Babylon 5: Revelations

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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Babylon 5: Revelations

Post by TheGreenMan »

I swear I have seen this review before. Am I imagining things?

I finally got the "I'll be seeing you" line and the hand gesture! I have not re-watched these episodes since seeing The Prisoner. Nice.

And, hooray for the mini B5 marathon!
Last edited by TheGreenMan on Tue Mar 19, 2019 12:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Babylon 5: Revelations

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

Parts of it appeared in one of his condensed multi-episode reviews.

As for the finish...I'm not crying, you're crying!
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Re: Babylon 5: Revelations

Post by Yukaphile »

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Re: Babylon 5: Revelations

Post by Beelzquill »

I feel like an asshole typing this, but I felt the Feynman letter reading at the end was a little self indulgent. Then again, I've never lost a spouse so what do I know. No comment on the fat jokes this Sheridan's sister makes this time? I actually liked that Clark seemed like an accountant or something. It really made him seem like a schemer who really could get into politics.
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Re: Babylon 5: Revelations

Post by Yukaphile »

OMG, how long has it been since Chuck did an actual intro before the music rolled? Are they coming back? One can only hope!

"For being brave and multi-dimensional above and beyond the call!" :lol:

Haha, Chuck calls him "Mr. Morten!" Still, now I've advanced past the Shadow War and the fallout with the Vorlons (epic, especially "NOW GET THE HELL OUT OF OUR GALAXY!"), it's weird going back to him and the intrigue surrounding him... given I know his inevitable fate.


I do love Mr. Morden as a villain, though. It's strange seeing the actor, well... act here. He doesn't feel as refined as he'd get later.

Knew Chuck was gonna bring up this old WWII tale... eh. Moving on.

It's also weird hearing about Anna Sheridan given... well, I now know what happened to her too, used by the Shadows as fuel for their ship, and convinced him to come to Z'ha'dum. Yeah... wow, this brings back memories. Of a few months ago. :P

Ah, Na'Toth. Haven't seen her in a LONG time. :(

"Or a race having a mid-life crisis!" The snark here is glorious. :D

Didn't get the Doctor Who reference. :cry:

"Well, coincidentally, Londo is Centauri scum" NO YA THINK?! :mrgreen:

Oh God, seeing Talia again is just... tragic. The poor girl. >.< Though I've read there's hope. Kosh's shenanigans in Season 1 with her was just to get a scan of her brain so that he could transplant her old personality back, I think? Read that on TV Tropes.

This is one thing that always horrified me about B5. Spacing. It's the sci-fi equivalent of hanging someone. How is that legal in the 23rd century? It seems odd, though gives a bit of dark flavor to the show.

Awwww? Chuck didn't take the chance to make the obvious Trump joke with Clark? :(

I'll agree with Chuck here. As I advanced through B5, I really grew to like G'Kar, and his character growth. It finally hit me a while back that he was Tomalak from TNG, which... wow. And then to take him and turn him into a reforming holy man in this series? I'll agree with Chuck's word. It was inspired.

The reciting of the love letter at the end... well, it really should go into the TV Tropes "Heartwarming" section for SF Debris. I could feel the heartfelt emotions coming from a married man in there, and while a part of me is always jealous, a larger part of me is always happy to hear this kind of stuff. True love is so important, it should always be cherished like this. It makes me wonder if, in some ways, we've lost something, something sacred from the last seven decades of progress, that for all we've gained, something was also lost. Like this dude here writing love letters to his wife. How often do you see that anymore? No, it's all about dysfunctional families and... bleh.
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Re: Babylon 5: Revelations

Post by MixedDrops »

I haven't kept track, but when's the last time we got Babylon 5? Seems like it's been a while. Glad to see the schedule's full of it this month.

Honestly I'm really interested in seeing Chuck hit the movies sooner or later, though at this pace I'm sure that won't happen till we're in the same year as the show actually takes place.
Beelzquill wrote: Tue Mar 19, 2019 12:37 amI feel like an asshole typing this, but I felt the Feynman letter reading at the end was a little self indulgent. Then again, I've never lost a spouse so what do I know.
Eh, it's less that for me, and the fact that Chuck seems to bring up that anecdote pretty often, I think this might be the third or fourth time across his reviews. It's a nice story, it just isn't as interesting after you tell it that many times. :)
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Re: Babylon 5: Revelations

Post by Yukaphile »

Late 2018 or so.

Tbh, yeah, I agree. About the "bringing it up too many times" thing. Though this time was a bit unique in that he actually read the letter. So that was at least a nice warm moment.
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Re: Babylon 5: Revelations

Post by Sir Will »

To be fair, one of the times it was brought up was in the 'Meet John Sheridan' overview video. Makes sense he'd bring it up again when reviewing the actual episode. And expanded on it at the end with the letter, which is fine with me.
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Re: Babylon 5: Revelations

Post by Yukaphile »

He also did so in "The Bonding" review.
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Re: Babylon 5: Revelations

Post by Steve »

Yukaphile wrote: Tue Mar 19, 2019 12:56 am This is one thing that always horrified me about B5. Spacing. It's the sci-fi equivalent of hanging someone. How is that legal in the 23rd century? It seems odd, though gives a bit of dark flavor to the show.
Uh, by comparison, hanging is really merciful. A properly-executed hanging from a gallows breaks the neck immediately.

You may be thinking of strangulation hanging, where such a drop isn't done, or when a gallows hanging is botched (as happened at Nuremburg, when a veteran executioner "managed" to cause several Nazis to strangle to death over minutes. Either the executioner decided that death was too merciful, or Providence did).
Awwww? Chuck didn't take the chance to make the obvious Trump joke with Clark? :(
1) Low-hanging fruit.

2) Clark is way too low key to be compared to Trump. Actually, his being a barely-seen non-entity despite becoming Earth's fascist dictator is somewhat fitting given what we do see of him. He's not a charismatic man, he's a backstabbing little man with delusions who, from all appearances, preferred to act in the shadows and not be public. Trump is many things, and I'd agree they share narcissism, but Trump is way too adoring of the spotlight.
How often do you see that anymore? No, it's all about dysfunctional families and... bleh.
Dysfunctional families = angst and conflict, which = DRAMA{/i] to many creative minds.
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