A look at Garak (DS9)

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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Re: A look at Garak (DS9)

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Ah. I didn't know that. I've never really watched the Animated Series, just the live-action shows.
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Re: A look at Garak (DS9)

Post by Evilpossessed666 »

I tought everyone was to discuss the ''A look at Garak'' - for me it's obligatory to have 'A stitch in time' in the booklist to be read.

From the book and several episodes, I believe (after seeing every episode where Garak appears) that actor Andrew J. Robinson delivered the character in the best possible way. If you remember Garak when he tortured Odo - when he talks with Enabran about the time when he tortured the doctor someone - and all he did was to stand in front and look at him in the eye for several minutes until the doctor broke and started telling everything.

Watching all the episodes you can see clearly that from that point in the series, actor Andrew J. Robinson took the special care to have his eyes wide open and not blinking while filming.

Check it and count how many times does he blink in his scenes :)

The mark of an autentically GREAT actor adding his personal touch to an already magnificient character.
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Re: A look at Garak (DS9)

Post by CareerKnight »

I remember before the release of Star Trek online they had a series of lore updates (no idea if they are still available anywhere) covering the time up to the year the game was set in. In it I recall that it was revealed that Cardassia had been so devastated by the Dominion that even Federation and Ferengi where having a hard time getting them back on their feet. I also believe one of the post was an interview (I believe by Jake) of Garak on Cardassia, in which it was revealed he was still a humble tailor helping out his world in his own small way and definitely not an important member (or even the head of) a new Obsidian Order.
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Re: A look at Garak (DS9)

Post by Eishtmo »

I don't think this is what you're talking about, but it's the only thing in game I know that talks about the interim years:

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Re: A look at Garak (DS9)

Post by CareerKnight »

Yeah that's not it, though its probably based on it. It was out of game, hosted on the official site, and was completed before the beta began I think. It also had a few additions like the above mentioned Garak interview.
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Re: A look at Garak (DS9)

Post by Eishtmo »

Yeah, they're really bad at keeping the game lore accessible. Recent stories are posted on the site blog, which gets cleaned out every 6 months or so, which means they vanish without a trace. Very annoying.
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Re: A look at Garak (DS9)

Post by drthmik »

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Re: A look at Garak (DS9)

Post by Tonesthegeek »

Garak's origins and his ultimate fate will likely remain a mystery. It's been my observation that some questions in a story are more valuable to the plot when left unanswered. After all when the Firefly comics gave us Shepard Book's officially cannon origin, I was actually left disappointed and even angry that the one chance to reveal it was squandered. Any official answer to Garak's questions could be underwhelming and diminish the character since that sense of mystery is his strongest trait.

With all that said however, if indeed I had to speculate on Garak's fate after the end of DS9, I'd imagine something simple. He wouldn't become head of the central command or a new Obsidian order, those were elements of the old Cardassia that was now gone. A growing subplot throughout the series was that there are plenty of Cardassians who believe their people needed to change, to move away from a totalitarian militarized state, to a more democratic and peaceful one. With so many people killed because of decisions made by military dictators, a civilian government would rise from the ashes and begin creating a new Cardassia, not too dissimilar to post-war Japan.

Garak would likely be approached to be part of this new government or at least serve as an advisor, but I'd imagine he'd turn down such an offer on the basis that in his mind, his Cardassia was gone, and it's better for him to step aside and allow this new one to take its place. It would not necessarily mean he'd remain idle, I'd like to think he's secretly watching over the rise of the new Cardassia as it's silent protector. Having eyes and ears everywhere to monitor its progress as well as identify and perhaps dispose of potential threats that could lead Cardassia astray. It'd be fun to see Garak as a warm humble old man living peacefully in the country, having may or may not likely killed some Legit who was planning a military coo against the new Cardassia only just last week.
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