Brexit Rambles

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Re: Brexit Rambles

Post by Robovski »

This whole food argument is ludicrous fearmongering. While the US would welcome Airstrip One to the fold, we have a close relationship between our nations and peoples and trying to manipulate them to vassalhood through food exports won't fly well with either country - and as others have said, the UK has other options for food imports. Just from when I was living there I remember seeing Kenyan green beans, chili peppers from Israel, cherries from Chile, lamb from New Zealand... Yes, a lot of vegetables come from Spain where they squeeze out three harvests a year of some produce but they are cheap and relatively close. Domestically more land could be put under cultivation than currently, and more intensively if they wanted more domestic food security.
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Re: Brexit Rambles

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

clearspira wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 8:21 am
Darth Wedgius wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 4:42 am
Fuzzy Necromancer wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2019 9:35 pm Also the US and the UK have LOTS of incompatable food safety regulations.
For what it's worth, I'm not too worried about that. If it looks like people are going to be hungry, even the UK can suspend some regulations on food for a few years to get regulations aligned.
The biggest difference I am aware of is that you wash your eggs in chlorine which is very dangerous as it can remove the protective coating. We sell our eggs with remnants of poo and feathers on them as that is actually safer (not a joke).
That is the big one. Here it's illegal to sell unwashed eggs.
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Re: Brexit Rambles

Post by Madner Kami »


The day the british parliament broke and the day BrExit was put into a coma and nobody noticed it yet.

A back-bencher brought forward an amandment to the question posted by May and the Conservatives, on whether the UK should leave the UK without a Deal. The amandment said, that the UK will not leave until a deal was agreed on. It was put up for a vote and got accepted. Theresa May, for reasons that should be obvious for anyone that pays attention (but clearly isn't, given the result), called her own party to vote against her own motion in order to prevent that amandment from making it through. Her own ministers refused and voted for the motion, thus effectively the ministers voted against their own prime-minister, which means they need to resign, as is custom in the UK.

Long story short: The british parliament voted for a motion, that the UK is not going to leave the EU, unless they agreed on a post-BrExit deal with the EU.
The EU still has a say in that matter, as they could reject the upcoming request to postpone the BrExit factually indefinitly, but given that the EU has absolutely no interest in a No-Deal-BrExit, we know how they will decide. Thus, until a deal can be found and we all know how likely that is, BrExit is indefinitly postponed. A Monty Python sketch could not be more brilliant.

For those who want a more in-depth view on what happened, I recommend watching this video:

Theresa May Breaks Parliament in Brexit Shambles Vote

I'll now return to my floor and continue laughing maniacally while rolling around.
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Re: Brexit Rambles

Post by Darth Wedgius »

Madner Kami wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2019 9:32 pm PFFFFRRRRTHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

The day the british parliament broke and the day BrExit was put into a coma and nobody noticed it yet.

I thought the UK had to be out by March 29th ?
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Re: Brexit Rambles

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

I'd laugh if my country was in better hands, but uh, glass houses and all that.
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Re: Brexit Rambles

Post by Admiral X »

Maybe I'll don my tin foil hat and suggest that the Remainers in Parliament have contrived a way to undermine the outcome of the vote. They know that if a deal can't be worked out, then "no deal" is the default and because of the vote, they must leave. But by putting through this motion and passing it, they've taken that default off the table, and have backed themselves into a corner because the only "deal" the EU has put forward is to punish the UK for leaving by effectively making them into a vassal state, effectively undoing everything that the Brexiters voted to achieve to begin with. And since any extension would be ridiculously expensive because of the EU, and ultimately pointless since Italy has said they will refuse to allow it, things are set up to force the UK to remain, thus undermining the vote and showing just what they think of democracy in the process. :rolleyes: If it were me, I think I'd be looking to clean house...
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Re: Brexit Rambles

Post by Draco Dracul »

Admiral X wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 5:13 am Maybe I'll don my tin foil hat and suggest that the Remainers in Parliament have contrived a way to undermine the outcome of the vote. They know that if a deal can't be worked out, then "no deal" is the default and because of the vote, they must leave. But by putting through this motion and passing it, they've taken that default off the table, and have backed themselves into a corner because the only "deal" the EU has put forward is to punish the UK for leaving by effectively making them into a vassal state, effectively undoing everything that the Brexiters voted to achieve to begin with. And since any extension would be ridiculously expensive because of the EU, and ultimately pointless since Italy has said they will refuse to allow it, things are set up to force the UK to remain, thus undermining the vote and showing just what they think of democracy in the process. :rolleyes: If it were me, I think I'd be looking to clean house...
I'm going to go with the much more simple explanation that a campaign based on lies and the EU bending over backwards to give into the UKs every demand was thrown into chaos when the EU inexplicable didn't bend over backwards and give into the UKs every demand.
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Re: Brexit Rambles

Post by Admiral X »

:lol: The EU has come right out and said that their only goal here has been to make an example out of the UK in order to dissuade other countries from trying to leave.
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Re: Brexit Rambles

Post by Madner Kami »

Admiral X wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 4:18 pm :lol: The EU has come right out and said that their only goal here has been to make an example out of the UK in order to dissuade other countries from trying to leave.
Citation needed.
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Madner Kami
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Re: Brexit Rambles

Post by Madner Kami »

Madner Kami wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 5:48 pm
Admiral X wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 4:18 pm :lol: The EU has come right out and said that their only goal here has been to make an example out of the UK in order to dissuade other countries from trying to leave.
Citation needed.
So no credible source available then, I presume? Thought so.
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