CharlesPhipps wrote: ↑Sat Sep 08, 2018 10:02 pm
Admiral X wrote: ↑Sat Sep 08, 2018 5:43 am
Apparently not "woke" enough to the complainers.
I think the complainer wanted to make sure the game WASN'T woke.
Or just not to pander to a small group of the perpetually offended.
I don't how this is a CDPR representative responding though. It's two default IGN forum accounts with the names blocked out.
Outside of that, punk has never been about oppression, or oppressors, or minorities. Punk was about anti-authoritarianism, deliberately causing offense, self expression above conformity if not outright anarchism.
Not conforming to what the "woke" crew demand you do and "not selling out" would be the punk thing to do here. Possibly while sticking up the V sign and yelling the most offensive vulgarity into their faces so loud their eardrums ring and they can feel the rain of spittle on their faces.
Punk was working class as well, you get someone like Johnny Rotten and he'd be pro Brexit and Trump just because it would upset the establishment.
Thread ends here. Cut along dotted line.