Is the left prepared to beat a socially liberal right?

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Karha of Honor
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Re: Is the left prepared to beat a socially liberal right?

Post by Karha of Honor »

The Romulan Republic wrote:
Agent Vinod wrote:
The Romulan Republic wrote:
Agent Vinod wrote:If you can move, switch jobs etc.. you are not oppressed.
Yeah, that's definitely feasible for, say, the average minimum wage single mother.

And move, yeah. Try leaving the country you're in, and the same Rightists who say that if you don't like the way things are you can leave, will scream about dirty criminal terrorists immigrants coming to take our jobs.

You take away peoples' options systematically, and then tell them they have freedom of choice.
How many?
Don't be facetious. You and I both know that its impossible to give a single hard number (other than "everybody").

Everyone is the victim of discrimination at some point in their lives. Everyone.

Some get it worse than others, and who gets it worse varies, and to what extent, varies by local, demographics, and political/cultural climate.
They scream less than almost any other country considering the makeup of US demographics and the long history of immigration into the US.
The US government under Trump is openly hostile to immigration from all quarters (though particularly Muslims). Do you deny this?
So the press and legsilatures need to do something about something that cannot be quantified in any way?
I did not say that it cannot be quantified in any way. I said that its a universal problem, and who is affected worst by it varies from one situation to another.

Also, I note that you did not address or refute my point about the lack of economic opportunity and choice in any way.
Yes i deny it because it's untrue.

I am not the one pushing a hyper vague oppression narrative that cannot be defined in any way.
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Re: Is the left prepared to beat a socially liberal right?

Post by TGLS »

Agent Vinod wrote: How IS IT AN OUTRIGHT CONTRADICTION? YOU DON;T DEFINE LEFT AND RIGHT Bight based around economics? You think a 100% socially conservative right elected Trump? The dems were terrible on civil liberties and yet they are socially liberal even if they are slipping into authoritarianism increasingly. I am not sure why civil liberties are part of the social liberal package minus the extreme restriction of them.
If you accept the argument that a pure free market is incompatible with liberty, then a socially liberal right is a contradiction (I don't).
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Karha of Honor
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Re: Is the left prepared to beat a socially liberal right?

Post by Karha of Honor »

TGLS wrote:
Agent Vinod wrote: How IS IT AN OUTRIGHT CONTRADICTION? YOU DON;T DEFINE LEFT AND RIGHT Bight based around economics? You think a 100% socially conservative right elected Trump? The dems were terrible on civil liberties and yet they are socially liberal even if they are slipping into authoritarianism increasingly. I am not sure why civil liberties are part of the social liberal package minus the extreme restriction of them.
If you accept the argument that a pure free market is incompatible with liberty, then a socially liberal right is a contradiction (I don't).
No ideology is compatible with complete liberty.
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