. And that's not getting into the more fanficul science fiction aspects of it.
Fanciful for the purposes of storytelling certainly, but it's not unreasonable at its core to suppose that humanity would encounter an organism larger than itself that grows and learns -- over however long a period -- to communicate with us. Not likely through voice, but some other method perhaps or maybe that's anthropocentric thinking.
The Romulan Republic wrote:It occurred to me, watching this, that the Alliance from "Firefly" (which has a similar backstory in some respects) comes across a lot like an alliance between the Chinese legalist faction under Yang, and the capitalists under Morgan.
Which has more than a few utilitarian shades of the Federation from Blake's 7 and the Peacekeepers from Farscape, although not to either extent.
The Romulan Republic wrote:The eco. one sounds like too narrow a focus.
It depends on how you play them. It's an extremely good faction for building, not so much for conquering (given their ideology, I'll file that under "Duh."), but you can supplement a great deal of your rather meagre military units with contingents of native lifeforms; i.e. the worms. That's what I love about this game (I usually play as Zakharov), you don't need to go in and smash everything in sight in order to win. Even if you're playing a role that leans heavier on conquest like Yang, you can win through technological, diplomatic or economic means instead.
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Re: Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri

Post by Fixer »

It's a shame we didn't get to see Chuck do a winning playthrough.

Personally I was always a University of Planet guy, because SCIENCE!

First playthrough was the best. There were a lot of awesome little triggers to events in the game. The first psion that I got controlling the mind worms turned out to be Zharkov's love interest, and when the unit got killed attacking a believer's city, there was another text scrawl later when we took it with other forces where he stalked the burned out halls getting his revenge and renamed the colony after her.

I'd have loved a little more coverage into those fantastically quotable technology and social advances. Alpha Centauri's futuristic setting gave you the option of some nicely utopian or dystopian advances. Admittedly I did get the self aware colony for University. Drones were always trouble. Made up for it with some tree hugging later.

Main thing for me was always getting Hunter Killer Algorithm. Pesky hackers always trying to steal my shiny tech.
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Re: Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri

Post by Valikdu »

Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.
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