Upcoming Films

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Re: Upcoming Films

Post by Ordo »


Should be good fun.
The Romulan Republic
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Re: Upcoming Films

Post by The Romulan Republic »

For some reason, I've never really connected with the Thor films, though Ragnarok looks more interesting than the earlier ones, perhaps.

Marvel, for me, basically goes something like this:

-Iron Man 3/Guardians of the Galaxy.

-Doctor Strange/Winter Soldier.


-Age of Ultron.

-Boring/mediocre films (though I guess Iron Man gets some points for basically starting the whole thing off).

Edit: Actually, forgot to put Civil War in its place at the very bottom. Yeah, I know a lot of people like it. Me, I thought it was a mess that didn't know what kind of movie it wanted to be, tried to be lighthearted in a way that clashed with its very serious premise, and never put much thought into its plot or the consequences of its characters' actions.

It had all the flaws of Batman v Superman without the strengths.

Though I did love Black Panther, and the villain was at least a fairly original one for a superhero blockbuster, having no real powers or grand plot for world domination or destruction (which I guess they could get away with because they had the heroes fighting each other for the big action scenes).
Last edited by The Romulan Republic on Sat Apr 22, 2017 11:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Upcoming Films

Post by Ordo »

Interesting, I don't see many people listing Iron Man 3 that high on their lists.

For myself I've enjoyed most of the Marvel films. Thor's mixture of science and magic appeals to me personally. Taking the heart of a Dwarf star and forging it into Mjolnir sounds like the kind of thing Time Lords would do. It also had some some fantastic actors I really wanted to see more from...like Irdis Elba as Hemidall.
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Re: Upcoming Films

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Eh, its been a while since I saw it, so maybe I'd feel differently now, but I think that most of the complaints against Iron Man 3 boil down to the Mandarin not being like the comics version, which... really, what did people expect? A cliche evil Chinese guy named the Mandarin? Good luck with the Chinese market then, for a start.

They took it in a different direction, but the films are their own continuity, comics continuity is a mess anyway, and the film should be judged on its own merits as a film, and on how well it fits with the rest of the MCU.

Tony Stark giving up the suite was the biggest problem, given that he had to be back in action for AoU and Civil War, but that's the problem with trying to maintain the status quo while still having meaningful change in a big franchise, especially when you have multiple directors and writers who are clearly not all on the same page.

See also Winter Soldier's implicit shipping of Cap and Black Widow, for example, while Whedon was pushing Black Widow/Hulk.
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Re: Upcoming Films

Post by Ordo »

With Cap and Black Widow I took that relationship as Platonic in Winter Soldier due to Widow trying to set Cap up with other women. Natasha's relationship to Steven having similar aspects to the one she shares with Hawk-eye.
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Re: Upcoming Films

Post by Ordo »


Last time around.
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Re: Upcoming Films

Post by Nessus »

Cast looks good. Knew about Idris Elba, but not Mcconaughey (I don't usually bother following the behind the scenes news/rumors about these things). Both choices I would not have expected, but are actually really good IMO. Also like the emphasis on Roland's world visibly not being Earth.

Looks like the story has been completely put in a blender and mixed with a bunch of generic YA fantasy stuff though. Apart from a few bits, it looks unrecognizable. I would have thought the natural way to do TDT would be a series of movies a-la Harry Potter, but it looks like they're trying to awkwardly condense the whole thing into one? Not sure how that could possibly work, given the sheer variety of the books.

Speaking of Stephen King:


Supposedly it's being split into two movies: the first will be all the kid time period stuff, and the second will be the adult time period stuff. Which TBH, I'd agree is probably the best way to do it in a theatrical movie context. Time periods have been bumped up so the part with the kids is in the 80's and the part with the adults is today. Apart from the whole 80's fetishism pop-culture seems to be going though right now (which as someone old enough to remember the 80's I find a bit surreal), this does make sense to me. And as a funny meta bonus, it's perfectly in sync with the quarter-century cycle of the book and miniseries, bumped forward by one.

Not much to go on yet, but what's there looks good, IMO. Will be interesting to compare it to the old miniseries, which IMO was a really good adaptation overall (minus the flat 90's style TV cinematography, and some occasionally dodgy acting), but really fell down at the climax(s). Guy who's playing Pennywise has his work cut out for him, following the likes of Tim Curry.
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Re: Upcoming Films

Post by Nessus »

This trailer's been out for a bit now, but it's another one I'm looking forward to:


This is one of those adaptations that could go so wrong so easily, but I'm kinda excited by how close/compatible a lot of stuff in the trailer is to how I saw things in my head reading the book.
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Re: Upcoming Films

Post by Ordo »

Nessus wrote:I would have thought the natural way to do TDT would be a series of movies a-la Harry Potter, but it looks like they're trying to awkwardly condense the whole thing into one? Not sure how that could possibly work, given the sheer variety of the books.
There's a reason I said 'Last Time Around' Mr. King has hinted that this is Roland's final cycle...the one where he get's it all right....so things won't happen as they did in the books.
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Re: Upcoming Films

Post by Ordo »

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