What is everyone thoughts on the 13 doctor.

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What is everyone thoughts on the 13 doctor.

Post by Thebestoftherest »

Curious if there a consist here or not.
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Re: What is everyone thoughts on the 13 doctor.

Post by sayla0079 »

I think she has alot of potential, can't give a good opinion till her run is completly over.
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Re: What is everyone thoughts on the 13 doctor.

Post by Robovski »

There may well not be, but I'll start the ball rolling.

Point One: I don't care that The Doctor is female in this iteration.
Point Two: My enthusiasm for New Who has been waning for years.

With those points in consideration I can say so far it's been boring. This may have been in large part to writing and the stories, but I don't really know what makes this Doctor who they are. The Sonic is front and center, often being used as a scanner. The Doctor seems to be less knowledgeable about the things she runs into than she used to be in previous incarnations. But personality-wise? Meh. The only real trait I could say is that there is some enthusiasm with the new, which is fine but not much to work with. I watched the season with my girlfriend who had not watch Who before - I think she mostly put up with it so we'd have something to watch together and didn't get the impression she thought it was great television either.
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Re: What is everyone thoughts on the 13 doctor.

Post by clearspira »

Putting aside my personal feelings towards the politics, I find her to be rather Milquetoast. Only her genitals make her stand out against the other Doctors. I find her to be a microcosm of Who in general: a show that has gone on too long and could probably do with a retool or a hiatus so it can start producing some original content again.
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Re: What is everyone thoughts on the 13 doctor.

Post by Yukaphile »

You posted twice... in General Discussion and here...

@clearspira Sounds like what happened with Trek in the 1990s/2000s. The scary part is that if my inverse theory holds true, that means STD and similar Trek-related works will improve if Who is cancelled... and after the way it's raped the franchise, I don't want STD to be incorporated into the canon. I just want it to be left forgotten. If it improves, the odds of cancellation are low. Damn it, Who, you're my last hope!
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Re: What is everyone thoughts on the 13 doctor.

Post by PerrySimm »

Generally positive. The overall energy level seems to have been declining since Ten, so it's nice to see an excitable Doctor again.
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Re: What is everyone thoughts on the 13 doctor.

Post by TheOneTrueJack »

I think Whittaker has the potential to be really great, but I feel like the writing is holding her back.Quiet frankly, I don't think Chibnall understands the Doctor as a character or their appeal. Or at the very least, his version of the Doctor and mine differ greatly.

Unfortunately, due to the precedence of Doctors leaving with their showrunner, we're unlikely to see her written by anywhere else. Of course this could all be turned around next series.
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